Tag: DCR

  • Rep. Ruth Balser and DCR visit Stone Building

    Rep. Ruth Balser and DCR visit Stone Building

    Rep. Ruth Balser has been actively working to get the restoration of the Stone Building underway. Here is an excerpt from her latest letter to constituents

  • New Stone Building Railings

    New Stone Building Railings

    At our October, 2018 meeting, Evan Weststrate announced that fencing for the Stone Building project has been fabricated and installation is now complete. The new railings, shown in the photo below, taken during construction, are gorgeous. This project has been championed by Evan, who announced last December that the DCR approved our public-private partnership proposal…

  • Meeting Minutes: June 7, 2016

    Meeting Minutes: June 7, 2016

    Next Meeting: Tuesday September 6, 2016 at 7:30 Present were four representative from the DCR: Erica Aubin (Hemlock Gorge Site Supervisor), Lisa Barstow (DCR Director of Community Relations), Ken Gooch (DCR Forest Health Program Director) and Marti Rudi (DCR Boston Regional District Manager); also present were Friends’ President Brian Yates, Bob Burke, Jean Fisher, Evan…

  • Saving the Hemlock Trees Project

    Saving the Hemlock Trees Project

    Through the efforts of Bob Burke, a plan was made to treat the hemlock trees in the Reservation with an insecticide on Arbor Day, April 29. Jason Lupien of Lupien Tree Service was organizing the program to provide the labor at no cost, if the Friends could purchase the insecticide. See the minutes of our…

  • Meeting Minutes: April 5, 2016

    Next Meeting: Tuesday May 3, 2016 at 7:30 Present were Vaunita Schnell, Brian Yates, John Mordes, Robin Dexter, Evan Weststrate, Bob Burke and Jason Lupien. Issue 1: Bob Burke and Jason Lupien’s “Saving the Hemlock Trees” Project The main order of business was the proposal initiated by Bob Burke and Jason Lupien to treat some…

  • Spillway Dam Repair News: 2012

    June, 2012 Pre-construction meeting was held April 3 with Site Superviser Erica Aubin.  The tentative schedule is to put up the safety fencing early during the second week of April (Mon/Tues) and begin construction shortly after.  The Ellis Street/Route 9 corner will be fenced off through early July when the project is expected to be…

  • Your government at work: keeping you away from nature

    Citing statutory “interests,” the Newton Conservation Commission has closed the hiking trail along the Charles River just downstream from Hemlock Gorge in Waban. Near the river with views of aquatic wildlife, the narrow trail had been enjoyed by residents for many decades. The Commission has replaced it with a newly blazed trail four feet wide…

  • 2010 Summer Picnic Reflection

    This year’s annual picnic at Hamilton Place was an outstanding success! More than 50 people brought a picnic supper and a chair or blanket and kicked back by the Charles River to enjoy music by Broken Rose, a talented band performing classic rock and original music. Music was provided thanks to the generosity of Karen Osborne-Shanley…

  • Insect Alert: Asian Longhorned Beetle

    The Asian Longhorned Beetle has been found in Boston. Click here to read a message from the state, and a link to a Boston.com article (in their archives at https://bostonglobe.newspapers.com/image/444000781/?match=7&terms=beetle and https://bostonglobe.newspapers.com/image/444000935/?match=1&terms=beetle. Subscription required). Here is the gist of the news. In July, a small infestation of Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) was found in Jamaica…

  • 2010 Summer Picnic Announcement

    Tuesday, August 3rd Mark your calendar for this year’s annual picnic at Hamilton Place from 6pm to Dusk. Public welcome! Bring a picnic supper, your chair or blanket. Kick back by the Charles River and enjoy the music by Broken Rose, a talented band performing classic rock and original music. Thanks to the generosity of Karen…

  • Stone Building News: 2008

    Stone Building News: 2008

    November 11, 2008 At the November meeting, Site supervisor Erica Aubin1 announced that the new windows for the Stone Building have been fabricated and are just awaiting installation! Congratulations to Erica and DCR manager Kevin Hollenbeck for bringing this long planned effort close to a successful conclusion. Thanks also to John Sangiolo and Amy Mah Sangiolo…

  • Meeting Minutes: November 11, 2008

    Meeting Minutes: November 11, 2008

    Next Meeting: Tuesday December 2, 2008 at 7:30 The November meeting was unusual. We had been assured that, even though it was Veteran’s Day, the Emerson Community Center would be open. But it wasn’t, and the meeting was held in 40 degree temperatures in the parking lot! Nonetheless it was a great meeting. Present were…