Tag: Donald Ross

  • Meeting Minutes: June 4, 2024

    Meeting Minutes: June 4, 2024

    Attendees: Amy Kahn, Robin Dexter, Benjamin Kahn, John Mordes, Donald Ross, Rena Getz, Paul Roberts, Katherine Howard Item 1: Treasury Report No changes since last time we checked in. Current balance: approximately $7200. Item 2: Changes to Website Administration After 29 years, John is stepping down as our website administrator. New administrator: Benjamin Kahn. FoHG…

  • Meeting Minutes: February 6, 2024

    Meeting Minutes: February 6, 2024

    Attendees: Evan Weststrate, Paul Roberts, Sheila Purdy, Christopher Osborn, Donald Ross, Robin Dexter, Amy Kahn, Ben Kahn Item 1: Banners for Cleanups Still on the table. Plan is for Evan to pass over a design to Paul to send to the printer. Scout troop will pay for the printing. Recommendation: use Canva. Item 2: Scout…