Tag: woolly adelgid

  • Charlie Burnham Report: November, 2008

    DCR Forester Charlie Burnham visited Hemlock Gorge in November, 2008. Here are his reports to the Friends: I went to the gorge to evaluate it as a possible release site for a different predatory beetle, Laricobius nigrinus. I noticed that the hemlocks were in two very different states of health which I can’t explain. Some…

  • Charlie Burnham Report: May 12, 2008

    The Friends had news on May 12, 2008 from State Forester Charlie Burnham in regard to the Hemlock Woolly Adelgids and our release of ladybugs. Here is what he wrote: I haven’t been there to look for beetles in a couple of years, but this past winter some of them showed up an another location…

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2007

    Annual Letter to Members, 2007

    In 2008, we will continue to work with the Department of Conservation and Recreation and its Urban Park Bureau. We will also continue our partnership with newly appointed Site Supervisor Erica Uramkin and former supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck who is now a DCR manager. We hope you will share our pleasure in the accomplishments of 2007…

  • Adelgid Articles: July, 2007

    The Boston Sunday Globe published an informative update on the woolly adelgid in New England, emphasizing the role global warming may play in the problem. Click here to view the Globe article via their archives (subscription required). Click here to view the article via the Globe‘s website. Additionally, a July 17 story in the Newton…

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2006

    Annual Letter to Members, 2006

    In 2007, we will continue to work with the Department of Conservation and Recreation and its Urban Park Bureau. We will also continue our partnership with former Site Supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck, now a member of DCR management. We anticipate that a new Site Supervisor will be named in 2007. We hope you will share our…

  • Report on the Adelgids and Ladybugs in Hemlock Gorge

    Final Report Pseudoscymnus tsugae Release Hemlock Gorge 2001-2005 Background: The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (formerly the Department of Environmental Management) was approached by the Friends of Hemlock Gorge regarding the possible release of the predatory ladybird beetle (Pseudoscymnus tsugae) for the control of an infestation of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) (Adelges tsugae) at…

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2005

    Annual Letter to Members, 2005

    As 2005 draws to a close, we again write to update you on the activities of the Friends. In addition, we appeal to you to renew your membership and your personal and financial commitment to our activities in 2006.

  • State of Infestation

    On November 8, 2005 state forester Charlie Burnham contacted the Friends and made the following report on the adelgid infestation: “I was at the Gorge last week and will write up a summary of what I was and have it to you sometime next week. Overall things look good but I have noticed the start…

  • The Newton Tab declares the Adelgid Vanquished!

    The Newton Tab declares the Adelgid Vanquished!

    In early April, 2005 the Newton Tab wrote a nice article describing the efforts being made at Hemlock Gorge to thwart the adelgid. Site Supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck was featured. A PDF of the article has been provided.

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2004

    Annual Letter to Members, 2004

    In 2005, we will continue our productive relationship with the leadership of the Department of Conservation and Recreation and its Urban Park Bureau. We will also continue our strong partnership with Site Supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck and his associate Bob Hassett. We note with pleasure that the new director of the Urban Park Bureau is Kevin’s…

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2003

    Annual Letter to Members, 2003

    As the year draws to a close, we again write to you to mark the end of an eventful time for the Friends. In addition, we appeal to you to renew your membership and your commitment to our activities in 2004.

  • Governor Romney merges the former MDC into a new Department of Conservation and Recreation

    Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s proposal to eliminate the Metropolitan District Commission has been accepted by the Legislature and signed into law as part of the fiscal Year 2004 budget. However, the Metropolitan Park Commission’s spirit lives on. A new Department of Conservation and Recreation has been created in the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. It…