Meeting Minutes: October 2, 2018

Next Meeting: Tuesday November 13, 2018 at 7:30

Present were Evan Weststrate, Vaunita Schnell, Robin Dexter, Jean Fisher, Mrs. Jim Purdee, Lara Prebble who is a Wellesley College senior student, Brian Yates, and the Secretary pro tempore (John Mordes).

Jim Purdee’s retirement as Treasurer was made official, and Robin Dexter volunteered to take on the post.

The history of the Friends and our activities were reviewed for the benefit of Lara, who has undertaken an architecture senior project with a focus on Hemlock Gorge.

Regrets were expressed about Erica’s inability to attend our Tuesday meetings, particularly to follow up on concerns about signage, the meadow, and the upcoming cleanup.

Brian expressed hope that the visibility of the Friends could be enhanced by participation in Village Days and Newton Green Days.

The meeting adjourned at about 8:30.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Secretary pro tempore