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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 2014

January February March
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July: No Meeting August: Picnic Meeting September
October November December

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 7, 2014

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 4, 2014 at 7:30

Present were John Mordes, Harry Sanders, Erin Westrate, and Paul Roberts

The meeting began with everyone wondering were Brian was. After the meeting, it was learned that he had canceled it, but the word didn't get to everyone.

Paul announced there there are three or four Eagle Scout candidates who are in need of projects. The trail marking and railings came to mind and were recommended to Paul. Paul announced that he as retired as the Troop scoutmaster, but will remain active with the group.

During the discussion of the difficulties that would be faced by Scouts wanting to do trail improvement, Harry announced that Ann Phillips is no longer with the Conservation Commission. There is a person named Jennifer in her place.

Harry and Erin announced that the Newton Upper Falls Rail Trail is proceding. Rails and ties have been removed. The trail still dead ends at the river, however.

There is graffiti again on the echo platform. Several members expressed a desire to place a battery powered webcam to record/prevent vandalism.

Erin reported that the city has put the crosswalk painting on Ellis Street from the Bridge stairs to the reservation on its queue for the spring.

Everything else on the agenda was deferred until February.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Interim Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 4, 2014

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 4, 2014 at 7:30.

Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes, Robin Dexter, Vaunita Schnell, Bill Tedoldi, and Bob Burke.

We received about 25 responses to our December mailing, adding about $500 to our bank account, which now totals around $11,500.

The Spring Cleanup was set for April 26.

We made the following plans for 2014: Fencing and landscaping at the Stone Building, New kiosks, and Trail improvement.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Interim Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 4, 2014

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 1, 2014 at 7:30

Present: Vaunita Schnell, Bob Burke, Brian Yates, Robin Dexter, Bill Tedoldi, and John M.

Brian was quite sick with an upper respiratory infection, but presided and orated nonetheless. We applauded our deliberate approach to our unchanging agenda.

Brian announced that spring is coming. He also announced that he saw a robin. Bill also saw some robins. We agreed that climate change is happening.

The trip to Arnold Arboretum planned by some members was canceled due to weather. There was speculation that the cold weather may have killed many adelgids

We discussed the fencing by the Stone Building. Consensus: same length as current railing, use the Route 9 sidewalk design, height to be determined by DCR. It was lamented that we have not had a representative of the DCR in a year.

Bill told us he has an empty wine bottle that was signed by Lady Bird Johnson. The secretary did not quite understand how that came about.

Brian said we need to write to the Newton Tab, Boston Globe West, Needham Times, and Needham Home and Family to get cleanup announcements distributed. Need to get their email addresses; Bonnie had them and JM will try to contact her.

On Thursday, March 20 at the Newton Library there will be a talk on historic Upper Falls houses.

On May 18 there will be a rededication of the Civil War monument in the Newton Cemetary.

Brian reported that there will be a marijuana dispensary in Newton on Washington Street. He stated that the process for its selection and siting was above board. The idea of a summer solstice smoke in to alleviated the suffering of adelgid-afflicted hemlocks was raised for consideration but tabled.

Brian again reiterated that he does not hate dogs.

There followed 10 minutes of zoning and historic district preservation policies and politics.

The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Interim Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April 1, 2014

Next Meeting: Tuesday May 6, 2014 at 7:30

Attending were Robin Dexter, Bill Tedoldi, Bob Burke, Evan Westrate, and John Mordes.

We met in the dark on the steps of the building as it was locked and no one had a key.

No one knew where Brian Yates was, and concerns for his health were expressed.

Bob Burke will update us on adelgid news at the next meeting. JPM announced that he will be away for the cleanup and May meeting.

The meeting adjourned in the dark at 7:40.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Interim Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 6, 2014

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 3, 2014 at 7:39

No one took minutes

Respectfully Submitted,


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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June 3 and August 5, 2014

Next Meeting: Wednesday September 10, 2014 at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates, Jerry Reilly, Erin Westrate, Vaunita Schell, Bobin Dexter, Bill Tedoldi, Bob Burke, Bob Ellertson, and special guest Tom Reese from the DCR who is in charge of matching programs and grants. He let us know that we are now in the midst of the next granting process.

The meeting began with presentations to Toma about what we do and what we hope to accomplish, including maintenance of the Stone Building, kiosks to guide visitors to the park, and clean up activities.

There is lots of broken plate glass on the Needham side. There are broken planks on the bridge over the canal to New Pond. Also there is trash in the Ellis Street parking lot.

We reviewed the history of the parking lot and the re-roofing of the Stone Building in the early 1990s and the Stone Building windows.

We passed a resolution to have the Stone Building used for storage until anohter use is defined and approved.

The issue of the trails along Quinobequin Road came up. It was noted that the Newton Conservators have had a leadership change and that the trails issue remains open.

We also discussed invasive plants, and Tom offered to help bring this to DCR attention as it concerns Hemlock Gorge.Tom also made various suggestions as to ways in whihc he might be also to provide help to the Friends.

We discussed the Summer Picnic. The date is set for Aug. 5.  Rain date in one weke. BYOB. Grills from Erica.

Vaunita reminded the group that the defunct Mills Falls restaurant used to provide lighting on the Bridge, which was lovely. The issue was raised that, if the park is closed at dusk, lighting would invite lawbreaking.

The meeting adjourned at 8:39

Respectfully Submitted,

FHG Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September 10, 2014

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 7, 2014 at 7:30

Members Present:  Brian Yates, Bill Tedoldi, Evan Westrate, Vaunita Schnell

Bill  agreed to contact the publishers of the Directory of Needham Businesses and ask them to include Hemlock Gorge in the Hidden Gems section of the 2015 edition

The fall cleanup will take place on October 18.

 Karen Osborne agreed by e-mail to purchase a grill that can be stored in the Stone Building between picnics.

 Brian will staff a Friends of Hemlock Gorge  table at the Upper Falls Village Day on Sunday September 21 from noon to 3:00 P.M.  on the Emerson Community Center Playground, but would appreciate help.

 Vaunita reminded us about the Newton Farm Festival on Sunday September 28 from 11 to 3.

 Evan raised the possibility of goats to control poison ivy in the Gorge.    We agreed that this was a great idea and not just for our reservation.

 Respectfully submitted,

 Brian Yates

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 7, 2014

Next Meeting: Tuesday November 11, 2014 at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates, Bill Tedoldi, Vaunita Schnell, Nina Koch, Lee Fisher, JPM, and Erica Aubin.

We had not seen Erica for some time, and the first order of business was to congratulate her on the upcoming birth of her second child later this month. She will not be able to attend meetings after her daughter arrives, but will remain active from a distance.

Proposal to rename the board of alder to board of ep rejected

Cleanup Oct 18 9 to noon
Renewed efforts to publicize.
Evan and Lee: did volunteer work in canoe; picked up bottles and cans floating, 2 tires, bicycle, broken TV. Dumped on shore where DCR cleared it.

Lee suggests: by the stone barn trying to get the trees cut by the vagabond to regrow by cutting suckers.

Erica will work on the graffiti

Chronicle link; BY apologized for insulting the DCR
Praise for the landscaping; need for gravel to prevent erosion.

Stone Barn lights only partially one. Erica will look into it.

JPM suggests spending the dues money to do the stone building fence; Erica will get a dimension; will drwaings

We adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Secretary pro tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 11, 2014

Next Meeting: Tuesday December 2, 2014 at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates, Evan Westrate, Vaunita Schnell, Paul Roberts, Bill Tedoldi, Robin Dexter, Nina Koch, and the webmaster.

We agreed to target the new fence for the Stone Building area as our top priority project for 2015. The Friends' Bridge will come after that.

Brian will try to get envelope stamps in advance of our annual mailing in December. In January we will revisit the issue of doing electronic mailings and dues collection.

The Fall Cleanup went well and was judged a success.

The location of the December meeting will be at the usual place unless somone volunteers a more festive one.

Brian suggested renting goats for poison ivy control. This did not meet with unallayed enthusiasm.

The meeting adjourned at around 8:40/

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Interim Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December 2, 2014

Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 7:30

Holiday party meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Interim Secretary

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