Attendees: Evan Weststrate, Amy Kahn, Ben Kahn, Paul Roberts, Juanita Dempsey
1. Treasury report
No update
2. The August picnic report
It was great! John sent Ben lots of pictures, but they are pretty small. Ben will follow up with John to request that they get put in the dropbox. Lots of attendees. We’ll do it again next year
3. Date for the fall cleanup
Unanimous: October 26. Ben and Amy will put up the event on the website
4. Update on Scouting projects
Scouts will be returning to us in the Spring
5. Box steps repairs
Box steps reported to be completed
6. Benches?
no updates
7. Others?
Paul mentioned another Eagle Scout project for the Spring. Potential project: Railings need repair, but may be the purview of DCR.
On railings: Someone contacted Erica – we may need to contact DCR again.
8. Update on the Stone Building
Under construction, starting in a matter of months.
9. Need to find temporary home for FoHG items currently in building.
Tables/chairs can stay. Small stuff can go in a&b’s basement, but no room for a grill. Any volunteers? We can call for volunteers at the next meeting.
10. Invasives update
no updates
11. Website updates
Website is still slow. Lots of performance updates made, but we need to either negotiate with Network Solutions or switch hosting to improve performance. We are already paying Network Solutions for upgraded web service, but it’s still quite slow.
Archival pages ported. C will send a bill to Amy & Ben, we will send to Robin.
There are two other websites linking to FoHG that are porting away. This should make transitioning off of Network Solutions simpler.
12. Village Day
11am-2pm Sunday, Sept 15. Evan will set up and man the booth. Amy and Ben will be there. Juanita will be there as well!