The Stone Building, also known as the Stone Barn, is a small, two-story building near the edge of the Hemlock Gorge reservation. It is one of the few remaining buildings of the Gorge’s industrial era, and the last industrial building located downstream. The restoration of the building has been a longtime agenda item of the Friends. This has included repairs and reconstruction of its roof, windows, lighting, landscaping, electrical system, foundation, flooring, and fencing.
The building has a dedicated section in Ken Newcomb’s Makers of the Mold, and is mentioned (but not named) in a chapter of Newcomb’s Walking Tour of Hemlock Gorge.
Updates on this topic:
Public comments on Stone Building due December 19th
On November 28th, DCR’s project team presented the preliminary design plans for the rehabilitation of the Ellis Stone Storehouse at…
Important Stone Building News
Rep. Balser is now working with the DCR and state authorities to move the restoration forward. Last year she was…
New Stone Building Railings
At our October, 2018 meeting, Evan Weststrate announced that fencing for the Stone Building project has been fabricated and installation…
Stone Building Windows News
The Stone Building windows and screens are installed. See pictures to the right and below. We are planning a dedication…
Stone Building News: 2008
November 11, 2008 At the November meeting, Site supervisor Erica Aubin1 announced that the new windows for the Stone Building have…
Stone Building Floor Installed
As announced previously, The Friends of Hemlock Gorge succeeded in our application for a Public-Private Partnership with the Department of…