Minutes for December 6, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 7:15

Present: Loumona Petroff, John Mordes, Rena Getz, Bill Humphrey, Paul Roberts, Robin Dexter, Emily Gelbert, Lauren Commando, Evan Weststrate,  Karen Osborne, Immelda, Don Ross, Sheila Purdy

Holiday Celebration: This was the year-end meeting which was both a formal meeting and holiday party. It was celebrated at the Osborne House and was catered by Better Life Foods, which gave the event a very gala atmosphere.

Treasurer’s Report: Robin stated that the latest treasury balance was 6,886. Additional late year-end donations were yet to be processed.

 2023 Elections: The existing slate of officers and Board members was nominated for the next year, 2023. Candidates were approved and voted in. This included: 


President: John Mordes
Vice President: Evan Weststrate
Treasurer: Robin Dexter
Secretary: Sheila Purdy

FOHG Board Members:

Chris Osborne, Rena Getz, Bob Burke, Bill Humphrey, Robin Dexter, John Mordes, Evan Weststrate, Vaunita Schnell, Paul Roberts

Old Business: John asked members about renewing the website for next year. He stated that  it had been visited by former Upper Falls residents who wanted to stay connected. The renewal and all required fees were approved unanimously. Barn repair activities are currently on hold. Rena agreed to be backup secretary in case Sheila could not be present. John would need to be notified and he would contact Rena.

New Business: John listed a number of proposed projects for next year and suggested that subcommittees be formed to address these issues more efficiently. One of these was the use of the barn for for non-FoHG events. There has already been a request. There is also the question of future Scout projects. Should preparation of the new benches be listed for the  Scouts? The benches need re-varnishing and possible installation of backrests and armrests.

Chris Osborne is interested in forming an entertainment committee.

The formal meeting was concluded and the party celebration commenced.