Tag: Lee Fisher

  • Meeting Minutes: March 5, 2024

    Meeting Minutes: March 5, 2024

    Attendees: Evan Weststrate, Paul Roberts, Sheila Purdy, Robin Dexter, Amy Kahn, Ben Kahn, Rena Getz, Lee and Jean Fisher (from FL!), Donald Ross, Bill Humphrey (from the UK!) Item 1: Treasury Report Item 2: 501(c)3 Filings State paperwork done for the year. Fed paperwork done. Transitioned from paper to electronic filing. $35 paid, plus $0.82…

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2020

    Annual Letter to Members, 2020

    Because of Covid-19, 2020 has been a year unlike any other for the Friends. Our last in-person meeting was in March. Since then we have met by Zoom, and our summer picnic was canceled.

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2018

    Annual Letter to Members, 2018

    Having managed to complete the installation of new railings by the Stone Building, we are still looking to make arrangements for the repair of the building’s roof. After a successful spring cleanup of the reservation, we had a spring picnic on the meadow on a fine day in August, the repairs to Cook’s Bridge having…

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2017

    Annual Letter to Members, 2017

    2017 was a rewarding year for the Friends 2018 promises to be even better.

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2016

    Annual Letter to Members, 2016

    2016 has been a challenging and exciting year for the Friends.

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2014

    Annual Letter to Members, 2014

    2014 has been a very productive year for the Friends.

  • Your government at work: keeping you away from nature

    Citing statutory “interests,” the Newton Conservation Commission has closed the hiking trail along the Charles River just downstream from Hemlock Gorge in Waban. Near the river with views of aquatic wildlife, the narrow trail had been enjoyed by residents for many decades. The Commission has replaced it with a newly blazed trail four feet wide…

  • Ken Newcomb Bench Dedication

    Ken Newcomb Bench Dedication

    The memorial to Ken Newcomb was made possible by financial contributions from many of his friends and family and by the unstinting volunteers who conceived and designed and transported the stone bench. To all of these thoughtful people, too numerous to list, the Friends extend their deepest gratitude. The Friends sited Ken’s memorial bench at…