Tag: Rep. Alice Peisch

  • Annual Letter to Members, 2006

    Annual Letter to Members, 2006

    In 2007, we will continue to work with the Department of Conservation and Recreation and its Urban Park Bureau. We will also continue our partnership with former Site Supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck, now a member of DCR management. We anticipate that a new Site Supervisor will be named in 2007. We hope you will share our…

  • Echo Bridge Legislative News: 2006

    Echo Bridge Legislative News: 2006

    April 29, 2006 Friends’ President Brian Yates has announced that $250,000 for restoration of the railings along the Promenade have been included in the House budget. Support for the appropriation appears strong in the Senate. We will keep you advised. June 15, 2006 $250,000 for the “Echo Bridge Safety Project”  was included in the House…

  • Ken Newcomb Bench Dedication

    Ken Newcomb Bench Dedication

    The memorial to Ken Newcomb was made possible by financial contributions from many of his friends and family and by the unstinting volunteers who conceived and designed and transported the stone bench. To all of these thoughtful people, too numerous to list, the Friends extend their deepest gratitude. The Friends sited Ken’s memorial bench at…