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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 1999

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 5, 1999

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 2, 1999 at 7:15.

Present were: Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck, Ken Newcomb, Hank Lysaght, Bobbie Demers, Vaunita Schnell, Nina Koch, Carol McPherson, and Henry Stoltman (a new member, thanks to Hank Lysaght).

In the absence of your secretary, these notes were taken by Brian Yates.

On March 2 we sill have a mini-video festival, showing the Lahey clinic ad featuring the Gorge, the wolly adelgid video, and a video from the American Chestnut Foundation.

The Web Site has had more than 1,600 visitors in its two years of existence. We will try to get the town of Needham, and Barney Frank to link to our site.

Spring CLEAN-UP DAY will be Saturday, April 24, the day before the Run of the Charles. We hope to have a revised brochure to distribute to the crowds who jam the Gorge that day. Our schedule (as usual) will be work from 10 to 12, then lunch at noon in the Stone building. Members with pictures of previous clean-ups and other Friends activities are encouraged to bring them to future meetings. We'll try to get clean-up pictures from the TAB which were not used after the fall clean-up. there was disappointment about a lack of follow-up press after the ceremony for Ken's book. There were several errors in the story and it did not include our Web address. We'll try again to get the address in the paper.

The response from the annual mailing was excellent, including many members who have been inactive, and some new members. Any members who have not responded are urged to do so.

After extensive discussion of Friends-related merchandise, Bobbie and Kevin agreed to serve as a subcommittee to review the possible products and the best way to make them available. The possibilities include the booklet version of Ken's book, Ken's tours, of the Gorge and Upper Falls, the Friends' T-shirt, the buttons previously produced by Adolph Passsarini. Kay Khan and bovvie had separagely suggested notepads. these materials could be sold at interested merchants' shops and area fairs. Selling merchandise through the web site would be too difficult to arrange for the moment.

After Hank distributed CWRA materials and brought us up-to-date on the Stream Team, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Yates
Secretary Pro Tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 2, 1999

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 2, 1999 at 7:15.

These notes were taken by Bobbi Demers.

Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bobbi Demers, Carol McPherson, Kevjin Holienb6ck, Vaunita Schnell, Nina Koch, Hank Lysaght, Myra Malek, and Liz Cody.

Brian has invited Newton State Senator Cynthia Creem and Rep. Kay Khan to our March meeting. He will also invite the Need.ham and Wellesley senators and representatives. We will show videos on Barker's Glen, the woolly adelgid, and one from the American Chestnut Foundation.

Kevin asks us to decide on priorities for saving hemlocks. We opt for Aesthetics as the 1st priority and ask Kevin to use his judgement in selecting the individual trees to be treated. Then we can present a request for funding. Such a request for funds to establish a breeding station for the beetles which fight the adelgid has been made to the Mass. Dept. of Environmental Management.

Liz Cody asked about a program to obtain donations for pesticide applications. Kevin says the MDC will accept donations through the Park Trust Fund Brian and Kevin plan to attend the Hemlock Conference in Durham, N.H.

CLEAN-UP DAY is April 24, the day before the Run of the Charles. Brian will have up-dated Friends' brochures to distribute at both events. Bobbi says she will get our Clean-up on Town On Line. command the Needham home page.

Our treasury now has $769.19, thanks to our December letter.

Kevin and Bolbbi told their ideas for printing, a guide to a walking tour of the Gorge (based on Ken Newcomb's pamphlet). Kevom will prepare a new map, and Bobbi and Liz Cody will edit the text, It was noted that Dunn-Gaherin's Restaurant has indicated interest in underwriting some, if not all, of the printing costs.

Some editing of the above text, in the interest of economy, was done by your secretary.

Be sure to come on March 2 to see all those informative videos!!

Respectfully submitted,

Hanna Sherman

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 2, 1999

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 6, 1999 at 7:15.

This meeting (one of our most successful) was attended by:Sen.Cynthia Creem and her legislative assistant, Robert Schwartz; Rep. Kay Khan; and Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb,. Bruce Conrad, Bobbi Demers, Bill Tedoldi, John Mordes, Carol McPherson, and our Site Supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck.

As planned, we saw the video about the Woolly Adelgid, its lifestyle, and the devastation it leaves. Kevin spoke of asking the MDC to treat 300 trees at the Gorge. Licensed workers would micro-inject the selected trees. Money given this fiscal year will pay for treatment in late spring. One treatment lasts a year. Cost estimate?about $3.65 per diameter inch of tree. If there is no drift into the river, smaller trees could be spray-treated. Kevin says we should treat trees on the Needham-Wellesley side of the river and some on Turtle Island and Barker's Glen. PRIVATE DONATIONS of $$$$ would help! After some trees die, we should bring in natural predators such as lady-bug-beetles bred by Dr.McClure. We look for State Aid to deal with beetles. Legislation to this effect has been proposed. Charles Burnham, State Forester, says if the Winchendon Quabbin Sites don't use all the beetles, we could have some! We are told it takes more than a few adelgids to kill a tree. It takes a year to breed beetles to kill adelgids.

Kay Khan distributes copies of a bill to have the State fund the adelgid wars. "We do have a chance to beat the adelgid".

Kevin says the MDC may let him attend the Durham, N.H. conference on adelgids.

ECHO BRIDGE: Legislation to help the Bridge Restoration Effort has been proposed. An Act has been through committee, and will be considered, authorizing the MDC to apply for $$$ to complete restoration of Echo Bridge. Another Act allthorizes allocation of funds remaining after bridge repair to fix the Stone Building and %quire land in Needham adjacent to our property-Kevin talks of repairing a few windows in the building and gating the entrance to the Gorge at the building.

WEB SITE-Brian says Barney Frank's Web Site and ours will be linked as of March 3. John Mordes says our site has had about 500 hits for Ken's book since October.

APRIL CLEAN-UP brochures will be up-dated to include text from the annual letter,

Bobbi Demers and Liz Cody have not yet edited the walking tour brochure. It may be ready in April.

After watching the Lahey Clinic ad video, this meeting adjourned at 9:04 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April 6, 1999

Next Meeting: Tuesday May 4, 1999 at 7:15.

Present were:-Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Kevin Hollenbeck, Bobbi Demers, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell, Bruce Conrad, Carol McPherson, and Hannah Sherman.

Brian showed letters from Sen.Creem to MDC chief David Balfour, urging the spending of money to combat the WOOLLY ADELGID..His reply indicated willingness to do this.

Further ADELGID NEWS: The Federal Government will not spend to buy the special ladybugs that eat adelgids.The Forest Service says the infestation patterns in the Gorge do not make a good test case. Sen.Creem and Rep. Khan are helping us get State money. Rep. Khan's bill is being heard on Apr.7. Hank Lysaght will attend and report to us. Meanwhile,the MDC plans to treat 250 of our trees with micro-injection. One of their officials has a pesticide license. One case ofthe chemical costs $1200. How many cases do we need? The MDC hopes to do the work this spring.Incidentally,the Durham conference this summer seems to be useful only to parks, so Brian and Kevin will not attend. They can get a transcript of Dr.McClure's speech, the only one that applies to us.

Money to repair Echo Bridge will be considered in a bill to be heard April 14.

Answering a question from John Mordes, Kevin says the Quinnobequin Guard Rail work will not be done this year.Only 5 of the projects on this year's list will be attempted.

TREASURER'S REPORT: We have $909.and receivables.

Vaunita Schnell says the Stone Building did not meet this month. Five years ago the cost of renovation was estimated at $150,000 so it will be more now! Could the owners of the new HMO building and the Sun-Life building be persuaded to give money? The Stone Building and surrounding grounds are an excellent lunch-picnic site.

Will the closing of the Mill Falls Restaurant impact the lighting of Echo Bridge? Larry Wolozin, manager of the restaurant,has helped us with this.

The latter part of this meeting was devoted to preparing the mailing of the Hemlock Herald.

The APRIL CLEAN-UP was our most successful ever,with attendance of 30 to 40 people. Many thanks to all who helped,especially those from Scout Troop 218 of Upper Falls.

This meeting adjourned at 9 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 4, 1999

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 1, 1999 at 7:15.

Present on May 4 were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Bobbi Demers, Hank Lysaght, John Mordes, Nina Koch, Carol McPherson, Hannah Sherman.Brian began by circulating the TAB's article about CLEAN-UP. We congratulated ourselves on the success of the day's work.

John Mordes and Brian did attend the Waban Improvement Society meeting about cleaning Quinobequin Rd.

Since Kevin Hollenbeck did not attend this meeting, we still await the new brochures.

GUARD RAILS: - the City of Newton says the MDC should do the replacement work. Brian suggested the Cops and Kids organization should help by cleaning the Ellis St. edge of the property. They clean on May 25.

TREASURER'S REPORT: We have $882, but food for CLEAN-UP DAY has not been paid for yet.

ADELGID: There are two bills before the legislature asking for funds to combat the pest. However, Hank Lysaght says these bills contain requests for money for EVERYTHING so there is little hope that we will get any reasonable amount of money from them!

THE WEB : Our site's info about the adelgid is very good. Could we join the site of Mass. Office of Travel and Tourism?

PICNIC: We decide to picnic at the Gorge on the first Tuesday in August. There will be no meeting in July.

How does the demise of Mill Falls Restaurant affect us? Who now pays to light Echo Bridge at night, thus inhibiting graffiti artists? What about parking space?

Efforts to increase our public exposure are discussed: T-shirts? Buttons? Bobbi Demers says Brochures to use as tour guides through the Gorge are less expensive, take less time to prepare, and would spread the news better. Much discussion and explanation of why these are not ready now, when they might be ready, and where to sell them.

At the June meeting we'll plan the picnic, get reports on the bills, and hear whether Kevin's plan to get kids to help clean succeeded.

Brian says we must define the property line between the Gorge and the Needhamhomes. Their trash should not be on our land, but where is the line? We need surveyors.

Should we set a date to visit the Olmsted Site in Brookline? Hank Lysaght is willing to make an appointment for us to do this.

All the above items will be discussed (and settled?) at our June meeting.

This meeting adjourned at 8:36 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June 1, 1999

Next Gathering: Picnic, Tuesday August 3, 1999 at 5:30.

Next Meeting: Thursday September 9, 1999 at 7:15.

Present on June I were: Brian Yates, Hank Lysaght, Kevin Hollenbeck, Lee Fisher, Max Fraden with his father and sister (the latter 2 part time), Carol McPherson, and Hannah Sherman.

SCHEDULE of Future Events was decided as follows:

Since our last meeting, the Cops and Kids have cleared trails in the Gorge, covered "short cuts" used by those avoiding the prescribed trails, and done other helpful work. Fifteen Kids and ten adults (4 or 5 of these are cops) worked for several hours. We are grateful for their help.

ECHO PLATFORM. As Lee Fisher suggested we do something about this ourselves, Kevin said that the MWRA wouldn't mind if we had a plan. Lee says he'll draw a plan with measurements and bring it to the Aug. picnic. Maybe then the MWRA will let us do the work. If Tom Gawrys comes to the picnic, we can show him the plan then.

SURVEY. Kevin must submit a proposal to the MDC to use money from the Charles River Trust to survey the boundary between our property and our Needham neighbors. Friends may write to the MDC.Commissioner asking for funds for the survey.

ADELGID. Helen Anderson and Greg Samuels have given us $100. to treat the trees against the pest. We are most grateful to them. The chemical which the MDC plans to use to spray trees has not yet arrived. An injection lasts 2 or 3 years and costs about $40. for a 201, diameter tree.

The TREASURY: Our $800 has now been diminished by paying for food on Clean Up Day and postage and by reserving funds for Web site expenses.

OLMSTED SITE VISIT must be on a weekday this summer. If you want to join this group, call Hank Lysaght at 781-235-9009.

COEJL wants to raise $100,000 to give the MDC for restoration of the fish ladders between Waltham and the mouth of the Charles.

Other matters discussed included: parking; lighting on Echo Bridge (it has been dark since the Mill Falls Restaurant closed).

The Stream Team meeting on June 16 is at 6:30 at the CRWA in Auburndale. Hank Lysaght urges all to attend.

This meeting adjourned at 8:57.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

"Minutes" for the August 3 1999 Picnic

Next Meeting: Tuesday September, 1999 at 7:15.

The Friends picnic on August 3 was both fun and productive. Those present included a nice mix of active regular members (Brian Yates, Hannah Sherman, John Mordes, Ken Newcomb, Hank Lysaght and his wife, Bobbie Demers, Bruce Conrad, Lee Fisher and his wife, Jeanne, and Carol Mcpherson,) and Bob Pollock, Bill Teobaldi, Norm Zimmerman, and other members of the Charles River Watershed Srream Teams. Others were also present, and we're sorry not to have gotten everyone's name. There were about 17 people, all told.

In addition to bringing and operating the grill, Kevin Hollenbach also brought a portable picnic table with seats that made for comfortable and congenial eating. The weather was sublime.

As planned, Lee Fisher brought a plan for reconstruction of the Echo Platform. (If you want to see it, Hannah Sherman has a copy.) Tom Gowrys of the MWRA responded to the plan with an explanation of his orgainzation's responsibilities in supplying wter to the greater Boston region. He did say that the MWRA has a formal plan for redoing Echo Platform. (Click here to see the MWRA information.) However, the MWRA, is unwilling to charge water rate payers for what is in fact a project that does not actually affect the water supply. If, however, the state provides funding, the MWRA is willing to implement its plan and oversee construction. He also said that if the funding does not materialize, then we might put Lee's plan into effect. Members also were able to urge him to work on the restoration of the echo platform under Echo Bridge.

Tom Gowrys also brought us up to date on his agency's activities in and around Echo Bridge. (Walk in from Chestnut Street and you will notice the improvements.)

Brian Yates reported that the bills before the legislature asking for funds to help the MDC combat the adelgid and restore the bridge seemed to be faring well.

After dinner, we followed Kevin into the woods and observed as he as treated a seven inch hemlock that was infested with adelgids but still in o.k. condition. He drilled four small holes in butress roots, attached vials containing the chemicals that kill the adelgids, and then pressurized the vials so the chemical (MERIT) would get into the tree overnight. This was the 39th tree that Kevin has injected. Tree selection criteria included "doable" size and general condition that was not so far deteriorated that the treatment would be ineffective. All were pleased to see the effort underway, but saddened to see the dense infestation on many of the trees. The 39 trees treated to date are only a small fraction of those under attack. During the winter we may want to try to raise additional monbey to pay for more work in the spring.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian Yates, President and Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September 9, 1999

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 7:15 at the Emerson Center.

Present on September 9 were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Hank Lysaght, Max and Seth Fraden, Hannah Sherman, and Carol McPherson.

Hank distributed copies of a "draft of a draft of Bobbi Demers' Walking Tour. It was perused by all but not discussed.

Brian announced that Jack Williams of TV Channel 4 has written an article for the Boston Herald concerning the adelgid and has shot a TV presentation at the Gorge. This latter was shown on Channel 4 at 6:30 on Sept.19. Mr. Williams will also write an Op Ed article for the Boston Globe.

On Monday, September 13, Mass. Senate President Birmingham visited the Gorge as part of his tour of Sen. Creem's district. He was shown the Echo Platform location, the need for work on top of the bridge, and saw the obvious damage wreaked by the woolly adelgid. We hope to convince Mr. Birmingham that he might help raise the money for these projects. After the annual budget is decided, an override of the vetoed bill may be possible.

CLEAN-UP DAY is OCTOBER 23. The usual schedule will prevail:Meet at Hamilton Place at 10 A.M. and work toward the Stone Building where lunch will be served. It is hoped that Waban neighbors will work on the Northern part of the property and start on cleaning the land around Quinobequin Rd.

WEB SITE:- we now have had 2700 visits since Dec. 1996.

December Meeting: With the Mill Falls Restaurant closed, where can we meet in December when we need table space to facilitate the annual dues mailing? Hank Lysaght suggests that the Dunn, and Gaherin Restaurant might let us use their back room.

This poorly attended meeting adjourned at 8:13. There were several pieces of business which could not be carried out without the presence of Kevin Hollenbeck. These will have to await a future meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 5, 1999

Next Meeting: Thursday November 4, 1999 at 7:15.

Present at this meeting were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Hank Lysaght, Kevin Holl,enbeck, John Mordes, Bobbi Demers, and Hannah Sherman.

Two lectures about Charles Eliot Parks will be given at the Arnold Arboretum on November 16 and December 7 at 7 P.M. These will be in the Hunnewell Building (at the Right when you enter by the Main Entrance). The lectures are of such importance that we consider postponing our Dec. meeting to December 9. More about this at our Nov. meeting.

Our treasury now contains $661.46- - and most of our bills are paid!! Dues payments which came in the mail helped with this. The latest mail brought dues from a West Virginia who joined in memory of his wife.

Senate President Birmingham and Senator Creem were impressed with the Gorge when they visited in September. Jack Williams has given permission for Web posting of the article he wrote for the Boston Herald. We hope the publicity gained from these events will result in more funds to fight the adelgid.

CLEAN-UP DAY is OCT.23. Kevin distributed flyers for us to post in prominent places to attract workers.

According to Kevin Hollenbeck, the Raceway Dam needs repair. If it breaks there will be lots of water downstream and very little above the dam.

Bobbi Demers tries to recruit workers for a 2000 project to clean the river. This led to discussion of the plight of Quinobequin land. John Mordes thinks the Waban Improvement Assoc. will do little to help. He explains his ideas about improving the link between the Gorge and Quinobequin land, stressing the importance of the land between Quinobequin and Route

AFTER the new budget is decided, the Mass. legislature Could over-ride the Governor's veto of spending to eradicate the adelgid. This Could happen in December or January. Kay Khan and John Locke already support an over-ride. Lida Harkins could be asked to help. This meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 4, 1999

Next Meeting: Tuesday December 7, 1999 at 7:15.

Present on November 4 were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Kevin Hollenbeck, John Mordes, and Hannah Sherman.

After much discassion, we decided to return to our regular Tuesday date for the December meeting. Kevin Hollenbeck will attend the lecture at the Arnold Arboretum and report to us at our January, 2000 meeting.

Failing a report about a restaurant site for the December meeting, it will be held at Emerson Center as usual. We can manage enough table space to do the Annual Dues Mailing that night. In lieu of restaurant refreshments, it was suggested that Friends might bring refreshments of their choice. We would especially welcome WATER, because we intend to use the Olmsted stamps and these are reputed to be non-self-adhesive!

The State budget release date does not leave enough time to over-ride the Governor's veto.

Our treasury now has $1020. --at the moment.

Our new-found "wealth" inspired John Mordes to suggest some temporary improvements to the Stone Building which will make our after-clean-up meals more enjoyable. He suggests installation of Lexan windows on the 2nd floor level,and a wooden floor over the present nubbly stone and earth floor. Kevin agrees to look for the "Hab" drawings to ascertain the dimensions of the windows. He hopes we can get the work done before the Spring Clean-up. (There is more about this in the 1999 Annual Dues Letter)

The Friends' Bridge: Kevin says the footing for this structure is the problem. He hopes to get chunks of granite to fortify the supports of the span.

The Natural Landmarks Program has been rejuvenated. Brian says we must try to apply to this program for assistance.

As noted above, there were only FIVE (5) people at this meeting! PLEASE won't more of you come to the DECEMBER MEETING to HELP with the ANNUAL DUES LETTER????!!!!

This meeting adjourned at 8:39.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December 7, 1999

Next Meeting: Tuesday January 4, 2000 at 7:15

On Dec.7,1999 six of us performed the annual rite of preparing and mailing the annual ANNUAL REPORT & DUES LETTER. Those working were: Brian Yates, Bobbi Demers, John Mordes, Hank Lysaght, Carol McPherson, and Hannah Sherman.

As we worked and we discussed John Mordes' plan to do some temporary repairs to the Stone Building. John has tentatively secured the services of an excellent carpenter who is willing to put in some volunteer effort. John does not have the time to meet with him at the site to do measuring, etc. Hank Lysaght says he will do this. He plans to get the key to the building from Kevin and go there with the carpenter to decide on the cost and time perimeters. We hope this project can be completed before the spring clean-up.

We also discussed shortening our mailing list. As mailing expenses escalate, our treasury is strained to support sending the minutes to so many people who do not pay dues. Should we limit the list to the active members? Who is an active member?? Are there enough of them to make this whole thing worth while?

Several members responded most generously to our request for refreshments for this meeting. We happily consumed their contributions when we had completed the mailing.

As planned last month, Kevin Hollenbeck did not attend this meeting.he having been delegated to attend the Frederick Law Olmsted lecture at Arnold Arboretum. At our January 4, 2000 meeting he will report on the lecture. It should be well worth hearing. Do Come!

This merry meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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