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Only Brian Yates, John Mordes, and one other person were in attendance. We sketched plans for the upcoming cleanup and discussed the current status of funding for the Echo Bridge Railings repair
Respectfully Submitted,
John Mordes, Interim Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Hank Lysaght, Vaunita Schnell, Karen Osborne Shanley, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.
Items discussed:
Annual Spring Cleanup
Mark your calendar for the Annual Hemlock Gorge Reservation Spring Cleanup on Saturday, April 21st, 2007 from 10:00am-Noon. This event coincides with the 8th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup. Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place. For a MAP showing the location go to hemlockgorge.org web site.
Current Status of Echo Bridge Repairs
MWRA is planning to submit the Project Notification Form (PNF) to MA Historical Commission (MHC) on Monday, Jan 29, 2007 to begin the regulatory process. The PNF proposes 4 railing options to replace the railing at the Bridge. There may be other options that MHC or the local historical groups can offer, through the public process. Once the PNF is filed, MWRA will coordinate with Newton and Needham to have a community meeting to discuss the project and solicit input.
Graffiti - Echo Bridge
Boston Globe�s article on Feb 1, 2007 regarding graffiti on the arches of Echo Bridge from �stressed-out� Needham High School students will receive a response from FOHG to Principal Paul Richards. It was suggested at the meeting that these students should be required to participate in the cleanup of their graffiti.
Annual Membership Drive
The membership mailing was sent out in December. Appreciate all membership renewal responses. This year�s goal is to double our membership by each present member recruiting a new member! Your financial support is needed to continue mailings, maintaining the website and feed volunteers at the bi-annual cleanups.
Other upcoming events:
The Charles River Watershed Association's 25th Annual Run of the Charles will take place on Sunday, April 29, 2007. Join over 1800 participants as they paddle along the Charles. To sign up for the race or to volunteer, call 508-698-6810 or go to web site, www.crwa.org.
Mark your calendar for the next meeting, Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell, Craig Wall, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.
Items discussed:
Current Status of Echo Bridge Repairs
On 1/29/07 MWRA has submitted the Project Notification Form (PNF) to MA Historical Commission (MHC) to begin the regulatory process. The PNF proposes 4 railing options to replace the railing at the Bridge. There may be other options that MHC or the local historical groups can offer, through the public process. There are two (2) upcoming meetings scheduled for local legislators and other interested parties, the first meeting will be on March 8th, 2007 at 7:30pm on the second floor of Newton City Hall and the second meeting will be on March 21, 2007 at 6:30pm in the conference room of the Wellness Community, 1039 Chestnut Street (located the end of the Mill Falls Complex near the hill). The Newton Upper Falls Historical District Commission, which has jurisdiction over most of the Bridge will consider the alternative methods of repairing the bridge.
Annual Membership Drive
Good response from the membership mailing that was sent out in December. Appreciate all membership renewal responses. This year�s goal is to double our membership by each present member recruiting a new member! Your financial support is needed to continue mailings, maintaining the website and feed volunteers at the bi-annual cleanups.
Annual Spring Cleanup
Mark your calendar for the Annual Hemlock Gorge Reservation Spring Cleanup on Saturday, April 21st, 2007 from 10:00am-Noon. This event coincides with the 8th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup. Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place. For a MAP showing the location go to hemlockgorge.org web site.
Other upcoming events:
The Charles River Watershed Association's 25th Annual Run of the Charles will take place on Sunday, April 29, 2007. Join over 1800 participants as they paddle along the Charles. To sign up for the race or to volunteer, call 508-698-6810 or go to web site, www.crwa.org.
Mark your calendar for the next meeting, Tuesday, April 3nd and the Annual Spring Cleanup on April 21st, 2007!
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell, Craig Wall, Hank Lysaght, Karen Osborne Shanley, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.
Items discussed:
Current Status of Echo Bridge Repairs
Brian gave an update as of the last meeting on March 21st, 2007, where representatives from the Mass Historic Commission, MWRA, DCR, Newton Upper Falls Historical District Commission, Newton Historic Commission, State Representative Ruth B. Balser, staff member from State Representative Lida Harkins and the Friends of the Hemlock Gorge had been in attendance. Options were discussed for the alternative methods of repairing the bridge and keeping the bridge open. MWRA will be heading up this project and to follow up with structural and architectural scope of work report and cost estimates prior to proceeding.
The MWRA will hire an architect/engineer with preservation experience to design a way to replace and repair only what is necessary and to make needed safety improvements. (Marianne Connolly of the MWRA subsequently told Brian that McKinley Gaslow has been hired on a preliminary basis . This firm was one of those that Brian learned of via preservation list serves.) Based on his decades of experience on the Public Facilities Committee of the Newton Board of Aldermen, Brian estimates that the detailed design will cost no more than $25,000. If the design cannot be implemented within the funds appropriated by the General Court, the Friends will lead the effort to fill the funding gap through such sources as the Federal Program Save America's Treasures, the Community Preservation Act programs in Newton and Needham, and private fundraising that Karen Shanley offered to begin exploring.
Vaunita had done a visual inspection on March 28, 2007 and provided the group with a copy of her Echo Bridge Condition Survey which Brian will forward on to Marianne Connolly at the MWRA. Vaunita had also been in contact with Colonial Steel, Carlisle, MA about information on replacing or restoring posts and railings. It was suggested that it would be cost effective to locate the original patterns. Bonnie and Rick will be checking into various archive sources.
Annual Spring Cleanup
Mark your calendar for the Annual Hemlock Gorge Reservation Spring Cleanup on Saturday, April 21st, 2007 from 10:00am-Noon. This event coincides with the 8th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup. Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place. For a MAP showing the location go to hemlockgorge.org web site.
Other upcoming events:
The Charles River Watershed Association's 25th Annual Run of the Charles will take place on Sunday, April 29, 2007. Join over 1800 participants as they paddle along the Charles. To sign up for the race or to volunteer, call 508-698-6810 or go to web site, www.crwa.org.
Mark your calendar for the next meeting, Tuesday, May lst, 2007.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present Brian Yates, Craig Wall, Hank Lysaght, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.
Items discussed:
Current Status of Echo Bridge Repairs
gave an update as of the last meeting on April 3rd, 2007, The MWRA has hired McKinley Gaslow on a preliminary basis as one of the architect/engineer companies with preservation experience to design a way to replace and repair only what is necessary and to make needed safety improvements. The cost of the detailed design will be paid by the MWRA.The Friends will follow the activities and keep any updates posted on the web site, www.hemlockgorge.org.
Annual Spring Cleanup - 2007 Annual Spring Cleanup took place Saturday, April 21, 2007, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and was well attended with over 20 volunteers. We want send a big thank you to Seanna, Bob and everyone at Dunn Gaherins, 344 Elliott St, Newton, MA 617-527-6271 for providing snacks and a terrific lunch of shrimp salad, chicken salad, marinated chicken breast and sandwich fixings. These were provided to volunteers at no charge to Friends!
The Charles River Watershed Association's 25th Annual Run of the Charles on Sunday, April 29, 2007 was very well attended with over 1800 participants.
Fund Account
To date FOHG has $2911.55 in funds
Mark your calendar for the next meeting, Tuesday, June 5, 2007.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell, Craig Wall, John Mordes, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.
Items discussed:
Annual Summer Picnic: Will take place on Tuesday, August 7, 6:30 p.m. to dusk at Hamilton Place. Everyone encouraged to bring a blanket and picnic! Last year's picnic was a great success. For a MAP showing the location, go to the Friends web site: www.hemlockgorge.org.
Current Status of Echo Bridge Railing Repairs: Progress on the Echo Bridge Railing repairs is continuing, albeit slowly. The monies appropriated remain available. The MWRA is conducting in house studies of alternatives. We will keep you posted on any updates on the Friends web site.
Partners in Parks: Celebrating and Restoring Massachusetts' Public Places:
Jointly sponsored by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and Department of Conservation and Recreation, state legislative leaders and over fifty organizations, "Partners in Parks" will be held on Saturday, June
9th at Worcester Technical High School in Worcester, MA.New DCR Commissioner : May 23, 2007 Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles named Richard Sullivan, currently mayor of Westfield, to be Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). He takes office June 11.
Walk with Newton's Mayor in Hemlock Gorge: Newton has a summer program called 'Walk with the Mayor." A short walk featuring Upper Falls and Hemlock Gorge is scheduled take place Wednesday, July 11, 5:30 p.m. Walkers will meet at the Hemlock Gorge parking lot on Ellis Street. It will give people a chance to talk Mayor David Cohen in person about your concerns regarding Hemlock Gorge and the Bridge
Member News:
With great sadness, we announce the passing of Sarah Hannah on May 23, 2007. Sarah was extremely talented and passionate about the Hemlock Gorge and Waban and served as our special Poet Laureate. Plans are being made to honor Sarah's special works and will be announced at a later time.
This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, Vaugnita Schnell, Craig Wall, John Mordes, Bonnie Pearson and Rick Pearson.
Items discussed:
Annual Summer Picnic: Held on Tuesday, August 7th at Hamilton Place. Featuring entertainment by Greg Burroughs. A great time was had by all! Greg will be playing at next year�s Picnic, scheduled for Tuesday, August 5th, 2008. Mark your calendars now!
Current Status of Echo Bridge Railing Repairs: To date, no news to report. The MWRA has been contacted for an update. Progress on the Echo Bridge Railing repairs is continuing, albeit slowly. The monies appropriated remain available. The MWRA is conducting in house studies of alternatives. We will keep you posted on any updates on the Friends web site.
Graffiti Vandalism � Echo Bridge: MWRA has been contacted regarding removal of graffiti on Echo Bridge and the platform area. Clean up to be scheduled by the MWRA Maintenance Dept. Principals of Newton South High School and Needham High School will be informed that tagging is an arrest-able offense and City of Newton Police Department will be monitoring any illegal activity on a regular basis. Checking with MWRA on the process used on the graffiti to share with the MA Highway Dept in dealing with graffiti on historic bridges in Newton.
Media Alert - An 1897 Shingle-style home in Newton, Massachusetts will be the subject of This Old House TV's upcoming season and will include footage of Echo Bridge.
Hemlock Gorge Reservation Fall Cleanup - plans for the clean up to be announced. Check web site for more information about this and other activities, www.hemlockgorge.org
Next meeting agenda will include: Updates on Echo Bridge Railing Repairs, Adelgids, Fall Cleanup, Stone Barn Windows and Electricity, Design issues.
This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Official minutes were to follow, but Hank did not life to send them to us.. We met Erika, our new Site Supervisor. We also saw the MWRA's extensive detailed report on the Echo Bridge Railings. The cost will be in the vicinity of $1 million.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Mordes, Secretary pro tempore
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Members present: Brian Yates, Vaugnita Schnell, Craig Wall, Maureen Byrne, Rick Pearson, Bonnie Pearson and Erica Uramkin, DCR-West District Office.
Items discussed:
Sad news: Hank Lysaght, a very enthusiastic supporter & long term member and dear friend suddenly passed away on November 3rd, 2007. Memorial services to be held at the Wellesley Hills Congregational Church on Sat, November 10th, 2007 at 2PM. Our sincerest sympathies to Hank�s family. He will be greatly missed by all. Ideas discussed on ways to memorialize Hank at the Hemlock Gorge Reservation.
Current Status of Echo Bridge Railing Repairs: To date, no recent news to report. The MWRA has been contacted for an update from the last meeting where cost proposals for bridge were from $ 470,925 to $1,076,985. The $250,000 in appropriated monies remain available. The Friends would like to continue efforts in seeking more cost effective alternate methods for repairs of damaged areas on the bridge.
Graffiti Vandalism � Echo Bridge: Erica said that she has requisitioned signage from the West District Office of DCR to be placed at the entrance area of the Echo Bridge to deter after hours usage, trespassing and illegal graffiti activities. Erica will continue to be our contact person at the DCR-West District Office and is looking forward to working with the Friends on upcoming projects. We welcome and appreciate Erica�s assistance and involvement.
Media Alert - An 1897 Shingle-style home in Newton, Massachusetts will be the subject of This Old House TV's upcoming season and will include footage of Echo Bridge. 8th episode was shown on October 8th and the Echo Bridge should be seen in the next episodes. Web link for for more information on the Newton house project, http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/tv/house-project/overview/0,,1626217,00.html. PBS stations locally are WGBH Channel 2 and WGBX Channel 44.
Hemlock Gorge Reservation Fall Cleanup was held on Saturday, October 20th, 2007. Smaller group this time but lots of good work done on cleaning up the Hemlock Gorge Reservation area. The light turnout maybe due to Charles River Watershed Association clean up held on the same day. Next year will coordinate dates with DCR.
Next meeting agenda will include: End of the Year Mailing and Holiday celebration, Updates on Echo Bridge Railing Repairs, Stone Barn Windows, Electricity and Design issues.
This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Members present: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Craig Wall, Bill Tedoldi, Karen Osborn Shanley, Rick Pearson, and Bonnie Pearson
Discussion Items:
The annual membership mailing was put together while enjoying holiday treats and beverages.
for a Friends Memorial to honor Hank Lysaght and as well as Hannah Raffa and
Sarah Hannah that have recently passed away. The Friends Memorial to serve as a
perpetual member memorial. Discussion of the site to be located near the Stone
Building and memorial site of Ken Newcomb.
Bridge Railings Update: The MWRA is interested in applying to the City of
Newton and Town of Needham�s CPA programs to help cover the additional monies
for the bridge repair project. The Community Preservation Act (CPA) is a
statewide program created in 2001 help communities preserve open space and
historic sites, and create affordable housing and recreational amenities. The
cost proposals for bridge repairs were from $ 470,925 to $1,076,985.
The $250,000 in
appropriated monies remains available. However, The Friends would like to
continue efforts in seeking more cost effective alternate methods for repairs of
damaged areas on the bridge.
Stone Barn windows and electricity: Both issues will be at the top of the Friends project list for 2008. Follow up to be done with Nstar and City of Newton regarding the numerous street lights that are not working along the RT 9 ramp and connection to the Stone Barn. Protection and securing the barn windows options to be reviewed at the next meeting.
Vandalism � Echo Bridge: Signage has been placed at the entrance area of the
Echo Bridge by the West District Office of DCR in order to deter after hours
usage, trespassing and illegal graffiti activities. Erica
is working as our DCR-West District Office contact person and will be working
with the Friends on upcoming projects. Erica�s assistance and involvement is
welcomed by the Friends.
Media Alert - An 1897 Shingle-style home in Newton, Massachusetts will be the subject of This Old House TV's upcoming season and will include footage of Echo Bridge. 8th episode was shown on October 8th and the Echo Bridge should be seen in the next episodes. Web link for for more information on the Newton house project, http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/tv/house-project/overview/0,,1626217,00.html. PBS stations locally are WGBH Channel 2 and WGBX Channel 44. The 8th episode included the visit to Echo Bridge and it was first shown last Saturday afternoon on Channel 2. It will be repeated on Channel 44 on December 20 at 8:30 P.M.
Next meeting agenda will include: Results of the Membership Mailing, the Friends Memorial, Updates on Echo Bridge Railing Repairs, Stone Barn Windows, and Electricity
This meeting adjourned at 9:30pm. Photos are by Bonnie Pearson.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Visitors since March 1, 2007