Tag: Rep. Kay Khan

  • Your government at work: keeping you away from nature

    Citing statutory “interests,” the Newton Conservation Commission has closed the hiking trail along the Charles River just downstream from Hemlock Gorge in Waban. Near the river with views of aquatic wildlife, the narrow trail had been enjoyed by residents for many decades. The Commission has replaced it with a newly blazed trail four feet wide…

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2006

    Annual Letter to Members, 2006

    In 2007, we will continue to work with the Department of Conservation and Recreation and its Urban Park Bureau. We will also continue our partnership with former Site Supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck, now a member of DCR management. We anticipate that a new Site Supervisor will be named in 2007. We hope you will share our…

  • 2001 Ladybug Release

    2001 Ladybug Release

    May 2, 2001 The long struggle to save the trees in Hemlock Gorge reached a turning point at 2:30 on Wednesday, May 2, 2001. At that time Massachusetts state forester Charlie Burnham and site supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck released the first of 10,000 ladybugs grown during the winter to combat the Woolly Adelgid. The insects, black,…

  • Adelgid Good News Flash

    Hemlock Gorge site supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck has just announced that the ladybugs grown during the winter to combat the Woolly Adelgid will be released in the reservation during the afternoon of Wednesday, May 2. A more exact time has not been announced, but may be obtained at the Friends’ regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May…

  • Adelgid Update: December, 2000

    On November 9, 2000, the Metropolitan District Commission voted to approve an interagency Service Agreement with the Department of Environmental Management to grow the ladybugs that are the natural predators of the hemlock woolly adelgids that are killing the reservation. Dr. Charles Burnham of DEM has made arrangements to grow up a stock of ladybugs…

  • Simply Wonderful News

    The Friends’ efforts to save our hemlocks from the woolly adelgid: We have learned that Governor Paul Cellucci’s veto of the $60,000 budget item we requested to grow and release ladybugs to safely combat the adelgids was overridden late on Monday, July 31, 2000 by the State Legislature! This means that the money needed to…

  • Hemlock Gorge on Channel 4

    Channel 4 Anchor Jack Williams did an op-ed column in the Herald and was contacted by Brian Yates. He filmed a story in Hemlock Gorge on Sunday with Brian and Charlie Burnham. It ran Sunday September 19 on the 6:30 and 11:00 o’clock news on Channel 4. Video tapes of the broadcast will be shown…

  • Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

    As most know by now, the wooly adelgid now threatens to kill all the Eastern Hemlocks in the reservation (and, indeed, all hemlock trees in the eastern U.S.). A tree typically lives only a few years after infestation. Working with the Friends, Representative Kay Kahn and Senator Cynthia Creem have petitioned MDC commissioner Balfour to…

  • Meeting Minutes: April 6, 1999

    Next Meeting: Tuesday May 4, 1999 at 7:15 Present were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Kevin Hollenbeck, Bobbi Demers, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell, Bruce Conrad, Carol McPherson, and Hannah Sherman. Brian showed letters from Sen. Creem to MDC chief David Balfour, urging the spending of money to combat the Woolly Adelgid. His reply indicated willingness to…