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Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell, Maureen Byrne, and Karen Osborne Shanley.
Most of the meeting was spent opening envelopes from our December mailing. We were unable to address the agenda in part due to the absence of a representative from the DCR.
John announced that he would no longer be tracking dues in the Friends' database because no one has ever made use of the information. We reminded those present that the Friends are not an approved 501 3c organization and that contributions may not be tax deductible.
Brian announced that we have several thousand dollars available for projects in the coming year.
There was discussion about possible plans that the current occupants of the old Methodist Church may have to turn open space near the Newton Echo Bridge entrance into a parking lot.
The secretary had to leave early, at 8:30, but presumes the meeting ended shortly after that.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Mordes, Interim Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, Bill Tedoldi, Erica Aubin, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.
Items discussed:
Windows � Erica reports that the windows are safely in DCR storage in Dedham. We are �on the list� for installation but no date set yet.
Lights - Lighting for the Stone Building is out again. However, the street lights are working.
Erica suggests planting Eastern White Pine, which the DCR feels would be indigenous to the Hemlock Gorge Reservation area.
American Chestnut Foundation has offered Chestnut seeds which might also be considered.
Come one, come all! Volunteers needed for the Department of Conservation and Recreation and The Friends of the Hemlock Gorge Reservation�s Annual Spring Clean-Up on Saturday, April 21st, 2007 from 10:00AM to Noon. Materials and tools supplied. Lunch will be provided at the Stone Building for all volunteers after the clean up. Please dress appropriately for the work and the weather (rain or shine). Meet up at 10AM at the parking lot at Hamilton Place which is just off Elliott Street. Additional parking available at the Mills Falls complex.
This meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bill Tedoldi, Karen Osborne Shanley, Maria Rose, City of Newton Environmental Engineer, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.
FOHG has $6452.69 in the funds account. There was a good response to the membership renewal mailing last December.
Friends of Hemlock Gorge�s Annual Spring Cleanup will coincide with the 11th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup. FOHG members are all encouraged to participate from 9am - Noon. Maria Rose, City of Newton Environmental Engineer attended the meeting updating us about the planning and activities on behalf of the the Charles River Watershed Association. Maria and the CRWA will be assisting our efforts with flyer/media materials, supplies and help direct interested volunteers to our area. FOHG are looking forward to working with Maria, CWRA and DCR on accomplishing a very successful cleanup.
John Mordes is coordinating with Scout leader Paul Roberts. about Scouts interested in Eagle Scout projects for the Hemlock Gorge Reservation. Discussion of possible projects: Spring Tree Planting to mask the reservation from Needham housing, the Friends Bridge, and continuance of the down stream trail along Quinobequin Road.
Abutters in Needham have cleared more trees on their property. Discussion about various possible plantings that can be done to restore the natural appearance. Karen is spearheading the project and presented a proposed Spring schedule for the planting of trees and will review the proposed type of trees for DCR approval.
FHG Adelgid/Hemlock survey data supports that a third or more of the hemlocks are now dead and another third are severely diseased. No sign of ladybugs.
Note next meeting is Tuesday, April 6 at 7:30pm. Agenda will include preparation plans for the Hemlock Gorge Reservation Annual Clean Up on April 24th. All members are encouraged to attend!
This meeting adjourned at 8:45pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Erica Aubin, Bill Tedoldi, Vaugnita Schnell, Nina Kochs, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.
Items discussed:
FOHG treasurer report as of 3/11/10: $6487.64 is in the account.
11th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup and Hemlock Gorge Reservation Annual Spring Clean Up - Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friends of Hemlock Gorge�s Annual Spring Cleanup will coincide with the 11th Annual Earth Day Celebration. Volunteers are needed from 10am to Noon. Materials and tools supplied for all volunteers. Refreshments provided after the clean up. Please dress appropriately for the work and the weather (rain or shine). Meet up between 9:45am-10AM at the parking lot at Hamilton Place, off Elliott Street. Additional parking available at the Mills Falls complex. For map/directions and further information, www.hemlockgorge.org. Notices have been sent out to the local newspapers and organizations.
Newton Eagle Scouts Project with FOHG
John Mordes had referred over to Erica Aubin to coordinate with the 3 Eagle Scouts interested in working on projects for the Hemlock Gorge Reservation. Erica has left messages and will follow up. Discussion of possible projects: Spring Tree Planting to mask the reservation from Needham housing, the Friends Bridge, and continuance of the down stream trail along Quinobequin Road.
Tree Plantings
Discussion about various possible plantings that can be done to restore the natural appearance. Karen is spearheading the project and presented a proposed Spring schedule for the planting of trees and will review the proposed type of trees for DCR approval. Erica reminded us that the first step is to have a property line survey done.
FHG Adelgid/Hemlock survey data supports that a third or more of the hemlocks are now dead and another third are severely diseased. No sign of ladybugs. Discussions continued about what can be safely planted and adequately cared for.
May Meeting
Note next meeting is Tuesday, May 4th at 7:30pm. All members and guests are encouraged to attend!
This meeting adjourned at 8:15p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Erica Aubin, Bill Tedoldi, Vaugnita Schnell, Karen Osborne Shanley, Rick Pearson and Bonnie Pearson.
Items discussed:
FOHG treasurer report as of 4/13/10: $6487.64 is in the account.
11th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup and Hemlock Gorge Reservation Annual Spring Clean Up - Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friends of Hemlock Gorge�s Annual Spring Cleanup was very successful with over 20 volunteers turning out for the clean up. Collaboration with Maria Rose, City of Newton and the CRWA helped to direct new volunteers to the Hemlock Gorge. A great lunch was provided for all the volunteers by the wonderful folks at Dunn-Gaherin�s Food and Spirit, 344 Elliot Street, Newton Upper Falls. After the clean up, the lunch was enjoyed by all the volunteers at the Stone Building.
Newton Eagle Scouts Project with FOHG
3 Eagle Scouts have expressed interest in working on projects for the Hemlock Gorge Reservation. Erica Aubin with the DCR will be following up with them. Some possible projects: Spring Tree Planting to add screening for the reservation from Needham housing, the Friends Bridge, and continuance of the down stream trail along Quinobequin Road.
Tree Plantings for Screening
Karen reviewed information about good choices in the selection process for trees that are indigenous to the area: Eastern White Pine, Red Pine, American Latch, White Spruce, Norway Spruce, Balsam Fir and Eastern Red Cedar. Erica reminded everyone about the necessity to have a survey done first.
Stone Building
Vaunita brought up concerns about the condition of the roof and need for evaluation. Installation of the windows is still �on the list� and to be scheduled by the DCR.
The Friends Annual Picnic - Tuesday, August 3rd
Mark your calendar for this year�s annual picnic at Hamilton Place from 6pm to Dusk. Public welcome! Bring a picnic supper, your chair or blanket. Kick back by the Charles River & enjoy the music by Broken Rose, a talented band performing classic rock and original music. Thanks to the generosity of Karen Osborne Shanley again this year. Grill will be provided by the DCR.
Upcoming Meetings
Note next meeting is Tuesday, June 1st at 7:30pm. All members and guests are encouraged to attend! Reminder that there will be no meeting in July.
This meeting adjourned at 8:15pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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To be continued
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Karen Osborne Shanley, Vaugnita Schnell, Rick Pearson and Bonnie Pearson.
Items discussed:
The Friends Annual Picnic - Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010 6pm to Dusk
Great turn out for this year�s annual picnic. Special thanks to Karen for providing the Broken Rose Band to entertain that evening. The Friends web site received over 1000 visits after the full page coverage of the event in the Newton and Needham Tab. Check the Friends web site for pictures and more information on the fun event.
Financial Report
Brian happy to report that the Friends account is at $6487.
Tree Plantings for Screening
October�s meeting we will be focusing on the details for the first stage of plantings. Karen and other members have met with surveyor Vern Porter in May and we have the input of local experts on will be best to use for the plantings.
Hemlock Gorge Reservation Annual Fall Spruce Up - Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
Mark your calendars! Volunteers to meet between 9:30am-10am at the parking lot of Hamilton Place. Spruce-up materials will be supplied at the meeting place. After the clean up, refreshments will be provided at the Stone Building for all volunteers. Please dress appropriately for the work and weather (rain or shine). For more information, go to www.hemlockgorge.org.
Upcoming Meetings
The next meeting is Tuesday, October 5th at 7:30pm.
This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Erica Aubin, Bill Tedoldi, Vaugnita Schnell, Rick Pearson and Bonnie Pearson.
Items discussed:
Newton Eagle Scout Project with FOHG
Paul Roberts, Newtonville Camera is coordinating projects for three Eagle Scouts with Erica Aubin at the DCR office. Work to include new bulletin board at Hamilton Place, implementation of landscaping plans for the Stone Building as well as planting saplings for screening.
Tree Plantings for Screening
Erica will be contacting Karen Osborne Shanley about input of local experts on what species will be best to use for the plantings and review of surveying work completed by Verne Porter.
Hemlock Gorge Reservation Annual Fall Spruce Up - Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
Volunteers to meet between 9:30am-10am at the parking lot of Hamilton Place. Spruce-up materials will be supplied at the meeting place. After the clean up, refreshments will be provided at the Stone Building for all volunteers. Please dress appropriately for the work and weather (rain or shine). For more information, go to www.hemlockgorge.org.
Town of Needham - 300th Birthday Celebration
As part of the Town of Needham�s 300th birthday celebration events, The Friends will be participating with the clean up day of trials in March 2011.
Needham�s Path to 300 - McIver Lecture Series 2011 Arthur Michael Tougias - Exploring the Hidden Charles (A Charles River Chronicle) at the Needham Library on Tuesday, Oct 26, 2010 7:30pm
For more information, go to http://www.michaeltougias.com/upcoming_presents.html
Upcoming Meetings
The next meeting is Tuesday, November 9th at 7:30pm at the Emerson Community Center, Pettee Street, Newton Upper Falls. Meeting is scheduled one week later due to Election Day on November 2nd. Get out and vote on November 2nd!!
This meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Financial Report
Brian happy to report that the Friends account is at $6597.64 which will be useful for upcoming projects.
Third Annual Newton Preservation Awards
The Friends have been nominated for an award from Historic Newton. Anyone interested in attending should come to Alumni House at Boston College�s Centre Street campus on Tuesday November 16, 7: 00 P.M. to see if we won. FHG President Brian Yates will be there just in case. You need to RSVP if you plan to attend. 617-796-14500 or [email protected] .
Hemlock Gorge Reservation Annual Fall Spruce Up on Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
Great turn out of volunteers for the Fall Spruce Up, a special thanks to members of the Charles River Watershed and the Buddist Temple, Newton Upper Falls, MA. A fabulous lunch was generously provided to all volunteers from the great folks at Dunn Gaherins, Newton Upper Falls.
King Pong - Giant Video game played on Echo Bridge
We were very pleased to have Jerry Reilly, a new Newton Upper Falls resident at tonight�s meeting. Jerry created �King Pong� a larger-than-life version of the classic video game and setup his game for play at the Echo Bridge on Oct 29th. We hope to have �King Pong� visit again soon! For more info, check out The Newton Tab - Nov 3, 2010 edition�s story about this event.
Newton Eagle Scout Project with FOHG
John Mordes has been in contact and meeting with the interested Eagle Scouts about projects to be coordinated with the Friends and the DCR.
Tree Plantings for Screening
Karen will be the coordinator for the screening project scheduled now for this Spring and working with the input of local experts on what species will be best to use for the plantings and review of surveying work completed by Verne Porter, whose office is on Elliot Street in Upper Falls.
Upcoming Meeting - Tuesday, December 7th! Mark your calendar!
The next meeting is Tuesday, December 7th at 7:30pm and will be at 984 Summer Street, Newton Upper Falls. A special holiday gathering with gourmet catering offered by Karen Osborne Shanley. Everyone is welcome to bring a dessert or beverage to share. Parking is available on Summer Street and please enter on the side door on Summer Street. We will also be working on the Annual Member Mailing.
This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Present were Brian Yates, Vaunita Schnell, Karen Osborn Shanley, Rick and Bonnie Pearson, Maureen Byrne, Jerry from Spring St., John Mordes, and Bob Burke who had nominated us for the Newton Preserves award last fall.
The meeting was held at Karen's home, and she generously provided fine food and beverages.
The only agenda item was the mailing of the annual newsletter and appeal for dues.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Visitors since January 1, 2010