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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 2009

January February March
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July: No Meeting August: Picnic Meeting September
October November December

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 6, 2009

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 3, 200x at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates John Mordes, Bell Tedoldi, Vaunita Schnell, Karen Osborne-Shanley, and Maureen Byrne.

Brian reported that we have had about 20 responses to our annual mailing so far.

Karen updated us on her plans to engage a surveyor for the property and to consult with an expert forester to see if trees can be planted along the Needham high ground to shield and buffer the Reservation from the nearby new housing.

Erica, our site supervisor, was unable to be present, so we had no update on the windows.

We also discussed problems with soil erosion on the riverbank, new sightings of graffiti, and the need to finish up the repair of street lights near the Stone Building.

This meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Interim Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 3, 2009

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 3, 2009 at 7:30.

Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes, and Karen Osborne-Shanley

The meeting was sparsely attended and abbreviated due to a snowstorm. Also because of the snow, Site Supervisor Erica Aubine had plow duty and could not be with us.

The Spring Cleanup date was set to April 25, the day before The 2009 Run of the Charles..

Karen announced that she is continuing to work on a tree planting on the Needham side of the Reservation to shield the property from the new homes that have been built on the southern property line in recent years. We should have a formal proposal for the DCR by early spring.

Brian announced that we have had a good response to the December dues mailing and our bank balance is now $3264.

Brian also announced that the Jackson Homestead has recently put up a display of old postcards showing Hemlock Gorge.

Finally, Brian also showed us the Winter, 2009 issue of On Earth magazine ( It is a publication of the Natural Resources Defencse Fund. On pages 36-43 is an article entitled "Riding the Wild Charles" featuring the Charles River and Dan Driscoll, retired planner for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Dan played a major role in the design and implementation of the Charles River Walkway extending from Watertown Square to Newton.

This meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Interim Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 3, 2009

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 7, 2009 at 7:30

Present  were Bill Tedoldi, John Mordes, Brian Yates and Site Supervisor Erica Aubin

The meeting began with a discussion of the Boston accent and New England dialect words, like tonic instead of pop or soda. Erica, who grew up in a town of 800 near Kalamazoo, MI, enlightened us about Michigan regionalisms.

Brian stated that our bank balance is $3264. He also reported that he has checks that have not been deposited.

Brian reported that we have no investments in AIG or General Electric. Brian said teh economic downturn was probably all Jack Welch�s fault. A brief discussion of the stock market ensued.

Brian reported that President Obama has increasing personal support, but lessening support for his policies. Brian also gave an update on Rush Limbaugh�s opinions regarding the administration.

Brian re-stated that the cleanup is April 12, the day before Newton Serves day and The Run of the Charles.

Erica reported that she will supervise some high school students will be working on the riverbank in Waban.

Cleanup will be 10-12. Brian is interested in doing some pruning in addition to cleanup., particularly along Eliot Street. Brian would like vines on wires attended to so we �don�t wind up like Kentucky or Worcester.� The overgrowth also impairs the view of the river.

Erica asked how the tree project to shield the reservation is coming along with Karen Osborn-Shanley. Erica reiterated a need for a survey. Technical discussion of the survey ensued. The possibility of a fence was raised. Brian reiterated the need for screening. Karen suggested pines as a screen. A problem is the existing trees that may impair growth of ne trees. However, the canopy is hemlock, all of which may die. The question of western  hemlocks was raised again. Erica reported that Kevin Hollenbeck is �not excited� about western hemlock. Brian asked about disease resistant chestnuts. Erica said that, if available, such deciduous trees might no look good  It was reiterated that we need to know the boundaries for planting.

Brian reported that there is an RFP from a national nursery for special plantings. He couldn�t remember the name of the offering nursery.

Brian asked if we can get some design help from someone like Dan Driscoll. The consensus opinion is that it will not be easy to shield the property. Erica favors white pines.

Brian talked about �Riding the Wild Charles� again. (See minutes from February.) After looking at the pictures, the brown color of the river was affirmed to be natural.

There was discussion about  whether or not Dan Driscoll was retired. The consensus was that he has dropped some projects but has not retired.

Bill said Kevin is attending the local CRWA stream team meeting soon. There is a problem with timely expenditure of funds by June 30. Erica said Kevin will delegate some of these responsibilities to someone named Lucas. Te funds are from DCR are for 300 feet of boardwalk from Kennedy Farm to existing boardwalk. Bill�s people transferred some money from Kevin for this.

Windows: Erica met onsite with two DCR men regarding the installation. It�s a turtle pace, but it could conceivable be done by the clean-up day.

The Stone Building windows and door have been fabricated. Issue is getting everyone needed at the right time and place to do it right..

Brian reported that Newton Conservators (after training) do pruning. Brian thought this sort of thing might be a good wintertime activity for the Friends. Erica said winter workdays are hard to arrange.

Bill asked about winter moths. DCR is discussing it. Bill had trouble with these pests. Erica said the DCR has just started a discussion about these pests. Brian asked if the cold has killed adelgids. Erica was unsure.

Bonnie Pearson has emailed us from Florida that she will will take care of the cleanup poste3r and newspaper ads.

Brian reported that there has been no progress on the streetlights that are out near the Stone Building.

Brian reported that the Insect Pest Information meeting at City Hall in Newton was postponed due to the storm last night.

The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Interim Secretary 

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April 7, 2009

Next Meeting: Tuesday May 5, 2009 at 7:30

Present were Bill Tedoldi, John Mordes, Brian Yates, Vaunita Schnell, Nina Koch, Site Supervisor Erica Aubin, and Maureen Byrne.

We started with a discussion of changing weather patterns in New England. Bill recalled a series of nor�easters in 1946 unlike anything seen since. We also talked about the earthquake in Italy.

Brian arrived at 7:45

Brian has asked the Tree Conservancy if the weather-canceled seminar on tree diseases that was to have been held at City Hall could be rescheduled. It probably will be held on May 7 at the Newton Library Auditorium.

'Newton Serves' asked if we could update our listings with them. Brian has seen to this. He will ask for a focus on cleanups, removing invasive species, protecting the Gorge, and helping our weary webmaster with the website. Newton Serves will do its projects on Sunday on Quinobequin Road, near Rte. 16. Erica reports thta there is money for park work along Quinobequin Road. The possibility of implementing the small tunnel under Rte. 9 connecting Hemlock Gorge and the Quinobequin Rd. Riverbank was discussed.

An unknown donor has sent us a snapshot of the Stone Barn.

There is about $3600 in our account.

A new gas main is going in on Ellis Street. Brian asked that trash and scrub be removed as part of the work.

Erica reported that she will be at Hemlock Gorge for the cleanup. There will be no more pointed �stickers� for spearing trash, only 'grabbers� for the trash. There will be a Park Serve project that day also at Wilson Mountain.

Dunn Gaherin will �feed and hydrate� the volunteers at the cleanup. Thanks again to Seana and Bob.

Erica said that the windows are still in limbo. Erica has actually seen the windows. They are in storage in Hyde Park. It�s only a matter of time, but no one knows how much time.

 Brian and Bill then had a discussion about zoning and possibilities for rail trains that do not impact directly on Hemlock Gorge. There was also a discussion of Mayor David Cohen�s proposal for Newton to assume responsibility for upgrading Newton Street.

Flyers for  the cleanup were passed out and the meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m..

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Secretary pro tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 5, 2009

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 2, 2009 at 7:39

Present on May 5 were John Mordes, Bill Tedoldi, Karen Osborn, Vaubnita Schnell, and Erica Aubin.

Bill remarked that he had more than 70 volunteers at the Cutler Park CRWA cleanup. Bill asked Erica if she could see to the removal of a �small camp� that had been set up by kids on the park property. There was somewhat less large trash than in the past, but still a lot of debris. Bill and Erica discussed the success of the returnable bottle policy in reducing trash. A worker was injured, requiring stitches, but returned to the cleanup.

John and Erica reported that there were about 10 volunteers for the Hemlock Gorge clean up. We estimated that we picked up some 18 bags of trash. The support of Dunn Gaherins who provided lunch was much appreciated. The largest piece of debris was a battery this year.

Erica approved the idea of permanent picnic tables for the Stone Barn to use for volunteers on clean ups or during rainy picnics. All in attendance voted to have Brian do the research needed. Karen will try to get him a catalog. We may ask DCR to do the purchasing and accept delivery and the Friends will do assembly.

The date of the summer picnic was tentatively set for the first Tuesday in August. Karen, Empress of Hemlock Gorge, has committed to providing music again.

Erica is pestering the DCR about the Stone Building windows, but has still not been able to get a set date. �We�re on it,� she abjures.

Karen updated us on the screening-with-trees project. The border is surveyed as part 1. Tree selection will be next with a target of fall planting. Karen is also trying to make contact with Dan Driscoll for counsel. The trees need to be indigenous, likely white pine, which would be a suitable evergreen.

Bill shared some memories of Hank Lysaght�s �phenomenal� contributions to the CRWA. Much of what has been done recently has been in his name.

Brian will explain where he was during the May meeting at the June meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, President and  Secretary pro tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June and August, 2009

Next Meeting: Tuesday September 8, 2009 at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes, and Bill Tedoldi. The meeting was held in the parking lot because the building was locked. Brian announced that certain vines entangling wires on Eliot street have been cleared and that one of the non-functioning street lights on the route 9 exit near the Stone Building is now working. he explained that he missed the last meeting due to an unexpected scheduling conflict. The date of the summer picnic was confirmed to be Tuesday, August 4. There was no news on anything else. The meeting began at 7:44 and ended at 8:01 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes,  Secretary pro tempore 

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September 1, 2009

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 6, 2009 at 7:30

Members present:  Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bill Tedoldi, Erica Uramkin Aubin, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.

Items discussed:

Financial Report:  $ 6171.74 is in the FOHG account.

Hemlock Gorge Reservation Annual Fall Spruce Up -  Saturday, October 24th, 2009.  Volunteers to meet between 9:30am-10am at the parking lot of Hamilton Place.  Spruce-up materials supplied and lunch will be provided at the Stone Building for all volunteers. Please dress appropriately for the work and weather (rain or shine).  For more information, go to

FOHG Annual Picnic The annual picnic was held on Tuesday, August  4th, 2009, was very well attended and the best one yet!  Special thanks to Karen Osbourne Shanley for providing the very entertaining and talented band, Broken Rose.  Suggestions for continuing to make this a well attended event and plans for next year to be discussed at the upcoming meetings.

Stone Building: Picnic Benches - Committee is looking into purchasing foldable tables to keep at the Stone Building and use for future functions.  Rick and Bonnie are to check for local sources and would welcome recommendations.

Route 9  lights - fixed at last thanks to Representative Alice Peisch�s request to the Wellesley Electrical Department

Route 9 ramp - fixed at the request of Clint Schuckell, Newton Traffic Engineer

Building Lights - Erica is working on getting the building lights fixed.

Elliot Street Vines and Weeds Nstar finally cut vines threatening its wires after requests from Vincent Antonellis, Newton Inspector of Wires and DPW cut back the weeds and vines blocking the sidewalk near its pumping station.

FOHG Web Site � Thanks to John Mordes, our fantastic Web Master, photo albums for the Spring Cleanup and the August Picnic are now on the web site.

 Note next meeting is Tuesday, October 6th at 7:30pm. 

This meeting adjourned at 8:15pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 6, 2009

Next Meeting: Tuesday November 10, 2009 at 7:30

Members present:  Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bill Tedoldi, Vaugnita Schnell, Jacqueline Gauvreve, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.

 Items discussed: 

Hemlock Gorge Reservation Annual Fall Clean Up -  Saturday, October 24th, 2009.  Volunteers to meet between 9:30am-10am at the parking lot of Hamilton Place.  Spruce-up materials supplied and lunch will be provided at the Stone Building for all volunteers. Please dress appropriately for the work and weather (rain or shine).  For more information, go to

Erica Uramkin Aubin, DCR is prepared to be there with supplies and take away rubbish picked up that day.  Notices have been sent out to the local newspapers and organizations.  Seanna Gaherin has confirmed that Dunn Gaherin�s will provide the lunch for all volunteers.

Stone Building:

Picnic Benches - Committee is looking into purchasing foldable tables to keep at the Stone Building and use for future functions.  Rick and Bonnie are looking into having them in time for the Fall  Clean Up.

Windows � We will need to check with Erica about when the windows will be installed in the Stone Building.

 Elliot Street Vines and Weeds

Nstar finally cut vines threatening its wires after requests from Vincent Antonellis, Newton Inspector of Wires and DPW cut back the weeds and vines blocking the sidewalk near its pumping station.

 Abutters in Needham

Abutters in Needham have cleared more trees on their property.  We need to review with DCR about any planting we can do in the Reservation to restore the natural appearance.


FHG Adelgid/Hemlock survey data supports that a third  or more of the hemlocks are now dead and another third are severely diseased.  No sign of ladybugs.  We need to review with DCR about other possible plantings to replace these hemlocks, such as western hemlocks or pine trees.

 November Meeting

Note next meeting is Tuesday, November 10th at 7:30pm.  One week later due to Election Day on November 3rd.

This meeting adjourned at 8:15pm

.Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Secretary pro tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 10, 2009

Next Meeting: Tuesday December 1, 2009 at 7:30

Members present:  Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bill Tedoldi, Vaugnita Schnell, Karen Osborne Shanley, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson. 

Items discussed:

Hemlock Gorge Reservation Annual Fall Clean Up

Good turn out despite the weather!  Great lunch at the Stone Building using our new foldable picnic tables.  Special commendation to John Mordes who engineered the setup of our new foldable picnic tables and special thanks to Dunn Gaherins for providing a wonderful lunch for all the volunteers.

Congratulations to Brian Yates on his Aldermanic Electoral Victory and excellent web site.

Stone Building:

Windows � We will need to check with Erica about when the windows will be installed in the Stone Building.

Lights - Stone Building power and lights functioning perfectly thanks to Erica Uramkin Aubin at the DCR.

Elliot Street Vines and Weeds

Nstar finally cut vines threatening its wires after requests from Vincent Antonellis, Newton Inspector of Wires and DPW cut back the weeds and vines blocking the sidewalk near its pumping station.

Abutters in Needham

Abutters in Needham have cleared more trees on their property.  Discussion about various possible plantings that can be done to restore the natural appearance.


FHG Adelgid/Hemlock survey data supports that a third  or more of the hemlocks are now dead and another third are severely diseased.  No sign of ladybugs. 

Hemlock Gorge History and Maps from Ken Newcomb�s collection of interest to all.

Copies of the plan of land for Metropolitan Park Commission Aug 12, 1895 by Olmstead, Olmstead & Eliot Landscape Architects, Brookline, MA - Wm. T. Pierce, Engineer for the Commission.  Karen has kindly offered to make copies of these plans.  Interest in having these copies framed and displayed in the Stone Building.

December Meeting

Note next meeting is Tuesday, December 1st at 7:30pm.  Our annual holiday party and preparation of our annual mailing and request for dues to be sent to all members.  All are welcome to join the festivities and bring food or libation to share!

This meeting adjourned at 8:45pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December 1, 2009

Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 7:30

Present were Brian Yates, Bill Tedoldi, Vaunita Schnell, John Mordes, Maureen Byrne, Karen Osborn Shanley, and Erica Aubin.

This meeting was spent mostly preparing our annual mailing.

We discussed again the possibility of getting Western Hemlock to replenish the slowly disappearing Eastern hemlocks in Hemlock Gorge.

We shared soft drinks, hot cider, and pastry.

A good time was had by all.

The meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Secretary pro tempore

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