The Friends met over Zoom, led by Evan Weststrate. Members in attendance were: Robin, Evan, Don, Emily, Jean, Rena, Loumona
Treasurer’s Report: We have $7016 in our account.
Issues discussed:
The Summer Picnic was a success. Pictures were posted.
Fall Cleanup: Scheduled for October 28. There was some confusion over the date, but the date had been chosen to accommodate Boy Scout volunteer schedules.
Website: There has been much progress. It was noted that the Map page link no longer works. This has been corrected. Ben continues to lead this effort.
Vines have been noted at the Horseshoe Dam, and they appear to have re-taken the tree. Some plans may come together to remove them during the Fall Cleanup.
Several trees were noted as down along the trails. Evan agreed to look into it and reach out to DCR if they needed clearing.
Participation in the Upper Falls Village day was mentioned. More discussion off-line was needed.
The Boy Scouts are working on box steps in the park. No update.