Tag: Evan Weststrate
Annual Summer Picnic 2022
At this event we had our long delayed dedication of the new roof on the Stone Building and a ceremony to recognize Representative RUTH BALSER for making the new roof possible and for all the additional effort she has put in to supporting our efforts to maintain the Stone Building and the Park.
Annual Letter to Members, 2020
Because of Covid-19, 2020 has been a year unlike any other for the Friends. Our last in-person meeting was in March. Since then we have met by Zoom, and our summer picnic was canceled.
Annual End-of-Year Letter to Members, 2019
2019 was a year of transition and renewal and accomplishment for the Friends.
New Stone Building Railings
At our October, 2018 meeting, Evan Weststrate announced that fencing for the Stone Building project has been fabricated and installation is now complete. The new railings, shown in the photo below, taken during construction, are gorgeous. This project has been championed by Evan, who announced last December that the DCR approved our public-private partnership proposal…
Meeting Minutes: October 2, 2018
Next Meeting: Tuesday November 13, 2018 at 7:30 Present were Evan Weststrate, Vaunita Schnell, Robin Dexter, Jean Fisher, Mrs. Jim Purdee, Lara Prebble who is a Wellesley College senior student, Brian Yates, and the Secretary pro tempore (John Mordes). Jim Purdee’s retirement as Treasurer was made official, and Robin Dexter volunteered to take on the…
Annual Letter to Members, 2017
2017 was a rewarding year for the Friends 2018 promises to be even better.
Annual Letter to Members, 2016
2016 has been a challenging and exciting year for the Friends.
Meeting Minutes: April 5, 2016
Next Meeting: Tuesday May 3, 2016 at 7:30 Present were Vaunita Schnell, Brian Yates, John Mordes, Robin Dexter, Evan Weststrate, Bob Burke and Jason Lupien. Issue 1: Bob Burke and Jason Lupien’s “Saving the Hemlock Trees” Project The main order of business was the proposal initiated by Bob Burke and Jason Lupien to treat some…
Annual Letter to Members, 2015
2015 was again a productive year for the Friends.
Annual Letter to Members, 2014
2014 has been a very productive year for the Friends.