Mirth and merriment at the annual kickoff meeting

Meeting Minutes: January 7, 2025

  1. Election of Officers
    • John is willing to do this for another year. He does want someone to succeed him.
    • John elected President.
    • John proposed Evan be president-elect
    • Evan has committed to being vice president, and does not have the time to commit to do all that the President does.
    • Ben proposes a list of duties get recorded to better distribute the work. Examples:
      • Federal 5013c form short
      • State 5013c form must be linked to bank account and must be filled in online
      • set up events at Stone Building
        • Could we recruit Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts to do setup/cleanup?
      • Coordinate Scouts
      • Coordinate with city officials
      • Coordinate with site supervisor from DCR. This is a big challenge.
        • Greg volunteers to maintain this connection, and can work through Ellen – [email protected], his aide, to smooth the communication then.
      • Interface with the bank
    • Paul suggested that the village days – harvest fair, highlands, newton upper falls, etc, are excellent places for outreach; can we find 5-6 key people to set up and staff?
    • Evan nominated to be VP. Evan accepts the nomination
    • The board has elected Evan. Evan accepts.
    • Robyn nominated as treasurer. Robyn accepts.
    • Karen volunteers to be treasurer-elect (next year). Chris also volunteers to take on the following year.
    • Karen and Chris will volunteer to take on additional financial duties that John has taken on himself.
    • Amy nominated to continue as secretary. She continues to be married to the webmaster, Ben.
    • Amy has accepted the nomination and the position.
    • Ben has accepted the nomination and position.
    • Board: Paul, Rena, Chris, Karen
    • Juanita – board emeritus
  2. Treasurer Report
    • Approximately 7000 in the account.
    • John currently maintains the PayPal account. This should be transferred to the duties of the Treasurer.
      • Action item: John to meet with Karen, Chris, and Robyn to transfer that duty
    • John also currently maintains the database/mailing lists. Ben volunteers to redo/modernize that system.
      • Action item: Karen and Ben to meet to redesign the system
  3. Green Newton
    • Karen Osborn offers a sponsorship for FoHG to have a table at Green Newton Gala every October for the next 5 years.
  4. New volunteer!
    • Tom has volunteered to help out with hidden jobs that John currently does.
  5. Mirth and Merriment
    • Everyone enjoyed delicious food and drinks




