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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Celebration in Honor of Author Ken Newcomb

On the Occasion of our 2003 Summer Picnic


The Dedication of his Memorial Bench

August 5, 2003


The memorial to Ken Newcomb was made possible by financial contributions from many of his friends and family and by the unstinting volunteers who conceived and designed and transported the stone bench.

To all of these thoughtful people, too numerous to list, the Friends extend their deepest gratitude.


The historic view of Echo Bridge from Artists' Point


The Friends' sited Ken's memorial bench at "Artists' Point," a location that Ken loved and about which he wrote in his Walking Tour of Hemlock Gorge.

We hope that many generations of visitors will sit on "Ken's" bench and savor the view that he cherished so much and sought so hard to preserve.

The Celebration at which we dedicated dedicate Ken's memorial was held as part of the Friends' Annual summer picnic.  A celebration of his publications was held in 1998.

There was a large attendance, including many members of the Friends, four generations of Ken's family, and City and State officials.

Brian Yates, President of the Friends and Alderman of Newton, presided over the festivities.

There was much reminiscence and praise of Ken for his many years of dedicated work.

Below are some pictures taken during the celebration. Clicking on many of the images will take you to larger versions.

Group at the Friends' picinc

More than 30 Friends and members of the Newcomb family attended

At the Friends' 2003 picnic

Our picnic took place by the Stone Building, which The Friends are slowly renovating.

Ken's son (right)

Hannah and Ro

Friends' secretary Hanna Raffa and her husband  

Brian and Rep. Pietsch

Brian Yates and Rep. Alice Pietsch

At the picnic

At the picnic

Friends' past president Vaunita Schnell

Friends' past president

At the picnic

Brian, Rep. Pietsch, and guests.

At the picnic

At the picnic

Soon Cho and Sarah Hannah at the picnic

Soon Cho and Sarah Hannah at the picnic

Site Supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck

Kevin Hollenbeck did yeoman's service installing the memorial bench, making picnic arrangements, and serving as chef extraordinaire!

Bobbie Demers

Bobbie Demers at the event. Bobbie was instrumental in getting everything organized, as here

Hank Lysaght, Brian Yates, and Kevin Hollenbeck

Hank, Brian, and Kevin

Friends' Logo

Friends' Logo

The Friends extend sincere thanks to the work crew  whose hard work made placement of the Memorial at Artists' Point Possible.

Walking to the dedicantion ceremony

After the picnic main course, we proceeded to the memorial for the dedication.


At the dedication ceremony.

At the dedication ceremony

The dedication ceremony

The director of the Jackson Homestead speaking at the dedication ceremony

Hank speaks at the dedication

Hank Lysaght speaking at the ceremony


At the dedication

Ken's family and friends


Praying at the Ken Newcomb dedication ceremony

A moment of silent prayer


Speaking at the ceremony

Speaking at the ceremony


Friends' President Brian Yates speaks at the dedication

Friends' President, Alderman Brian Yates speaking at the dedication ceremony


Friends' President Brian Yates speaks at the dedication

Brian has everyone's attention. Brian and Ken were friends for many years.


The close of the dedicatio

The close of the dedication ceremony


Friends' Logo

Bobbie Demers

Bobbie Demers with the Dedication Cake

The Cake

The dedication dessert!

After the dedication

After the dedication

After the dedication

After the dedication

Friend Jean L after the dedication

After the dedication

Four generations of the Newcomb family at the Dedication

Four generations of the Newcomb family attended the dedication

Bobbie hard at work

Bobbie hard at work helping serve after the dedication

Hank and Bobbie, without whose efforts the memorial and dedication could not have taken place.

All were happy after the dedication

After dedication

After the dedication

Lee Fisher and Vaunita Schnell after the dedication

John Mordes and Brian Yates

Webmaster John Mordes and Brian Yates after the dedication in the Stone Building

Photographs by John P. Mordes, M.D.

Page last updated Wednesday September 23, 2009

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