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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 2022

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 11, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 8, 2022  at 7:15

This was a Zoom only meeting due to the Omicron Covid surge. Present: John Mordes, Jay Werb, Ellen Katz, Jennie Moonan, Audrey Wallace, Robin Dexter, Maureen Riley Meagher, Jean Fisher, Lee Fisher, Bill Humphrey, Lon Ross, Vaunita Schnell, Loumona Petroff, Rena Getz, Evan Weststrate, Sheila Purdy
CRWA Presentation: The first meeting for 2022 began with a presentation by 2 guests from the Charles River Watershed Association: Jennie Moonan and Audrey Wallace. Jennie is the director  of the stormwater program and an environmental engineer. Audrey is the director of development and membership. CWRA serves 35 communities and was founded in 1965 to restore and enhance the river after decades of being used as a trash dump and waste disposal site. The organization is extensive and addresses many aspects of the river’s uses including: water quality, flooding risks, environmental effects of dumping and runoff, landscaping , recreational use, and educational opportunity. Mitigation efforts include outreach, hydrology, use of local volunteers, water quality monitoring, rain gardens, and advocacy.
The volunteer projects are extensive and involve both technical and hands-on work. Projects  can include pulling invasive plants, cleanup days, water monitoring, and planning various gatherings and parties. They have a budget of 1.5 million dollars including $850, 000 from donations. They have an online newsletter, The River Current, which is available through their website.
The Friends followed the excellent and comprehensive presentation with numerous questions about  ARC maps, integrated activities, special projects, recreational fishing, swimming  the Cordingly Dam fish ladder, and hydrology methods of regulating the height of the river. The guests were invited to return for follow-up on many of these issues.
Treasurer’s Report: Robin stated that the balance is now up $1,000 from last year and stands at $7,242. 35. Kudos to Evan for making the posters available to members and donors. The filings for state and federal tax exempt status have been filed. The Friends approved expenditures for improved audio equipment for hybrid meetings and a portable tent shelter for outdoor visibility events. This purchase will include signage and pole stabilizers. Robin will provide a check to pay for the Friend’s P.O. box for next year.
Update From Erica:  Erica did not attend the meeting, but the Friends approved expenditures for metal backrests to be attached to the rustic benches that will be built and placed in the
December Meeting: the meeting was held at the Osborne house and included the much anticipated festive year-end party as well as the elections of officers and board members for 2022. There were a few changes from 2021. The election results were as follows:  
FoHG Officers for 2022:
President: John Mordes; Vice President: Evan Weststrate; Treasurer: Robin Dexter; Secretary: Sheila Purdy
FoHG Board Members 2022:
Bill Humphrey, Chris Osborne, Vaunita Schnell, Rena Getz, John Mordes, Evan Weststrate, and Robin Dexter.
Updates: There are no current updates on the crosswalks, Stone Building Foundation, or website improvements.  If weather permits, an ice skating event will be planned for the pond during the winter. John is still monitoring the status of Covid infections to make a decision about where the February meeting will take place and what precautions should remain.
Goals for 2022: Because of the extensive agenda of this first meeting of the year, the planning of future goals has been tabled until February.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 8, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 1, 2022 at 7:15.

Present: Robin Dexter, Jeff Eisen, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell, Jean Fisher, James Janosky, Lee Fisher, Chris Osborne, Rena Getz, Paul Roberts, Don Ross, Bob Burke, Bill Humphrey, Evan Weststrate, Betsy Hewitt, Loumona Petroff, Sheila Purdy

Treasurer’s Report: Robin reported an account balance of $7,241 with no new expenses. Evan was reimbursed for his expenses in preparing and mailing the posters. John purchased a microphone for the new hybrid meetings. Costs of renewing the 501(c) 3 status have been paid for the rest of this year. The purchase of a shelter for visibility events is still being explored.

Venue for Upcoming Meetings: A hybrid meeting has been planned for the March meeting at the Waban Library/Community Center. The first Tuesday has been safely reserved but thereis a conflict involved in moving the meeting to the 2nd Tuesday. Rena noted that this date was not always available. The Friends discussed the possibility of moving the date to the third of fourthTuesday. It was decided to keep the March 1st date due to the many assets of the Waban site and its capacity for hybrid meetings. Any subsequent changes could be discussed at future  meetings.

Chartering a Boy Scout Troup: Jeff Eisen and Janosky represented BSA Troop 205 and presented the details of a charter agreement for The Friends to officially sponsor the troop for  the upcoming year. They summarized the history of the troop and described the current situation requiring a new sponsor and charter agreement. The chartering organization is “usually a non-profit” and they need to get a formal agreement by the end of February. The presenters went over the benefits and responsibilities of the chartering sponsor and answered questions which included liability and benefits to the Friends. A significant number of the Friends had been involved with BSA over many years. Paul Roberts volunteered to be the liaison between the Friends and the BSA. The sponsoring commitment is only for one year and can be renewed or cancelled at the end of this period. The Friends acknowledged the many positive aspects of this arrangements. Don Ross volunteered to be the backup liaison to Paul to insure that the Friends would have an experienced person to fill that role. John noted that there was a quorum of Board members to be able to vote on this proposal. The proposal to charter BSA Troop 205 was approved by vote of the Board members.

Updates from Erica: Erica was not at meeting. Updates will be provided at future meeting. A meeting with Ruth Balser is planned to address the crosswalk issue.

Ice Skating on the Pond: The weather this winter allowed for favorable conditions to permit safe skating on the pond. Evan and Lee quickly planned the event and notified people of the opportunity.  Lee noted that most of the attendees were there to watch the event and socialize rather than skate. He noted that Troop 205 could be added to the mailing list for future events.

Future Projects: John noted that the CRWA representatives were available to attend the meeting in March to continue the previous discussion of a number of issues. CRWA has designated April 23rd as its date to schedule the annual Charles River cleanup. The Friends will decide whether to coordinate their spring cleanup for the same date.

The Friends discussed the possibility of formal guided walks through the park to explore the natural history and its role in the evolution of the neighborhood. John suggested that walks could also be made available to children from the city or Metco students from neighboring

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary 

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 1, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 5, 2022 at 7:15

Present: Robert Kearns, Emily Gelbert, Robin Dexter, Betsy Hewitt, Bill Humphrey, Bob Burke, John Mordes, Evan Weststrate, Paul Roberts, Vaunita Schnell, Rena Getz, Loumona Petroff and Sheila Purdy
Announcements: The Spring Cleanup  has been scheduled for April 23rd to coordinate with the CRWA cleanup and Earth Day.  The Friends will continue to publicize the event in local media. Rena said that the first Monday of each month is available at the Waban Library Community Center to host ongoing hybrid Friends’ meetings. The charter with Boy Scout Troop 205 has been signed for the upcoming year.
Treasurer’s Report: Robin announced a new donation following the formalization of the Friends’ sponsorship of the Scout Troop. It was provided by a parent involved in the troop.
Guest Speaker: John introduced Robert Kearns, climate resilience specialist from CRWA. He addressed the recreational issues brought up at the prior meeting with CWRA. These were Identified as fishing and swimming. There were also questions about the dams on the river.
The speaker stated that swimming has been prohibited since the 1950’s and is only permitted at state sponsored events. This is due to water quality and safety issues. Water quality has improved since the 1950’s and is constantly monitored and tested. Quality changes after
storms because of runoff and cyanobacteria blooms. The yellow foam that occurs on the river is natural and “innocuous”.
Fish that live in the river include: alewife, shad, and blue herring. Fish travelling upstream cannot navigate the dams. While some dams have fish ladders to assist them, the circular dam does not. There has been ongoing discussion at many levels about removing some of the dams
to permit fish to migrate naturally. Apparently, the American eel can “climb over” dams and can travel as far as Milford.  There is an advisory on the safety of freshwater fish and contamination with PCB.  Currently no signs are in place to warn against fishing. There is no current action to extend the fish ladder system. Betsy pointed out that the fish ladder at Lower Falls was in poor condition.  
There is currently a low number of river herring. Indigenous people are allowed to fish the river, but there are also incidents of eel poaching. An effort was made to reintroduce shad to the system, but the salmon are “all gone”.
Bill asked about efforts to develop green infrastructure to enhance water quality. The speaker suggested planting more mature trees. Because the Friends had additional questions and comments, the speaker agreed to return at a future meeting.
Updates on  Ongoing Issues: There are no updates from Erica. John is communicating with Ruth Balser about the Stone Building foundation. There is no news at this time.
DCR and DOT are looking into the connection between the Gorge and Quinobequin. John got a  draft of the plans from DOT. A gap is needed in the guard rail to allow for a safe crossing. A number of concerns were raised about this crossing. Some suggestions were: narrowing the ramp, installing a flashing red light, and installing a speed bump.  At a second crossing at Ellis Street, sightlines are also a safety problem. Improvements could include “Abbey Road” raised crosswalks. John said it was difficult to get  official  safety statistics about these 2 crossings.
The Friends discussed a number of projects for future coordination with the Scout Troop. Emily needs help to maintain the stairway and echo platform. The rustic benches will need to be varnished once they arrive and the hardware installed. Vaunita said that the existing trails also need to be restored.

More material could be provided to identify and warn about poison ivy.
John also raised the issue of hosting Metco students at the park.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April 5, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday May 3, 2022 at 7:15

Present: John Mordes, Rena Getz, Loumona Petroff, Paul Roberts, Don Ross, Bill Humphrey, Robin Dexter, Emily Gelbert, Sheila Purdy
Treasurer’s Report: Funds were spent on a new speaker system for meetings and for the popup shelters to be used at visibility events. The tents will be delivered today.
Other Announcements: The previous roof repair at the stone barn resulted in numerous historical  artifacts. John spoke with Rob MacArthur who was the liaison with DCR at the time. The artifacts included a mortar sample which could be dated to determine the exact date of the
stone barn. The stone barn could possibly be the oldest building on DCR land and date back to 1790-1800. John will speak to the DCR archeologist to follow up on the sample. Rob will be retiring from his present position and may be able to provide additional information to us..
Hemlock Gorge Cleanup: The cleanup has been scheduled on April 23rd rain or shine. Jeff Lin from Tzu Chi has been in touch to offer volunteers and lunches. Tzu Chi is very careful about not using any products that are not recyclable. They will bring their own utensils. There will also be a large contingent from the Scout troop. John reminded everyone that volunteers needed to fill out a release form for DCR before starting the cleanup. DCR will provide trash bags and gloves.
State of the Park: Robin, Evan, and John took a tour of the park and made a list of needed trail improvements. There was not a lot of trash on the trails, but trash was clearly evident near the church across from Hamilton Place. There is also trash along the Quinobequin trail. The echo platform has been maintained and is looking “pretty good”. The foundation of the stone barn continues to be concerning. It is bulging out and needs to be carefully examined. There is no longer a forester at DCR, and the trees are showing a lot of damage from scale. Adelgids are not as numerous as in the past, but a lot of hemlock trees are bare. Insecticide sprays cannot be used near water to address the current and future insect infestations. An arborist would need to make suggestions about how to manage this ongoing problem. Erica was not present at the meeting for an update on current projects-the rustic benches and the 2nd floor of the barn.
Earth Day: Green Newton is sponsoring a festival for Earth Day on April 24th from 1-4 PM. There  will be a number of demonstrations including electric cars.  The Friends can sponsor a table to provide information where people can sign up for the Friends get a poster of the park. There is no fee to sponsor a table. Volunteers are needed to staff the table and set up the display. John is available that day. Don could coordinate the event.
Future Projects: The celebration of the new barn roof was originally delayed due to the pandemic.    It could be scheduled for the summer with a plan to formally thank Ruth Balser and Amy Mah Sangiolo  for all  their assistance and advocacy for the stone barn and other Friends’ projects.
With help from the Scouts, the trails can be maintained and improved with newly refurbished trail markers.  Erica has already approved this effort. The echo platform could be repainted
In previous years, there were formal tours of the park led by site supervisors from DCR. Is there any of this material still available to restart the program with volunteer-led tours? Rob will try to locate any previous tour guides. John also raised the suggestion that guided tours could also include tours for kids, including inner city kids.
No guest speakers have been scheduled, but Jason Lupien could attend to offer suggestions on the health of the trees and the state of invasive plants in the park.
The Newton Conservation Commission has refused to grant a Certificate of Compliance following the  repair of Cook’s Bridge because the small part of the Park next to the Mills Falls shopping center has not been finished to specifications. A representative would like the Friends to get involved in this issue. Rena will look into this further to see if there is a need to coordinate efforts.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 3, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 7, 2022 at 7:15

Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Present: Don Ross, John Mordes, Paul Roberts, Rena Getz, Loumona Petroff, Robin Dexter, Evan Weststrate, Lauren Comando, Sheila Purdy

Treasurer’s Report: John paid for added space to expand our email account.

Spring Cleanup Report: The popup tent worked out well for both the cleanup and the Earth

Day celebrations. The cleanup was held on April 23rd , and there were many volunteers at the event from local groups. John counted 20 volunteers from the Boy Scouts, 20 volunteers from Tzu Chi, and 10 from the Friends. Emily took charge of the Scouts to help  rehab the echo platform. She took pictures of the substantial improvements to document their efforts. Tzu Chi contributed lunch for the event and the weather was excellent. The website now has a number of pictures of the many activities and volunteers.

Earth Day: This was primarily a visibility event sponsored by Green Newton. It was held on Sunday April 24 and was well attended. No new members were added, but this event was a beginning to help the community become aware of the Friends and the beauty of the Gorge.

May 7th Event: Jerry Riley and a number of local volunteers are sponsoring “A Walk Through Time”. This is a self-guided tour of historic Upper Falls and includes Hemlock Gorge.  Volunteers will be available at specific sites to educate visitors about the extensive history of the area’s local sites. A popup market will take place in the afternoon at Dunn- Gaherins.

Summer Picnic: August 2nd has been selected as the date for the summer picnic. The event will also honor the contributions of Ruth Balser and Amy Mah Sangiolo who helped the Friends get funding and sponsorship for many improvements to the park. Ongoing improvements include the current need to restore the Stone Building and replace its crumbling foundation. Ruth located a consultant to advise on the structural rehab. DCR hired Beacon Associates to work on the problem. The estimate cost of the project may be quite high. Additions to the 2nd floor will wait until the foundation has been repaired.

State of the Park: The crosswalk project and upgrade will start “any day now”. The Ellis Street parking area was “a mess”, but the city was informed and has taken steps to completely clean up the site. Before and After pictures are available to show the significant improvements. Problems continue with adelgid and scale insect infestations of the trees. John is trying to locate a forester to advise with methods of safe control of the infestation.

The joinery of the bridge is leaking water and needs attention. Andreae Downs is forwarding these concerns to MWRA. The Certificate of Compliance needs to be completed with the contractor for the Cook’s Bridge repair. A number of people are involved in resolving this. 

Erica’s  Update: The rustic benches are ready and waiting for a varnish coat. They are very large and Erica will work with the Friends to locate the best placement for them. Evan has located a company that can manufacture metal armrests and backrests once the benches are installed.

Website: The Friends could use some mentoring on improving the site including the home page. Email capacity has been expanded.  This overall upgrade could become a project for the local Scout troop.

Future Projects: There are a number of areas that could be improved in the park including:  repair and replacement of box steps on the steep part of the trail,  work on the muddy parts of the Quinobequin Trail that need a boardwalk and small bridges, and replacing signs and markers.

Notices: John will be away in June, and Evan will chair the meeting. Depending on the cases of Covid, the meeting will be either a hybrid or a Zoom meeting. The Friends send good wishes to Vaunita who is out of town while her husband is recovering.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June 7,  2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday September 13, 2022 at 7:15

Present: Paul Roberts, Evan Weststrate, Rena Getz, Emily Gelbert, Maureen Riley Meagher, Sheila Purdy

Announcements: Evan chaired the meeting in John Mordes’ absence. The meeting was abbreviated by Zoom access constraints and absent members. The prior Upper Falls Walk Through Time was attended by a number of members and was considered very successful.

Friends were available to act as docents for the many who attended the event to learn about local history. The Waban Village Day was held when the weather was extremely hot and the Friends did not officially participate. The event ended early due to the heat.  Newton Highlands Village Day will be held on June 12th and there was no decision about participating for visibility and outreach at this event.

Summer Picnic: The date of the summer picnic is August 2nd. The event will feature presentations to Ruth Balser and Amy Mah Sangiolo in appreciation for their support. Notifications need to be made to the Friends’ mailing list, the Upper Falls News, and Mayor’s mailing list. Will there need to arrangements for any additional food contributions? Should a July meeting be scheduled to plan for the event? Evan will be away at the time of the picnic and will miss the event.

State of the Park: The foundation of the Stone Barn continues to deteriorate. A window screen has blown out. An update is needed on the state of the hemlocks and the damage from scale insects. The crosswalk to Quinobequin has been opened up in the railing but needs to be painted.

Erica Update: Erica was unable to attend but left information that the benches are ready for installation. She is waiting for the needed equipment but is hoping to have them ready to install by August 2nd.

 Future Projects: Steps on the steep part of the trail need to be replaced. Erica will need to be consulted. Paul said that scouts are available for projects. Scouts could also assist in guiding tours through the park and to make a YouTube video of a park tour to increase visibility online.

Other Matters: Maureen pointed out the extensive development in Wellesley off Route 9 that could affect many aspects of the park: traffic, parking, and attendance. Should there be additional planning in anticipation of these changes?

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary 

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for July 5,  2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday September 13, 2022 at 7:15

Present: Paul Roberts, Jean Fisher, Robin Dexter, Andreae Downs, John Mordes, Rena Getz, Bob Burke, Sheila Purdy

This brief unscehduled  meeting was held to make specific plans for the annual picnic scheduled for August 2nd. The picnic will start at 5:30 and take place near the stone barn. There is a rain date of August 9th.

Picnic Plans: The picnic will be BYO dinner. No food will be provided. Arrangements are needed for a music and PA system. A boom box could possibly provide music if someone will lend one for the event. Rena will  help to get benches in place. A grill and chairs will also be provided. Erica may have the large DCR wooden benches in places by the 2nd. Evan will have a poster ready to present to Ruth in appreciation for her support over the years. Another poster will be available if Amy Sangiolo attends the event. Evan will not be available to attend in person. Invitations have been issues to the Friends’ mailing list and the Upper Falls Newsletter.

 Stone Barn Foundation: A number of issues were discussed relative to the condition of the historic stone barn. The foundation is clearly deteriorating. Engineering and architectural firms need to evaluate the condition and to determine cost estimates for the repair of the foundation. Costs may be very high. This led to a question of the value of such costly repairs and the ultimate use of the building. Since the building is located in the Wellesley area of the park, should Wellesley be involved in planning for the use and repair of the building? Ruth is exploring avenues for funding the repairs through a large state bond bill. Maureen can update the Friends about funding for proposed projects.

No formal meeting will be scheduled for August.

Other Matters: Bob updated the Friends on his change of address and Vaunita’s personal news.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary 

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for our Picnic on August 2, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday September 13, 2022 at 7:15

On August 2nd, the Friends of Hemlock Gorge held their annual picnic. About 20 Friends and local neighbors came to celebrate a new roof on the historic stone barn, accompanied by music and a cookout. The event was an opportunity to thank state Representative Ruth Balser for her ongoing support and help. She attributed the success of the project to patience and persistence. She also thanked the representative from Wellesley for her support.  Ruth was presented with flowers and a framed Hemlock Gorge poster created by Evan Weststrate, the Friends’ vice president.

The group was fortunate to have a number of the  original founding members of the of the group including: Vaunita Schnell, Bob Burke, and the Friends’ president Dr. John Mordes. The Friends of Hemlock Gorge was founded by the late city counselor, Brian Yates.  Newton City Counselors Andreae Downs and Deb Crossley were also in attendance for the formal presentation.

The MDC contributed two wooden benches as permanent contributions to the park. These were constructed from large old trees that had fallen in other MDC properties.

The August picnic serves as the meeting of the Friends for the month. Regularly scheduled meetings will resume in September.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary 

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September 13, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 4, 2022 at 7:15

Present: Bob Burke, Loumona Petroff, Rena Getz, Emily Gelbert, Evan Weststrate, Paul Roberts, Robin Dexter, Lee Fisher, Bill Humphrey, Don Ross, Jan Huffman, Sheila Purdy

Evan Weststrate chaired the meeting in John Mordes’ absence. The original September meeting date was rescheduled to the following week due to the election. This will also need to happen in November.

Fall Cleanup: A date for the fall cleanup was set for October15th with a rain (monsoon) date of October 22nd. Volunteers can start at 9:30 by the stone barn. Lee noted that the park was already much cleaner than in prior years, and the goals of the cleanup could be expanded to additional projects. Additional projects can also be used to employ an unplanned large number of volunteers.  The area being cleaned could be expanded to the trail behind the Wellesley Office Park. Flyers could be posted in the office park to inform residents of the cleanup and offer an opportunity to volunteer and learn about the Friends’ activities. There are areas where vines could be cleared to enhance the views in the park. Volunteers could also be used to pull invasive plants. Poison ivy is an ongoing problem, and garden loppers might be helpful for these tasks. Projects for erosion control could also be added.   DCR will need to be informed about the cleanup dates and to make arrangements for additional trash pickup sites if needed.  

Scout Activities: Paul said the scout troop was going very well and a cub pack is also up and running. He requested the tax exempt # for filing paperwork. The number of scouts attending the cleanup is not known at this time. Erica is helping to organize the needed paperwork to permit at Eagle Scout project of repairing the steep box stairs in the Gorge. A plan  of work needs to be devised to list and schedule the new repairs to this area of the park.

Crosswalk News: The work has been completed for the striped crosswalk to Quinobequin. Evan mentioned the possible need for a speed bump by the echo platform on Ellis Street. The sight lines are very poor in this area and cars need to slow for unanticipated pedestrians crossing over to the park.

Additional Matters:  Upper Falls Village Day will be held on October 2nd from 11:00-2:00. Volunteers will be needed to staff the Friends of Hemlock Gorge display table. Contact Evan if interested in helping with the event.

Ruth Balser is still waiting for the engineering report on the status of the stone barn foundation. It may be ready in the near future to inform future planning for the site.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 4, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday November 1, 2022 at 7:15

To be continued.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 1, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday December 6, 2022 at 7:15

 Present: Paul Roberts, Lee Fisher, Robin Dexter, Rena Getz, Evan Weststrate, Don Ross, John Mordes, Sheila Purdy

Treasurer’s Report: The account balance is $6,788.56 as of the end of October. There were 3 new donations resulting from the Upper Falls Village Day.

Future Meeting Format: There will be an in-person meeting December 6th, which is also the date of the annual holiday party. Subsequent meetings will continue to be virtual for the near future.

Architectural Report: A comprehensive architectural and engineering report was submitted through Ruth Balser’s efforts. It cited numerous structural issues which need to be addressed including: deteriorating foundation, a missing cornerstone, cracked lintels, and the continued presence of water in the building. The report also provided historical information on the origins of the building. It can be traced back to the early 1800’s or possibly even earlier to the late 1700’s. The original building was described as “handsome in its day” with shutters at the windows. A complete restoration would cost an estimated $500,000, but basic stabilization of the foundation could be completed for half that amount and would save the building. Paul suggested ways of temporarily shielding the building from water and snow melt. DCR is currently short staffed, but  $250,000 has already been awarded for these basic foundational repairs.

Fall Cleanup Report: John said the cleanup “went well” but the lunch was short of pizzas. Some people came early and others came late so it was difficult to estimate the number of lunches to be ordered. It was suggested that future publicity include a designated lunch time so that people would not start eating early. John also suggested that the cleanup dates be posted much earlier so that groups like the Scouts and Tzu Chi could schedule it in advance. These groups have busy calendars and need sufficient advance notice in order to arrange to have members attend. The group suggested April 29, 2023 for the spring cleanup and October 14, 2023 for the fall with a rain date the following week. John said that he would be away for the April date, but Rena offered to order the pizzas for the event.

Holiday Party: The holiday party has been schedule for December 6th at the Osborne House at 984 Chestnut Street starting at 7pm. John is making a list of names of people who will attend to give to Karen and Chris Osborne planning the catering. Friends will pay for the party but are encouraged to bring desserts to share with the group.

Guest Speaker: Katherine Howard will give a presentation on invasive plants. February will be the best month to schedule her visit. The talk will be about a half hour.

End of Year Report and Outreach: John is preparing the end of year report to mail out to members. He will be inviting input from the group for the finished report.  No more physical mailings will be sent. The report and membership drive will take place exclusively online through the website. There was a brief discussion about increasing the dues for next year, but no decision was formalized.

 Scout Report: Paul said that 2 Eagle Scout projects are in the process of being approved: the repair of the box steps and the repair of the wooden railings on Ellis Street. The projects need approvals at a number of levels. Erica is helping to manage the process and will work with John to get the necessary signatures. Paul said that the troop is very appreciative of the Friends for sponsoring them and supporting their activities.

Membership: Sheila expressed and interest in continuing  outreach to the community to reach potential new members. The group offered a number of ideas including inviting specific identified individuals to join the Zoom meeting to get familiar with the Friends. She also suggested putting together a welcome packet for new meeting attendees to thank them for their interest.

Other Matters: The issue of returning to the Emerson Center for future in-person meetings was discussed. Bill Humphey was planning to make Wi-Fi available at the Center, but there would still be the $25.00 per hour charge to use facility. Numerous attempts to waive the fee have been unsuccessful. While winter meetings will be held virtually, plans for spring meetings are still open for discussion


Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December 6, 2022

Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 7:15

Present: Loumona Petroff, John Mordes, Rena Getz, Bill Humphrey, Paul Roberts, Robin Dexter, Emily Gelbert, Lauren Commando, Evan Weststrate,  Karen Osborne, Immelda,  Don Ross, Sheila Purdy


Holiday Celebration: This was the year-end meeting which was both a formal meeting and holiday party. It was celebrated at the Osborne House and was catered by Better Life Foods, which gave the event a very gala atmosphere.

 Treasurer’s Report: Robin stated that the latest treasury balance was 6,886. Additional lateYear-end donations were yet to be processed.

 2023 Elections: The existing slate of officers and Board members was nominated for the next year, 2023. Candidates were approved and voted in. This included: 


President: John Mordes

Vice President: Evan Weststrate

Treasurer: Robin Dexter

Secretary: Sheila Purdy

 FOHG Board Members:

Chris Osborne, Rena Getz, Bob Burke, Bill Humphrey, Robin Dexter, John Mordes, Evan

Weststrate, Vaunita Schnell, Paul Roberts

 Old Business: John asked members about renewing the website for next year. He stated that  it had been visited by former Upper Falls residents who wanted to stay connected. The renewal and all required fees were approved unanimously. Barn repair activities are currently on hold. Rena agreed to be backup secretary in case Sheila could not be present. John would need to be notified and he would contact Rena.

 New Business: John listed a number of proposed projects for next year and suggested that subcommittees be formed to address these issues more efficiently. One of these was the use of the barn for for non-FoHG events. There has already been a request. There is also the question of future Scout projects. Should preparation of the new benches be listed for the  Scouts? The benches need re-varnishing and possible installation of backrests and armrests.

Chris Osborne is interested in forming an entertainment committee.

 The formal meeting was concluded and the party celebration commenced.

Below are pictures of the event

Chris Osborn, far left, and his sister Mary Jane, far right. Imelda, center, ably assisted Chris with the catering

The Menu!

From left are Paul Roberts, Karen Osborn, Rena Getz, Emily Gelbert, Loren Commando, Robin Dexter, Don Ross and Bill Humphrey. Dr. John is out of the photo and Loumona Petroff and Sheila Purdy attended by Zoom

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Purdy, Secretary

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