Tag: Bill Humphrey

  • Meeting Minutes: April 2, 2024

    Meeting Minutes: April 2, 2024

    Attendees: John Mordes, Amy Kahn, Ben Kahn, Chris Masterman, Loumona Petroff, Rena Getz, Carol Laibson, Paul Roberts, Betsy Hewitt, Bill Humphrey, Bob Ellertsen, Don Ross, Robin Dexter, Evan Weststrate, Lara P Item 1: Plans for April Cleanups Our cleanup is scheduled for April 27. Evan will be covering for John, who will be away. Gloves,…

  • Meeting Minutes: March 5, 2024

    Meeting Minutes: March 5, 2024

    Attendees: Evan Weststrate, Paul Roberts, Sheila Purdy, Robin Dexter, Amy Kahn, Ben Kahn, Rena Getz, Lee and Jean Fisher (from FL!), Donald Ross, Bill Humphrey (from the UK!) Item 1: Treasury Report Item 2: 501(c)3 Filings State paperwork done for the year. Fed paperwork done. Transitioned from paper to electronic filing. $35 paid, plus $0.82…

  • Our December 2023 Holiday Meeting

    Our December 2023 Holiday Meeting

    This is a combined meeting of election of officers and year end party. It is the last meeting for 2023.

  • Minutes for December 6, 2022

    Minutes for December 6, 2022

    Holiday Celebration: This was the year-end meeting which was both a formal meeting and holiday party. It was celebrated at the Osborne House and was catered by Better Life Foods, which gave the event a very gala atmosphere.

  • Our December 2022 Holiday Meeting

    Our December 2022 Holiday Meeting

    Our December 2022 Holiday Meeting took place on December 6. We had both in-person and Zoom attendees, and everyone had a great time. The event was held, as in many years past, at the Osborn homestead in Upper Falls.

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2022

    Annual Letter to Members, 2022

     As Covid-19 relented a bit, 2022 was a good year for both Hemlock Gorge and the Friends of Hemlock Gorge. The park continued to be visited by many families, new visitors, and old friends.

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2020

    Annual Letter to Members, 2020

    Because of Covid-19, 2020 has been a year unlike any other for the Friends. Our last in-person meeting was in March. Since then we have met by Zoom, and our summer picnic was canceled.