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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 2006

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 10, 2006

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 7, 2006 at 7:15.

Present were- Brian Yates, John Mordes, W. Craig Wall, Harry Sanders, Rick and Bonnie Pearson

Items discussed:

  1. To date the Friends of Hemlock Gorge have $2883.81 in funds plus an additional $50 dues contributed at tonight�s meeting.

  2. As part of the Annual the Friends of Hemlock Gorge membership mailing sent out in December, $540 has been received in dues to date. All current members are asked to recruit a new member to increase membership and help with funding and volunteer opportunities of upcoming projects for the Hemlock Gorge

  3. Brian has received confirmation that the Friends of Hemlock Gorge application has been approved for the Public-Private Partnership program with the MA Executive Office of Environmental Affairs.  The Friends of Hemlock Gorge and EOEA will each contribute up to $2500 for a total of $5000 for flooring work to be done in the Stone Barn.

  4. John Mordes has made a presentation to the board members of the Waban Improvement Society (WIS) on a 5 point proposal of working with the the Friends of Hemlock Gorge on

    A. Hiring a landscape architect to create a master design for the Charles River riverbank in Waban. 

    B. Organize trail repairs along the walk from the riverbank to Rte 128 Bridge.

    C.  When the trail is done, to then restore markers that once identified the flora and other items of interest.  Markers could be simply numbered and referenced at the WIS website for further explanation.

    D. Working along with the Friends of Hemlock Gorge and DCR about building suspended footbridge across the river using the hidden aqueduct bridge near the Rte 128 Bridge as the main supporting structure.  Such a bridge would enable people from Waban to cross to the trails that lead eventually as far as Elm Bank and would connect to the Charles River paths that are being restored and extended outward from Boston. 

    E. Coordinate the Friends of Hemlock Gorge cleanups with WIS efforts on the Waban riverbank.  John has not heard back from the WIS about any decision to work with the Friends of Hemlock Gorge on any of the above items.

  5. A very creative idea was presented by John Mordes for a new pathway going from the Hemlock Gorge side to the Quinobequin Road side by utilizing the no longer used sluiceway as the connecting pathway.  More discussion of this idea will be at the next meeting.

The monthly minutes of the meetings are on line and additional information on activities are available at the the Friends of Hemlock Gorge web site,  Please give us your e-mail address to receive the Minutes of Meetings and other notices. 

Note: All e-mail addresses will remain for the confidential use of only the Friends of Hemlock Gorge.

This meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 7, 2006

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 7, 2006 at 7:15.

We think that no one remembered to take minutes!

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 7, 2006

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 4, 2006 at 7:15.

Present were- Brian Yates, John Mordes, W. Craig Wall, Kevin Hollenbeck, DCR, Susan Murphy, DCR, Vanita Schnell, Jim Purdy, Sheila Purdy, Sarah Hannah, Jean Fisher, Lee Fisher and Bonnie Pearson

Items discussed:

  1. Top Priority Item at the meeting - We were informed at the beginning of March, 2006 by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) that Echo Bridge would be closed temporarily to pedestrians on March 17. It was to remain closed for an indeterminate length of time. The reason is safety--the deterioration of the railings. Check the FOHG web site, to read the text of the official announcement from the MWRA, the October 2005 inspection report that raised the issue or to see illustrations of the past and present of the Promenade.  The Friends discussed this matter at their March meeting and formulated plans to keep the bridge open, or at least ensure timely repair and re-opening of the bridge.

  2. To date FOHG has $1473 in funds.

  3. As announced previously, The Friends of Hemlock Gorge succeeded in their application for a Public-Private Partnership with the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). The Friends earmarked $2500 for a new floor and other repairs to the Stone Building, and that amount was matched by the DCR. The Friends are pleased to announce that as a result of the Public-Private Partnership we established with the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) a new concrete floor has now been installed in the Stone Building. Pictures and more information to follow soon on the FOHG web site.  The pouring of a level concrete floor means that our long hoped for plans to make the Stone Building a great venue for Friends' activities is becoming a reality.  The new floor will, hopefully, be followed soon by repair of the electrical system and the new windows, for which funds have already been generously donated by the Sangiolo Trust.

  4. Friends of Hemlock Gorge will sponsor the Annual Spring Clean-Up on April 29th, 2006.  Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place between 9 and 10 a.m.  Materials and tools supplied. Refreshments provided.  Please dress appropriately for the work and the weather (rain or shine).  Meet at the parking lot at Hamilton Place, Needham.  For map/directions or further information, check the FOHG web site.

The monthly minutes of the meetings are on line and additional information on all activities are available at the FOHG web site,  Please give us your e-mail address to receive the Minutes of Meetings and other notices.  Note: All e-mail addresses will remain for the confidential use of only FOHG.

This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

UPDATEMarch 23, 2006: The Friends are pleased to report that the Echo Bridge Promenade has re-opened. In response to the efforts of the Friends and local officials, the protests of many local residents, and the publicity generated by front page stories in the last two issues of The Newton Tab, the MWRA informed FOHG on Friday, March 17, 2006 that, instead of closing Echo Bridge to pedestrians indefinitely, temporary "snow barriers" will be installed along the railings to warn pedestrians away from the edge. This will permit the Promenade to remain open during the process that will lead to a permanent solution to the railing repair problemThe safety "snow barriers" are made of wood slats and actually not unsightly. Congratulations to the MWRA, Friends, journalists, officials, and all concerned citizens who help achieve this. We now look forward to working on the permanent solution to the railing problem. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April 4, 2006

Next Meeting: Tuesday May 2, 2006 at 7:15.

Minutes of April 4, 2006 Meeting

Present were- Brian Yates, W. Craig Wall, Hank Lysaght, Bobbi Demers, Tim Tippett and Bonnie Pearson

Items discussed:

1)      At the beginning of the meeting, we were joined by several members of the CDC organization who were also meeting at the center that evening.  Discussion about the recent developments and alternative options for keeping the Echo Bridge Promenade open after the re-opening by the MWRA.  In response to the efforts of the Friends and local officials, the MWRA has installed temporary "snow barriers" along the railings to warn pedestrians away from the edge. This will permit the Promenade to remain open during the process that will lead to a permanent solution to the railing repair problem.  A number of options were discussed: replacement of sections of the railing �vs- the entire railing which is estimated at a one million dollar price tag, checking with the MA Historic Commission or National Trust for Historic Preservation on suitable replacement materials, finding a cast iron expert to volunteer recommendations.  State Senators Cynthia Creem and Scott Brown are looking into the bond bill as a potential source for part of the funding. Other possible sources of funding could be CDC, OEOA, MWRA Public Private Partnership Enterprise.

Members are also asked for ideas and people that they know that might be knowledgeable in cast iron railing. 

2)      Friends of Hemlock Gorge will sponsor the Annual Spring Clean-Up on April 29th, 2006.  Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place between 9 and 10 a.m.  Materials and tools supplied. Refreshments provided.  Please dress appropriately for the work and the weather (rain or shine).  Meet at the parking lot at Hamilton Place, Needham.  For map/directions or further information, check the FOHG web site.  Hank Lysaght will be coordinating the refreshments for the event.

3)      Tim Tippett has offered the services of his Boy Scout Troop in Waban to work with FOHG on projects and the first project would be in working on the tree pathway in clearing and identifying foliage.  Bonnie will make sure that he receives a copy of the Forest Stewardship Program which identifies both trail and foliage.

4)      Bobbi Demers has been in contact with Nancy Goldberg, another Scout Troop Leader in Newton Highlands that would like to work with FOHG and MWRA on installing trail signs. 

This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

The monthly minutes of the meetings are on line and additional information on all activities are available at the FOHG web site,  Please give us your e-mail address to receive the Minutes of Meetings and other notices.  Note: All e-mail addresses will remain for the confidential use of only FOHG.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 2, 2006

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 6, 2006 at 7:15.

In attendance:  Brian Yates, Vaunita Schnell, John Mordes, Craig Wall, Hank Lysaght, Bonnie Pearson, Bobbi Demers

President Brian Yates read correspondence which accompanied donations, and several pieces in which the writers expressed appreciation for Hemlock Gorge, and thanked the Friends for the work they do.

Treasury stands at approximately $1417.

RE:  Echo Bridge.  Brian reported that our local government representatives have been making a strong effort to gain funding to repair/restore/refurbish the bridge:  Reps. Balzer, Harkins and Peisch

succeeded in adding $250,000 for it to the House budget.  John Mordes will e-mail people to ask that they contact their local Senators (Brown and Creem) to ask that it be included in the Senate budget.

Brian emphasized the need to formulate a plan for getting the necessary bridge work done; contacts have been made with Mass. DPW/Highway, as well as historic and preservation groups.  Follow up will be made to people who have come forward and volunteered their help and services.

RE:  Adelgids:  Appear to have returned - John will contact State Forester Charlie Burnham.

RE:  Buffer zone:  Discussion on possibility of acquiring more land to act as a buffer between the Reservation and residential areas, particularly on the Needham side. 

RE: Stone Building: It was noted that the cedar roof shingles are cupping, particularly on the West side.  This will be brought to DCR's attention, as well as an inquiry about when the window replacement will occur. Also noted was the fact of many fallen trees, some directly on trails.

Electricity continues to be lacking, and appears to be an NStar problem; Bonnie and Hank will work together to get NStar out to perform appropriate tests to define, and then rectify, the problem, which may have to do with the voltage coming into the building.

RE:  Annual Picnic:  Scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 1st  at the meadow by Hamilton Place, Needham, at 6pm.  Because of last year's success, Bonnie has contacted the Hemlock Gorge Boys about appearing again, and is awaiting confirmation.   

Hank announced that he was leading a walk through Hemlock Gorge on Saturday morning, as part of a Wellesley Trails program. Open to the public, all are welcome to join.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bobbi Demers, Secretary pro tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June 6 and August, 2006

Next Meeting: Tuesday September 12, 2006 at 7:15.

Members present: Brian Yates, Craig Wall, Bobbie Demers, Hank Lysaght

Echo Bridge State Budget

$250,000 for the �Echo Bridge Safety Project� was included in the House Budget Thanks to Representatives Lida Harkins, Ruth Balser and Alice Peisch. However, the money was not included in the Senate budget. The two budgets are now in Conference Committee to reconcile their differences. Friends of Hemlock Gorge need to reach out to our legislators asking the Senate to add the $250,000 To Line Item 2820-0100. Senators Cynthia Creem of Newton and Wellesley (617-722-1639) and Senator Scott Brown of Needham (617-722-5555) and any other Senators members know should be contacted to urge the Senator Conferees to recede and accept the House�s figure on this matter, House members should be thanked for approving the item and asked to tell the Conferees to insist that the Senate accept this item. If we can get it in the final legislative budget, we will then have to avoid or override a veto before we can help in developing plans for a permanent repair.

Echo Bridge Community Support

The Wellness Community, a support organization for Cancer Patients, located in the Mill Falls complex described people making what they feared would be their last visits to Echo Bridge and cheered the temporary solution in their May newsletter. The Newton-Needham Chamber of Commerce had a large article in their newsletter as well. We will thank them and attempt to make them active FHG supporters.

Picnic will be Tuesday August 1 beginning at 6:00 P.M.

After some confusion, it was finally agreed that August 1 will be the best date for our summer picnic . The Hemlock Gorge Boys will again provide music. The date is two days before Bobbie Demers closes on her house and moves back to her family homestead in Connecticut. The Charles River�s loss will be the tremendous gain of the Housatonic River. Bobbie has her first cleanup planned and is using the summer to give away everything about her house in Needham down to the landscaping. She will be missed by the Friends as well as the "No Nasties" Stream Team of the Charles River Watershed Association

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian Yates, Secretary pro tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September 12, 2006

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 3, 2006 at 7:15.

To be continued

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 10, 2006

Next Meeting: Tuesday November 7, 2006 at 7:15.

Due to confusion about the correct date, only Brian and one other person attended.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian Yates, Secretary pro tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 14, 2006

Next Meeting: Tuesday December 5, 2006 at 7:15

Members present: Brian Yates, Craig Wall, Hank Lysaght, John Mordes, Bonnie Pearson and Bobbie Demers.

The Annual Hemlock Gorge Fall Spruce Up The Annual DCR and FOHG sponsored event was well attended on Saturday, October 7th, 2006. We sincerely appreciate the efforts of all the volunteers and we hope to see you at the Annual Spring cleanup! Our special thanks are extended to Seana Gaherin and Dunn-Gaherins Food and Spirits, 344 Elliot Street in Newton for starting off all the volunteers with pastries and beverages. We really �cleaned up� at this event. Check out the Friends web site for pictures!

Echo Bridge Repairs and State Budget As of tonight�s meeting, the status of the $250,000 that was set aside by the DCR for the repairs is still in question. The Governor did include $1,145,000 worth of earmarks in line item 2820-0100 in his 9C cuts. It is still to be determined if the DCR has the $250,000 in their account prior to the Governor�s budget cuts. Brian is following up with Rep. Ruth Balser and the MWRA. Check the Friends web site for any latest updates.

Mark your calendar for the next meeting, Tuesday, December 5th, 2006 Volunteers needed for the end of the year newsletter and annual membership drive mailing. This year�s membership drive goal is for every member to sign up one new member!

Everyone encouraged bringing snacks or beverage to share to make it a bit more festive. Also bring any ideas for projects in 2007.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December 5, 2006

Next Meeting: Tuesday January 9, 2007 at 7:15

Members present:  Brian Yates, John Mordes, Hank Lysaght, Vaunita Schnell, Sarah Hannah, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.

There was much merriment at the last meeting for the year and a good time was enjoyed by all!

IItems discussed:

Echo Bridge Repairs and State Budget

As of tonight�s meeting, it appears that the $250,000 has been set aside for the Echo Bridge Safety Bridge repairs and the recommended work is being reviewed with the MA Historic Society. 

Keep informed on any updates by checking the Friends web site.

Graffiti - Echo Bridge

Unfortunately it has been reported that graffiti markings have returned to Echo Bridge.  MWRA will be contacted about removal.

End of the Year Newsletter and Annual Membership Drive

The membership mailing was completed during the meeting.  This year�s goal is to double our membership by each present member recruiting a new member! 

Mark your calendar for the next meeting, Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

Projects and new ideas for the coming year will be on the agenda.  All suggestions are welcome.

To All - Happy holidays and best wishes for a very Happy New Year!

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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