Category: Minutes
Meeting Minutes: February 4, 2025
Attendees: Robin Dexter, Amy Kahn, John Mordes, Benjamin Kahn, Evan Weststrate Special Guest: Kathryn Howard
Meeting Minutes: January 7, 2025
Meeting Minutes: October 1, 2024
Attendees: Paul Roberts, Amy Kahn, Ben Kahn, Robin Dexter, Evan Weststrate, Ellen Katz, Deb Bentan, John Mordes, Greg Schwartz 1. Treasury Report $7054 in the account A bill is forthcoming for the website data transfer We owe $35 for Village Day tent. 2. Our Next Meeting =Our next meeting will be held via Zoom on…
Meeting Minutes: September 10, 2024
Attendees: Evan Weststrate, Amy Kahn, Ben Kahn, Paul Roberts, Juanita Dempsey 1. Treasury report No update 2. The August picnic report It was great! John sent Ben lots of pictures, but they are pretty small. Ben will follow up with John to request that they get put in the dropbox. Lots of attendees. We’ll do…
Meeting Minutes: June 4, 2024
Attendees: Amy Kahn, Robin Dexter, Benjamin Kahn, John Mordes, Donald Ross, Rena Getz, Paul Roberts, Katherine Howard Item 1: Treasury Report No changes since last time we checked in. Current balance: approximately $7200. Item 2: Changes to Website Administration After 29 years, John is stepping down as our website administrator. New administrator: Benjamin Kahn. FoHG…
Meeting Minutes: May 7, 2024
Attendees: Amy Kahn, Benjamin Kahn, Evan Weststrate John Mordes, Lara Preble, Paul Roberts, Robin Dexter, Sheila Purdy 1. Treasury Report $7057 in treasury. Spent $45 on pizza and waters for the last event. Evan needs a key to the USGS room. John will get it to him. Some new expenses coming re: the website. John…
Meeting Minutes: April 2, 2024
Attendees: John Mordes, Amy Kahn, Ben Kahn, Chris Masterman, Loumona Petroff, Rena Getz, Carol Laibson, Paul Roberts, Betsy Hewitt, Bill Humphrey, Bob Ellertsen, Don Ross, Robin Dexter, Evan Weststrate, Lara P Item 1: Plans for April Cleanups Our cleanup is scheduled for April 27. Evan will be covering for John, who will be away. Gloves,…
Meeting Minutes: January 9, 2024
Attendees: Amy Kahn, Ben Kahn, Donald Ross, Evan Weststrate, Jean Fisher, John Mordes, Lara Prebble, Rena Getz, Paul Roberts, Robin Dexter Congratulations, Rena, on starting your new position! Debate: 7 v. 7:15. The mystery is solved! We start at 7:15, but John starts the Zoom at 7. Item 1: Banners for Cleanups Paul: Need a…
Monthly Meeting Minutes November 5, 2023
The November meeting of the Friends was held over Zoom
Meeting Minutes 10/3/2023
The Friends held their monthly meeting at 7:15pm on Zoom. Evan Weststrate led the meeting, and minutes were recorded by same. No formal agenda was followed but the following topics were discussed:
Monthly Meeting Minutes 9/5/2023
Minutes The Friends met over Zoom, led by Evan Weststrate. Members in attendance were: Robin, Evan, Don, Emily, Jean, Rena, Loumona Treasurer’s Report: We have $7016 in our account. Issues discussed: The Summer Picnic was a success. Pictures were posted. Fall Cleanup: Scheduled for October 28. There was some confusion over the date, but the…
Minutes for December 6, 2022
Holiday Celebration: This was the year-end meeting which was both a formal meeting and holiday party. It was celebrated at the Osborne House and was catered by Better Life Foods, which gave the event a very gala atmosphere.