A 1905 postcard of Echo Bridge's promenade, cropped to fit as a banner

Echo Bridge Legislative News: 2006

April 29, 2006

Friends’ President Brian Yates has announced that $250,000 for restoration of the railings along the Promenade have been included in the House budget. Support for the appropriation appears strong in the Senate. We will keep you advised.

June 15, 2006

$250,000 for the “Echo Bridge Safety Project”  was included in the House Budget thanks to Representatives Lida Harkins, Ruth Balser, and Alice Peisch. However, the money was not included in the Senate budget. The two budgets are now in Conference Committee to reconcile their differences.

Friends of Hemlock Gorge need people to reach out to our legislators asking the Senate to add the $250,000 to Line Item 2820-0100. Senator Cynthia Creem of Newton and Wellesley (617-722-1639), Senator Scott Brown of Needham (617-722-5555), and any other Senators members know should be contacted to urge the Senator Conferees to recede and accept the House’s figure on this matter. House members should be thanked for approving the item and asked to tell the Conferees to insist that the Senate accept it.

If we can get it in the final legislative budget, we will then have to avoid or override a veto before we can help in developing plans for a permanent repair.

August 1, 2006

At our summer picnic meeting Friends President Brian Yates announced that the legislature overrode Gov. Romney’s veto of the appropriation the repair the Echo Bridge Promenade! Details to follow.

September 18, 2006

With the bridge repair funding now in place, Site Supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck has informed us that DCR is going to be working on the Echo Bridge project. Dave Lenhardt, bridge engineer, will be heading up the project.

November 20, 2006

The status of the $250,000 that was set aside by the DCR for the repairs is still in question. The Governor included $1,145,000 worth of earmarks in line item 2820-0100 in his 9C cuts. It is still to be determined if the DCR has the $250,000 in their account prior to the Governor’s budget cuts. Brian is following up with Rep. Ruth Balser and the MWRA. In the meantime, the snow fence on the bridge has been seriously vandalized and is in need of attention if the promenade is to remain open.