Annual Letter to Members, 1993

Dear Friends of Hemlock Gorge:

This fall we are writing to everyone on our membership list about the Friends’ recent accomplishments and our upcoming events. We invite you to attend our monthly meetings, held at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of every month at the Emerson Community Center on Pettee Street in Newton Upper Falls. (Mark the dates: Nov. 2, Dec. 7 and Jan. 4!) Please do come next Tuesday; we need ideas and look forward to the pleasure of your company!

On Sunday, November 14, at 2 p.m. the Friends will sponsor a fall event– a clean-up of the Reservation and a celebration of the repair of the Ellis Street raceway dam. Rob McArthur, our MDC ranger, will meet us at the bulletin board on the Needham side of the river (across from the Mills Falls Restaurant). Rob will provide litter bags and tools. At 4 p.m., by the dam and in honor of its restoration, we will reward all in attendance with glorious refreshments donated by Upper Falls Variety, Moon and Sixpence, Allendale Farms, Bread and Circus, and The Ultimate Bagel. The MDC repaired the dam in September. We especially want to acknowledge the efforts of Hannah Sherman and Brian Yates in bringing the situation to the attention of the MDC. Steven LeBlanc’s subsequent informative article in the Newton Graphic alerted the public to the problem and helped bring about its solution. Do join us on the 14th, and bring all your friends. We will have lots of great food, thanks to the work of Cindy Edwards, a new member.

Another project, the restoration of the Ellis Stone Building, has entered a new phase with the architect’s completion of the interior drawings and a landscaping proposal. These plans will be available for viewing at both the November 2 meeting and the November 14 clean-up. The Stone Building subcommittee is being reactivated and needs new members interested in this fascinating restoration project. The Friends also plan to construct a Bridge that we shall name the Friends’ Bridge. It will span the small raceway behind the Devil’s Den where a rustic bridge was once sited. We plan to begin work next spring.

Lastly, the Friends would like to use this opportunity to update our mailing list. Whether you’re an active member, a member who may not have paid dues for 1993, someone who would like to join formally for the first time, or just a Friend, we welcome your response and participation. Because we want to inform as many members of the community as possible about our efforts, it’s not necessary to be a member in order to receive mailings, but we would like to know who is interested and who isn’t. Enclosed is a stamped, addressed envelope to make your response easy. Please fill out the enclosed membership card and return it with your preferences indicated. If you wish to join or renew, dues categories are listed on the card. Dues for 1994 can be paid now or at any meeting.

Thank you for your interest in the preservation of the Hemlock Gorge/Echo Bridge Reservation. We hope to see you on November 2 and November 14.

With best wishes,

Vaunita Schnell, President

John P. Mordes, M.D., Membership Coordinator


