Meeting Minutes: February 5, 2008

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 4, 2008 at 7:30.

Present were Erica Uramkin, Vaunita Schnell, John Mordes, and Brian Yates.

Erica reported that there were no critical issues at the Reservation. More importantly she reported that she engaged NStar electric to work with DCR and the electricity is back on in the Stone Building. She is also in contact with the DCR about the window replacement.

The date of the Spring Cleanup was fixed at Saturday, April 26, the day before the Run of the Charles.

The interim fencing was thought to be reasonably well done and attractive. The installation left some trash on the bridge, and this has been cleaned up by the Friends.

Brian and Erica suggested trimming of invasive plants like bittersweet in the fall.

Erica will call the MWRA about the vandalized grout on the bridge.

Erica still thinks that the Governor’s proposal to enhance parks funding is proceeding, especially for beach positions this coming summer.

Chipping and storm cleanup will arrive at HG soon. Erica is also planning trail restoration.

We will make a prioritized wish list, starting with repair of the trails and  continuing to graffiti remediation, checks of the roof of the stone building, the Friends’ bridge, and possibly connecting the Reservation and the downstream riverbank via the sluiceway.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Secretary pro tempore