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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Memorial Bench in Honor of Author Ken Newcomb

Dedicated August 5, 2003

Here are a few images of the memorial bench placed in Hemlock Gorge by the Friends. The memorial was made possible by contributions from Ken's family and many friends. To see a larger version, click on the picture.

Special thanks go to  Newton Memorial Arts who designed the stone and to the crew who moved it to its permanent location under the direction of site supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck.

Ken's Bench at Artist's Point.


Ken's Bench is near the footbridge

A visitor enjoys the bench


The Bench and two bridges

Ken's Bench at Artist's Point with Echo Bridge in Background

Ken's Favorite Place: Artist's Point

Photographs by John P. Mordes, M.D.

Page last updated September 13, 2003

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