Attendees: Paul Roberts, Amy Kahn, Ben Kahn, Robin Dexter, Evan Weststrate, Ellen Katz, Deb Bentan, John Mordes, Greg Schwartz
1. Treasury Report
$7054 in the account
A bill is forthcoming for the website data transfer
We owe $35 for Village Day tent.
2. Our Next Meeting
=Our next meeting will be held via Zoom on November 12, 2024 due to the election on November 5.
3. Plans for the Fall Cleanup on October 26 at 10am
Next meeting is November 12, due to the election
- Buddhist Temple usually helps us out with the cleanup. Haven’t heard from them yet.
- We should have bags, pick up sticks, gloves, and a banner over at Hamilton Place
- Have reached out to the QB WAC but haven’t heard back. Did reach out to Samukh, hopefully they will join us.
- Picnic lunch at the Stone Building at 11:30am
4. Christmas Party Plans
We plan to hold our annual Christmas party on December 17, at an earlier time than our usual meeting time. John will reach out to Karen and Chris Osborn about hosting. At the meeting, we will elect our officers for the coming year.
5. New Contacts at the DCR and with the City of Newton
We plan to hold our annual Christmas party on December 17, at an earlier time than our usual meeting time. John will reach out to Karen and Chris Osborn about hosting. At the meeting, we will elect our officers for the coming year.
- Zach Crowley, our ‘new’ DCR contact has left late this summer. Erica (site supervisor) is usually our contact but we’ve been having issues getting in touch with her. Ruth Balser will stay on top of the situation, and will pass the baton to Greg December 31. Dimitri leaving when Ruth leaves.
- Rena heard from Erica last week re: eBike that was on QB Trail. Erica responds to things that are urgent, which is helpful.
- Welcome Greg Schwartz! We are so happy to have you on board with us.
6. Scouting Sponsorship
Can we accept funds on behalf of the Scout troop? They are not a 501(c)(3) organization and donations made directly to them are not tax deductible. Our troop (205, now 210) that used to meet at Sacred Heart now meets at the Carroll School. We value our relationship with them. The group approached John about FoHG accepting donations on their behalf and dedicated directly to them. Heard back from Lee Fisher on this matter, that this would be alright to do.
From Paul: the deal we made when the Friends agreed to sponsor the comeback of the Boy Scout troop was that if Paul was involved, it would work out well. In practice, the scout troops put donations directly into the bank. Something large could be created as a pass through. We have had an annual donation of $1500 from a single family for the last 6-7 years that goes directly to the troop. As long as the Friends remain as a 501c3, it’s not an issue. We can provide materials based on donations made to FoHG on their behalf. The size of the purchases we make on their behalf not worth the hassle of applying for a new EIN/opening a bank account. Keep it simple. John will follow up with Jeff Eisen to let things remain as they are.
7. Update on Scouting Projects
Box steps repairs are done. They look great! And much safer to go down the hill now. Some work could be done higher up on the trail as a potential scout project.
Benches? Have tried to get Erica’s permission to place benches. Haven’t heard back. Got a drawing from Lara with a sketch of the potential placement of the new benches. If we can get the approvals, there are Eagle Scout candidates who would be willing to do the installation. Greg! Ruth! We need that approval ASAP so the Scouts can do the work.
Fix the broken span of railing on Ellis St. It’s not an easy project, but it needs to get done.
Note: Boy Scout Troop 205 has more than 40 members. FoHG has been really helpful to them over the last few years, and we really value our relationship with them.
8. Update on the Stone Building
Planning to move FoHG items currently in building to temporary storage location that has generously been offered by Ellen Katz and Jay Werb
Ellen has volunteered to store things that currently reside in the stone barn in her shed. This includes the popup tent, tables/chairs and signage/banners, as well as a grill, which is currently locked in the USGS doorway. John has the key.
Note: Tent, card table/chairs are moldy. We will have to either handle that or leave them.
Another note: the picnic benches are too big to transport/store in the shed. Need to contact the state
Date: October 26 after cleanup/lunch. Young’uns will help schlep.
9. Updates on Invasives
Kathryn Howard is continuing to have her group pull St. John’s wort and invasive mustard plants. John will connect Kathryn with Ben and Amy so that events from the invasive pulls calendar go on the FoHG website.
10. Website Update
Seems faster! We got 1700 visits and 774 unique visitors since Village Day!
11. Welcome Back/Welcome New Members
Nice to see you, Harry! And welcome Deb to the FoHG!