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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 2023

January February March
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July: No Meeting August: Picnic Meeting September
October November December

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 11, 2023

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 8, 2023  at 7:15

To be continued.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 8, 2023

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 7, 2023 at 7:15.

Present: Paul Roberts, Rena Getz, Evan Weststrate, Loumona Petroff, Robin Dexter, Bill Humphrey, Sheila Purdy

Evan chaired the meeting in John’s absence.

Treasurer Report: Robin stated that the balance was  $6,980.00. Evan said that he was  preparing  to mail posters this month for online contributors. He said there were 2 or 3.

 Cleanup Days Planning: The spring cleanup is planned for April 29th and the fall event for October14th. Evan pointed out that the spring cleanup is one week after Earth Day. Since it was unknown how many volunteers would attend, it would be good to plan for  various projects for them. It was additionally not known if Emily would be supervising the  Echo  Platform cleanup again this year. Also, could extra volunteers be assigned to Quinobequin to collect trash? Are there any special projects such as painting or signage to accomplish at the event? Defining trails more clearly by clearing overgrowth and making clear signs could help visitors follow trails more easily. These projects could be organized in in advance and planned at the next meeting.

 Scout Report: Paul presented an update on Scout activities. Scouts are working on a project to construct box steps at the steep part of the trail for enhanced safety. Paul is overseeing that required approval is in place to begin the project. Paul also suggested that NewTV  could cover some of the events such as Scout projects or the cleanup volunteer events. He also said that special planned events could be advertised in the local paper. Friends suggested events such as pond skating or bungee jumping(?). If events are planned and well attended, the Friends could possibly invest in an additional picnic table. The Friends were not agreed on the purchase of armrests of backrests for the new benches. They could enhance safety but not allow as many people to sit comfortably.

 Future Meetings: Friends agreed that for the near future meetings would continue to be  hybrid, but in warmer weather this could change. Everyone supported waiving the fees to use the Emerson Community Center for meetings, but could possibly use the Waban Center as an in-person backup venue. Future meetings should continue to be hybrid in all cases.

 Membership/Outreach: Paul pointed out that the cleanups presented a good opportunity to outreach to potential new members. Sheila suggested making a list of potential outreach and visibility activities to attract the interest of prospective new members. This could be done at a subsequent meeting.

 Invasive Plants: Katherine Howard will be at the March meeting to present information and updating on invasive plants in the area.

The meeting finished earlier due to Zoom limits.


Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary 

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 1, 2023

Next Meeting: Tuesday April x, 2023 at 7:15

To be continued.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April x, 2023

Next Meeting: Tuesday May x, 2023 at 7:15

To be continued.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May x, 2023

Next Meeting: Tuesday June x, 2023 at 7:15

To be continued

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June and August, 2023

Next Meeting: Tuesday September x, 2023 at 7:15

To be continued

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary 

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September x, 2023

Next Meeting: Tuesday October x, 2023 at 7:15

To be continued.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October x, 2023

Next Meeting: Tuesday November x, 2023 at 7:15

To be continued.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November x, 2023

Next Meeting: Tuesday December x, 2023 at 7:15

To be continued.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

Back to the Index of 2023 Meetings

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December x, 2023

Next Meeting: Tuesday, January x, 2024 at 7:15

To be continued.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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