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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

A Celebration in Honor of Author Ken Newcomb

On the Occasion of the Print Publication of

Makers of the Mold

February 4, 2011

On November 19, 1998 The Friends of Hemlock Gorge gathered at the Newton Public Library to celebrate the online publication of Ken Newcomb's  Makers of the Mold, a history of Newton Upper Falls and the Industrial Age of Hemlock Gorge, rescuing a fragile manuscript that could not find a publisher. Click here to see our photo album of that event.

On Friday, February 4 The Friends of Hemlock Gorge joined with fellow Upper Falls residents to celebrate the print publication of Ken's book. The print publication was entirely the initiative of Jerry Riley of Upper Falls. He oversaw the entire project, brought it to completion, and then organized with Karen Osborne Shanley a party at which fellow Upper Falls  and Waban residents as well as Ken's friends and family celebrate the book's publication and shared stories about the author, his beloved village, and his book. 

To read the Newton Patch story about the book and the party and to see some photos, click here. The event will also be reported on NewTV starting on Tuesday, February 8. You can see it on cable TV or online at . To see the Friends Photo Album, click here.

Copies of the The Makers of the Mold book can be purchased online and are also available at several local restaurants, convenience stores and cafes. The full list of outlets can be found here

Below are some pictures taken during the celebration.

Jerry Reilly, who made the evening possible


Friends President, Alderman Brian Yates.being interviewed for Newton Patch.












Ken Newcomb's brother Al and his wife.

Publisher Jerry Reilly


Freinds webmaster John Mordes with the typescript of Makers of the Mold. He, Bobbi Demers, and Hank Lysaght digitized it in 1997-1998 and brought it to the web.


Jerry Reilly and the book he brought to print


Tom reminisces about growing up in Upper Falls


The first president of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge, Vaunita Schnell addresses the group.


Filming for

Vaunita addresses the group


Filming for

  Empress of Hemlock Gorge and sponsor of the party Karen Osborn Shanley address the group

Jerry Reilly being interviewed for NewTV

Vaunia beng Interviewed for NewTV


Nina Koch and former Friends President Vaunita Schness

Friends President Brian Yates and Webmaster John Mordes at the end of a wonderful evening.


Photographs by John P. Mordes, M.D.

Page last updated Monday February 07, 2011

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