
Who We Are

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge Reservation, a community organization founded in 1990 and dedicated to preserving and improving Hemlock Gorge.


501c3 approval letter from the IRS
501c3 approval letter from the IRS with EIN 83-4097058 on May 1, 2019

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge is now a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and contributions to the Friends are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Please consider contributing to The Friends of Hemlock Gorge for our work in 2023. A contribution in any amount is appreciated. Suggested annual dues are $10 for seniors, $15 for individuals, $25 for families, and $100 for angels. Our donations are managed through PayPal and go directly to our bank. For those who give $25 or more, we are offering as a give one of four gorgeous posters of Hemlock Gorge created by Friends’ Vice-President Evan Weststrate. To view the posters and make a $25 or greater donation, click here. To contribute without ordering a poster, just use the PayPal button here. Please note that we are recognized as a charity by PayPal and pay the lowest processing fee that is offered.

Getting involved

About the organization


PresidentJohn Mordes
Vice-PresidentEvan Weststrate
TreasurerRobin Dexter
SecretaryAmy Kahn
Stone Building Subcommittee ChairVaunita Schnell
Membership Coordinator and WebmasterBenjamin Kahn
Poet LaureateVacant
Officers for 2023, elected December 3, 2022

Board of Directors

Members of our Board of Directors are: Vaunita Schnell, City Councilor Bill Humphrey, Chris Osborne, and Rena Getz, in addition to the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer of the Friends who serve ex officio.

Historical Officers

PositionFormer Officer
Former PresidentsVaunita Schnell, Brian Yates
Former SecretariesHannah Sherman, Bonnie Pearson
Former HistorianKen Newcomb
Former Poet LaureateSarah Hannah