Meeting Minutes: March 4, 2025


John M., Evan W., Rena G., Bob Burke (by phone), Robin D., Don R., Paul R., Bill H.

Treasury Report

Account balance as of 3/4/25 $7,280.80

Some discussion of how to most effectively spend. We have plans and drawings of some beautiful benches. We need to wait until the Barn construction is complete. Other ideas were discussed, such as helping with other project ideas.

Set/confirm date for the Spring Clean-up

Who can help with setup?

Saturday April 26, 2025 has been set as the cleanup. Jay and Ellen has friend’s stuff in their shed. We need to make sure that the items we need for the picnic are available. DCR equipment was left in the stone barn. Construction was supposed to start in the spring on the building.

John will contact DCR or Greg Shwartz to coordinate cleanup and storage, especially the benches.

Evan will reach out to Ellen to coordinate what’s in storage.

April Meeting schedule issue

Dr. John is away for scheduled April 1 meeting. Move meeting to second Tuesday or will someone volunteer to run it on April 1?

Moving the next meeting until the 8th, so John can attend.

501c3 status

  • renewals are done
  • Next year Karen and Chris will do both
  • Need to utilize Dropbox. Need a new one, as the current one is through John’s work. All files need to move and be saved.

Update on fixes to our mailing list system – Ben

  • Need to coordinate with Karen to get create a Constant Contact account

Follow up on the possible Eagle Scout projects suggested at our last meeting

  • Maybe turn the big fallen tree into a bench or something equivalent?
  • Maybe fix the broken fence
  • Maybe railings/walkway/box steps to New Pond pond

DCR grant deadline

Deadline has passed. Not enough interest.

Matters arising

Discussion of Bob Burke’s new book. He was happy to be able to touch base with everyone.

Bill Humphrey saw a bald eagle in Hemlock Gorge. He will stay active although he has finished his duties as city counselor.

FoHG can get a free DropBox account as we are a 501c3 org.

John is planning his retirement from the Friends of Hemlock Gorge president next year.


