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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 2013

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 8, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 5, 2013 at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes, Erica Aubin, Bill Tedoldi, Erica Aubin, Vaunita Schnell, Robin Dexter, and Evan Westrate.

After opening the envelopes, Brian reported that there was an good response to the December mailing, with about 20 checks so far. He also reported that there is about $9307 in the FHG bank account before depositing the 2013 dues.

Robin brought delicious cookies.

Brian hopes to schedule the spring cleanup for the last Saturday in April, the 27th. We'll do dthe dedication of the stone building windows at the same time.

Seana Gaherin joined us by conference call at 7:45. Brian congratualted her on being appointed to the committee that will choose the new Newton police chief. Seana wants to start detailed planning of the Tuscan Feast and have monthly meetings with interested Friends and with the DCR representatives. Brian thinks the Upper Falls Area Council needs to be involved. The tentative preferred date is the first Sunday in June, the second. This is the weeekend after Memorial Day.

Brian says there may be Newton "tree stewardship" classes on planting and pruning. The Newton parks and recreation department will be sponsoring them. Be on the lookout for announcement.

Evan reported that the MWRA is again working on the Ellis Street stairway jp to echo bridge.

We had some discussion of the Needham side tree planting proposal that was being spearheaded by Karen. We agreed that only she could move this forward for now. Dr. John will bring this and the plans for landscaping and a new fence at the Stone Building up with her.

Brian read letter about hydro power at spillway dam. It seems that the infrastructoure for hydro power generation was build into the new spillway dyke, but there are not plans to actually follow through with an installation at this time, as far as Erika knows.

Erica told us that, with her baby due in April, she is now on a reduced schedule and will probably not bake the cleanup. Finally we reminisced about Mary Osborne, Karen's mother, who died last week.

We adjourned at about 8:45.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Interim Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 3, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 3, 2013at 7:30.

Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes, Robin Dexter, Vaunita Schnell, Bob Burke, Bill Tedoldi, Karen Osborne-Shanley, and Karen's friend from the UK, Julia.

On the adelgis: Jerry discovered that the ladyugs we used a decade ago and now for sale by Tree Savers(r), Inc. It's not clear what the cost would be, and no one at the meeting had seen scientific data on effectiveness. Since the retirement of Charlie Burnham, we have had no professional updates on the HG hemlocks and the potential for salvage. Bob Burke reminded us that the Arnold Arboretum is,  in a reversal of older policy, now trying to same some of the hemlocks with new pesticide technology. Bob will be getting more information from his contacts at the arboretum.

Brian Yates announced that we have received $585 in contributions from the December mailing. We now have more than $10,000 available for projects.

There is movement on landscaping the Stone Building. Karen has a person who will consult with us! She would like to have us meet at the stone barn before or during our April FHG meeting to go over things. She hopes the DCR will contribute to the effort with at least signage, soil, and boulders.

Seana Gaherin's Feast in the Falls is on track thanks to the Buddhists. Date June 2.

We now have a facebook page and regular posts on the Village 14 blog.

We learned that one of Karen's brothers fell of Echo Bridge many years ago and lived to tell the tale.

Spring cleanup will be on April 20th and include a dedication of the Stone Building windows.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Default Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 5, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 2, 2013 at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates and others. Absent was the secretary. There are no minutes..

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Secretary in absentia

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April 2, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday May x, 200x at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates, Evan Weststrate, Bill Tedoldi, Jerry Reilly, Brian Ytes, Bob Burke, Robin Dexter, and Karen Osborne-Shanley

Congratulations to Site Supervisor Erica Aubin and her husband on the birth of their daughter Mallory Joyce Aubin on March 24th!  She was 7 lb,3oz and 19 inches of beautiful baby, according to mom.

Brian announced that we have almost $10,000 in the bank. There are no immediate plans to use it, but landscaping and planting remain high on the list of projects.

The spring cleanup will be on Saturday April 20. DCR will supply the trucks. A different organizing official will supply bags, gloves, and much needed T shirts with advertising. Brian and Bill will arrange advertising, and Brian will will get the food. Seana Gaherin will again generously provide the lunch.

Bill Tedoldi and the CRWA monitoring crews are looking for volunteers to sample the river in Hemlock Gorge once a month at 6 a.m.

The March meeting to discuss the Stone Barn landscaping was postponed until the day of the cleanup. Share your ideas with us then. Bill suggests it be as natural as possible.

Regarding Seana's Tuscan Feast, Jerry is working with her to make it happen. Seana will be organizing the volunteer committee later this month. The  date is now June 23. Tow to three hundred guests are anticipated. The Buddhist Temple will be the NGO sponsor of the event.,

We talked a bit about the stone building as a future "sougthern gateway" to Hemlock Gorge.

Bob Burke gave an adelgid update. She spoke with a representative of Hartmey Greymont arborists. Limitations on the new insecticides were discussed Bob asked for the company to volunteer to check out the trees for feasibility. Recommend updated injections are good for 5 years. Our trees are very big; it takes time for root injections to get to top. The ladybugs are now regarded as only effective short term. They get blown away during storms. There was talk that maybe save a big tree or two and make it a shrine. No one had an idea of the costs involved in saving trees. Apparently the Arnold Arboretum is trying to save a clump of hemlock trees and perhaps they will give us guidance..

Karen Osborne-Shanley announced that she will again sponsor a band at the Summer Picnic on August 6.

Brian caused some uneasiness when he pointed out that all of our great leaders, Moses, Jesus, Einstein, Churchill, Coolidge, are dead and that he, Brian, is not feel ing well at all. We all rallied 'round him.

The meeting adjourned sometime around 9 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gabriel Amorth II, Substitute Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 7, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 4, 200x at 7:30

These are missing.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June 4 and August 6, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday September 3, 2013 at 7:30

Present at the June meeting were FHG members Brian Yates, Bob Tedoldi, John Mordes, Bob Burke, Jerry Reilly, Robin Dexter, and Vaunita Schnell. Upper Falls resident Nina Koch also attended.  

Seana Gaherin's Upper Falls Tuscan Feast appears to have secured all necessary approvals. It is still scheduled for Sunday 6/23. Details about the event and invitations will follow. 

An educational event concerning Invasive Plants will take place on June 18 at 7 p.m. in the Newton Public Library.

JPM announced that the Friends' website, both the domain name and the hosting package at Network Solutions, has been renewed through 2018 at a cost of $603. Our online database and dues paying mechanisms are still pending.

The Friends' Summer Picnic is scheduled for August 6. We will need to contact Kevin Hollenbeck to be sure grills and tables are available, as Erica will still be out on maternity leave. Several members expressed a hope that 2 grills can be made available. 

JPM made contact with a small Newton Welding shop, "Johnny D's" in regard to new fencing by the Stone Building. He was encouraging. Jerry Reilly will follow up.

Bob Burke that the Arnold Arboretum is having success with the new adelgid poison. He will try to get mofe information. Purchasing new ladybugs appears to be futile, as reports indicate that they are blown away from places they are released by any strong windstorm. 

The Friends Bridge project will be put on hold pending the landscaping at the Stone Building. 

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Secretary ad infinitum

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September 3, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 1, 2013 at 7:30

To be continued.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 2, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday November 5, 2013 at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bob Burke, Evan Westrate, Jean Fisher, Vaunita Schnell, and Bill Tedoldi

We were initially locked out, but Lee was able to locate a key. We hope to get one for Brian.

The date for the fall cleanup was finalized to October 26. Site Supervisor Erica Aubin has been notified. Seana Gaherin will again provide lunches.

We learned the Bonnie and Rick Pearson will be leaving the area and will be sorely missed.

We have $9,715 available for projects

The DCR is planning a Geological Tour of Hemlock Gorge to take place in November. Details to follow.

Jerry Reilly is leading a safety effort to have signage and a painted crosswalk installed on Ellis Streed so persons going to and from the Echo Bridge stairway can cross in greater safety.

Karen Osborne-Shanley has started landscaping around the Stone Building. There is loam there now, and plantings will follow.

Most importantly, in recognition of all his efforts over the years, the members of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge present at this meeting UNANIMOUSLY ENDORSED PRESIDENT BRIAN YATES FOR RE-ELECTION TO THE NEWTON BOARD OF ALDERMEN.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Secretary pro tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 12, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday December 3, 2013 at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates (a.k.a. Constantine 11th), Bill Tedoldi, Vaunita Schnell, Robin Dexter, Bob Burke, and Jerry Buttler representing the Friends of Waban Hill Reservoir, which may become a Newton park.

The first order of business, after a good deal of boisterous chatting, was to congratulate Brian on his aldermanic re-election.

We also announced with regret the departure of Bonnie and Rick Pearson from the Friends as they move out of Newton. Their contributions were enourmous and they will be missed. With her gone, we will need a new database of newspapers etc. for cleanup publicity.

We gave Jerry some counsel throughout the meeting on how our Friends group functions and how his might profit from our experiences. We discussed again the pros and cons of trying to obtain 501(c)3 status for our organizations.

The December meeting and holiday meeting was discussed. Brian and JPM will do the year end letter. Brian will obtain stamps and locate the return address stamp and envelopes. JPM will do labels. Brian said that Karen Osborne was thinking about offering to host this year's party be at her (haunted) house on Beacon Hill. There was some concern, however, about getting there for an early meeting and having the space to put together the mailing. Brian will get back to us.

We again expressed thanks to Karen for landscaping the Stone Building. The plants are gorgeous, but JPM pointed out that they need more water that rain has been providing. He will look into getting a pump so they can get river water as needed. Brian seems much more brush cutting needs to be done, especially on Otis Street.

The cleanup was judged to be very succesful despite a smaller than usual turnout. Brian pointed out that Lee Fisher and others also cleaned brush from near the Stone Building, greatly enhancing the view of river from there.

Robin expressed a desire for the UF community to use the Stone Building more often. We were all in agreement and will bring the matter up to Site Supervisor Erica Aubin to learn the procedures that would need to be followed. We also plant to use the winter to get quotes on fencing for the Stone Building to replace the decrepit pipe fence. We all want to model it on the MWRAs fence near the new spillway dam. We will again need to get Erica involved on the fence project.

Brian has learned that there is a "turbine" of some kind somewhere that apparently came from Hemlock Gorge somewhere. He was urged to find out a LOT more about it before having it appear on the property.

The webmaster thinks we need to get a Paypal account for electronic dues paying and an @Hemlockgorge Twitter feed.

There was some adelgid news. Bob Burke has contact who might knows Mr. Lupien well and might get him more acitve in Hemlock Gorge. Bob confirmed that the Arnold Arboretum is injecting its hemlock trees to preserve them. JPM reported many more dead trees in the reservation. Some have already fallen..

JPM will propose a new painting project to the Boy Scouts as a possible Eagle project.

The meeting adjourned at 9:10.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Secretary pro tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December 3, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 7:30

To be continued.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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