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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 2005

January February March
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July: No Meeting August: Picnic Meeting September
October November December

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 4, 2005

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 1, 2005 at 7:15.

Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes and Bobbi Demers.

We have received approximately 20 renewals to date, and our Treasury currently is $2500+.

Brian went to Boston College on December 16 to attend a meeting scheduled by the DCR re: public/private partnerships; apparently the meeting was cancelled without notice, as no one else was there, including the sponsors. Follow up calls have not been returned.

Brian delivered Lifetime Membership certificates to Albert Newcomb, Amy and John Sangiolo, Karen Osborne Shanley, an Dunn-Gaherin�s Restaurant.

The meeting calendar for 2005 was established: 2/1, 3/1, 4/6, 5/2, 6/7, no July meeting, 8/2 (annual picnic), 9/13, 10/4, 11/1 and 12/6. The Spring Cleanup is tentatively schedule for Saturday, April 30.

Brian contacted Rep. Ruth Balser, who was successful in getting the brush in the area of the Route 9 exit ramp to Ellis Street picked up. Brian also contacted State Senator Cynthia Creem for help in getting the lights at the Stone Building fixed; no results yet.

The new steel footbridge at the Gorge is complete; steps to it will be installed as weather permits.

There was discussion on ways to improve the efficiency and maintenance of our website. Suggestions included obtaining a domain name and providing access for on-line payment of dues and donations (i.e. PayPal).

John reported that the Waban Improvement Society is becoming more interested in Quinobequin Road and the land along the river. Recent flooding in the Larkspur area has raised the concern of some neighbors. Discussion followed regarding the usefulness of generating a landscape plan from a landscape planner/architect for the area. Brian stated that one had been made some years ago, and he would attempt to locate it for the next meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bobbi Demers, Secretary pro tempore

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 1, 2005

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 1, 2005 at 7:15.

In attendance were Brian Yates, John Mordes, Rick Petersen, Hank Lysaght and Bobbi Demers

Our present balance is approximately $2350, and dues are still being receiived.

Our annual Spring Clean Up will be on Saturday, April 30, and the Friends will again be part of the Charles River Earth Day clean up event.

We received a letter from the Boston Water and Sewer Commission advising all boaters to be aware of Combined Sewer Outfalls (CSOs), and to be cautious after heavy rainfall. Maps which indicated the location of the CSOs, and none were in our area. The maps will be given to the �Cutler Park to Commonwealth Avenue� Stream Team.

John had no further information on the upgrade to our website, but did report that the Waban Improvement Society will be holding �Waban Day� sometime in the spring.

There was discussion on looking into what grant monies might be available to us for items such as continued work on the Stone Building, signage and landscaping, handicap accessibility, etc.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bobbi Demers, Intermim Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 1, 2005

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 5, 2005 at 7:15.

Present were (from left to right in the picture): Rick and Bonnie Pearson, Brian Yates, Bobbi Demers, and (not in the picture) John Mordes.

Our annual Spring Clean Up will be on Saturday, April 30, 2005 and the Friends will again be part of the Charles River Earth Day clean up event. 

Saturday, April 30, 2005, Annual Spring Cleanup of Hemlock Gorge. Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place between 9 and 10 a.m. For a MAP showing the location, 

Materials and tools supplied.  Please dress appropriately for the work and the weather (rain or shine). After the cleanup, refreshments will be provided at the Stone Building (near RT 9 Eastbound Off Ramp and Ellis Street)  

We will be contacting local schools about Community Service Credit Opportunity for Students for participating with the Annual Spring Cleanup of Hemlock Gorge. 

Discussion about encroaching development at the margin of the Reservation on the Needham side. A new mansion is going up, high on the ridge, just a few dozen paces from the ridge trail.  In the past, The Friends of Hemlock Gorge often urged the MDC, predecessor of the DCP, to survey the property and buy a buffer. Now it appears to be too late. Further investigation to be done at Needham Town Hall to determine the property lines and if services of a surveyor are necessary. (Click here to see a previous discussion of the topic.)

We have received a CD from a local bluegrass group calls The Hemlock Gorge Boys. We'll play it at our next meeting.

Newton Conservators are offering a program on Tree Trimming.  Check out their web site for further details, . 

The monthly newsletters and additional information on activities are available at the FOHG web site,

Mark your calendar for the Spring Cleanup on April 30th!

This meeting adjourned at 8:15pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April 5, 2005

Next Meeting: Tuesday May 3, 2005 at 7:15.

Minutes of April 5, 2005 Meeting

Present were-Kevin Hollenbeck, Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bobbi Demers, Rick and Bonnie Pearson, Vaunita Schnell, David Weinstein and Craig Wall

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, April 10th, 5th Annual NewtonSERVES day, David Weinstein announced a cleanup scheduled at Elliott and High Street from 9:30am and ending with closing celebration and ice cream at Newton City Hall.

Sunday, April 24th, 2005 - Run of the Charles

Saturday, April 30, 2005, Annual Spring Cleanup of Hemlock Gorge. Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place between 9:30am-10am. For a MAP showing the location,  Materials and tools supplied.  Please dress appropriately for the work and the weather (rain or shine).  After the cleanup, refreshments will be provided at the Stone Building (near RT 9 Eastbound Off Ramp and Ellis Street)

Other topics:

1) Plans will be made to contact local schools about Community Service Credit Opportunity for Students for participating with FOHG in the Fall.

2) Discussion about encroaching development at the margin of the Reservation on the Needham side. Bobbi will check on information available at Needham Planning Department about the new mansion is going up, high on the ridge, just a few dozen paces from the ridge trail.  Further discussion at our next meeting to survey the property, buy a buffer and other options.

3) Volunteers are needed to help with the planning for the Annual FOHG Picnic in August. Considering having an Art Festival with poetry readings and artwork about Echo Bridge and Hemlock Gorge as well as entertainment by The Hemlock Gorge Boys, a local bluegrass group.

4) Free Workshop for Community Preservation Funds: How to Apply

For anyone interested to learn how to apply for public funds to improve parks, preserve open space, and restore historical resources, contact Jennifer Goldson, CPA Program Manager, City of Newton at 617-796-1131 or e-mail: [email protected] to register for May 4th or May 10th workshop from 6:30-8:30pm. 

5) Stone Building � Progress:  Electrician from DCR needed to address power source problems, Nstar finishing up work and should be contacted about restoring area to preconstruction conditions.  Rick will contact Community Relations Department at Nstar.

6) After recent membership dues, FOHG has $2562.29 in funds.

The monthly minutes of the meetings are on line and additional information on activities are available at the FOHG web site,

Help us to help the Hemlock Gorge!  Join in and each member to sign up a new member!   

This meeting adjourned at 9:15pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 3, 2005

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 7, 2005 at 7:15.

Minutes of May 3, 2005 Meeting

Present were- Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bobbi Demers, Hank Lysaght, Rick and Bonnie Pearson

Items discussed:

1) Great turn out for the Annual Spring Spruce-Up on April 30th, 2005.  Over 24 volunteers collected more than 3 truck loads of rubbish and brush.  Way to go!  Newton Tab photographer came out and had a picture from the event on the front page of this week�s Newton Tab.

2) Follow up plans will be made in contacting local schools about Community Service Credit Opportunity for Students for participating with FOHG in the Fall.  So far, Needham High School and Newton North High School has expressed interest.  Students can be involved with taking minutes of the meetings and mailing, assist Webmaster in website maintenance and new page creation, designing possible park improvements, advertising and public relations. 

3) Volunteers are needed to help with the planning for the Annual FOHG Picnic in August. Considering having an Art Festival with poetry readings and artwork about Echo Bridge and Hemlock Gorge as well as entertainment by The Hemlock Gorge Boys, a local bluegrass group.  Still need to confirm the date of picnic which is tentatively scheduled for August 2nd.

4) Bonnie and Rick will be attending the Free Workshop for Community Preservation Funds: How to Apply.  Jennifer Goldson, CPA Program Manager, City of Newton is holding the workshop for anyone interested to learn how to apply for public funds to improve parks, preserve open space, and restore historical resources.  FOHG projects (Pathways, Stone Building and Echo Bridge Railing Renovations to name a few.

5) Stone Building � Progress:  The source of the electrical problem may have been found and plans are to follow up shortly.  Nstar has finished work at the site and happy to report no apparent gas smell.

6) Discussions on the best way for FOHG to get involved with helping obtain adequate funding to the DCR for vehicles and manpower.  

7) FOHG has been asked to speak at the Waban Improvement Society Annual Meeting in June.

8) Enclosed you will find a FOHG membership form, help us to help the Hemlock Gorge and sign up a new member!  Get involved!!

The monthly minutes of the meetings are on line and additional information on activities are available at the FOHG web site,

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June and August, 2005

Next Meeting: Tuesday September 13, 2005 at 7:15.

Minutes of June 7, 2005 Meeting

Present were- Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bobbi Demers, Craig Wall, Kevin Hollenbeck, Judy Hohn, Carole Grossman, Beverly Bernson, Rick and Bonnie Pearson

Items discussed:

1)   Mark your calendar!  Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005 is the date for the Friends of Hemlock GorgeAnnual PicnicThis year�s event will be highlighted with live entertainment by the Hemlock Gorge Boys, a local blue grass band.  Everyone�s invited to bring a picnic and enjoy the music.  BBQ grills will be provided by the DCR. Location will be Hamilton Place, off Elliot Street and will run from 5:00pm to dusk. For more information and map, go to the FOHG web site:

2)   Community Service Credit Opportunity for Students for participating with FOHG to be made this Fall with Needham High School and Newton North High School. Interested students can be involved with taking minutes of the meetings and mailing, assist Webmaster in website maintenance and new page creation, designing possible park improvements, advertising and public relations. 

3)   City of Newton � Community Preservation Fund Grant Application FY 2006 -  Bobbi Demers will follow up with the Stream Team about applying for a study grant to improve the pathway from Hemlock Gorge

4)   The Green Decade Coalition has nominated the Friends of Hemlock Gorge to receive the GDC�sAnnual Environmental Leadership Award to a group for their outstanding efforts.  The award ceremony to be held on June 16th at the Newton Library auditorium.  Brian Yates to accept the award on the behalf of the Friends.

5)   FOHG and Waban Improvement Society will be working more closely together with the DCR and City of Newton regarding the safety issues along Quinobequin Road.  The recent installed guardrails were taken down and decisions are to be made on the best way to handle traffic and safety concerns by DCR, City of Newton and area residents.  The first meeting held on May 30th at Newton City Hall was very well attended.  The DCR and City of Newton should notify us about any follow up plans. 

6)   Stone Building � Progress:  Kevin will check the status of the work order for the electrical work.  The installation of the windows is on the list.  Good news that there may be EOEA matching funds available for the floor and other work to be done to the building.  Keyspan has completed their work and seems to have resolved the problem of the gas smell.

7)   John Mordes did a wonderful presentation about the FOHG at the Waban Improvement Society Annual Meeting in June and we look forward to both organizations working more closely together on upcoming projects.

8)   The Echo Bridge will be highlighted in an upcoming story on �Building Bridges� on The Hallmark Channel.  John Mordes and Brian Yates worked with the local independent film producer on the filming.  Notification of date and time will be posted on the web site.

The monthly minutes of the meetings are on line and additional information on activities are available at the FOHG web site,

This meeting adjourned at 9:00pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September 13, 2005

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 4, 2005 at 7:15.

Present were- Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bobbi Demers, Hank Lysaght, Sarah Hannah, Rick and Bonnie Pearson

Items discussed:

  1. The Friends of Hemlock Gorge have a new web site address!!  Make note that the new address is www.hemlockgorge.orgSpecial thanks to our talented webmaster, John Mordes for getting this site up and running so quickly!

  2. Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 8, 2005 Annual Fall Cleanup of Hemlock Gorge. Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place between 9 and 10 a.m. For a MAP showing the location, go to the FOHG web site.

  3. The Friends of Hemlock Gorge Annual Picnic was quite a success! This year�s event was held on August 2nd at the Hamilton Place meadow and was highlighted with live entertainment by a local blue grass band, the Hemlock Gorge Boys.  Anyone interested in purchasing a CD or more info on the band can go to their web site: .    The best news is that the Hemlock Gorge Boys have agreed to make entertaining at the FOHG August picnic an Annual Event!

  4. After recent membership dues, FOHG has $2942.79 in funds. All members are encouraged to each recruit a new member to help with funding and volunteer opportunities of upcoming projects.

  5.  On Thursday, June 16, 2005, The Friends of Hemlock Gorge were recognized with and Environmental Leadership Award by the Green Decade Coalition. Friends' Webmaster John Mordes had an opportunity to deliver a PowerPoint Presentation about the work of the Friends. Green Decade is an organization of people living or working in Newton and neighboring communities, including representatives of community organizations, institutions and businesses. They work together to create sustainable solutions to environmental problems facing the city and the world.  A copy of the certificate is located on the web site.

  6. Brian and John will be in contact with Charlie Burnham and the new contact,  Tonika Goins-Heath, Outreach Coordinator, US Dept of Agriculture, Forest Service, Eastern Region in Boston, MA for an update of the effects of the hemlock woolly adelgid in the Hemlock Gorge area.

  7. Bonnie and Bobbi will follow up about the Community Service Credit Opportunity for interested  Newton and Needham High School Students for participating with FOHG.  Interested students can be involved with taking minutes of the meetings and mailing, assist Webmaster in website maintenance and new page creation, designing possible park improvements, advertising and public relations.

  8.  FOHG and Waban Improvement Society will be working more closely together with the DCR and Cit of Newton regarding the safety issues along Quinobequin Road.

  9.  Brian will follow up with Kevin about the progress of the Stone Building � the status of the work order for the electrical work and installation of the new windows.

The monthly minutes of the meetings are on line and additional information on activities are available at the FOHG web site,

 This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 4, 2005

Next Meeting: Tuesday November 1, 2005 at 7:15.

Present were- Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bobbi Demers, Kevin Hollenbeck, and Bonnie Pearson

Note: Upcoming Annual Fall Spruce-Up of Hemlock Gorge has been rescheduled for Saturday, November 12th, 2005.  Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place between 9:00 a.m. and 10 a.m.

Items discussed:

  1. Kevin will be on hand to distribute the clean-up materials and refreshments will be served after the clean-up at the Stone Barn for the Annual Fall Spruce-Up of Hemlock Gorge.  All members encouraged to bring other volunteers!

  2. FOHG has $2940.29 in funds. All members are asked to each recruit a new member to help with funding and volunteer opportunities of upcoming projects for the Hemlock Gorge.  Citizen�s Bank has kindly agreed to waving the monthly account fee of $2.50 for the organization.

  3. Public-Private Partnership opportunity discussed for upcoming projects with DCR and FOHG.  One of the projects would be the concrete flooring in the Stone Barn.  Public-Private Partnership program is where approved projects by DCR would match donations of private organizations.  Brian will take care of filing the application.

  4. John Mordes will follow up with the Waban Improvement Society on proposal of working with the FOHG and DCR on a Public Private Partnership project along Quinobequin Road, Waban.  FOHG have been invited to present the proposal at the next Waban Improvement Society meeting which will be held at the Windsor Club on October 11th, 2005 at 7p.m.

  5. Kevin gave an update about the progress of the work orders for the Stone Barn.  A new program has been instituted by the DCR for submitting and tracking work orders.  Kevin has submitted the work order for the electric service in the Stone Barn and he has received the approval for the windows.  The installation of the windows has now moved up on his list. 

  6. Sadly reported that graffiti has been reported at both at the Stone Barn and at the Echo Bridge.  Kevin said that DCR does have funds available to deal with it.

  7. Charlie Burnham has been contacted about coming out and give us an update about the hemlock woolly adelgid in the Hemlock Gorge area.  Kevin and members of the FOHG feel that the situation has improved.  The year end newsletter will have the updated report.

  8. Volunteers needed to help with the annual end of the year mailing at the December 6th meeting. Let�s make it a festive occasion by bringing a holiday treat to share!

The monthly minutes of the meetings are on line and additional information on activities are available at the FOHG web site,  Please give us your e-mail address to receive the Minutes of Meetings and other notices.  Note: All e-mail addresses will remain for the confidential use of only FOHG.

his meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 1, 2005

Next Meeting: Tuesday December 6, 2005 at 7:15

Present were- Brian Yates, John Mordes, W. Craig Wall and Bonnie Pearson

Items discussed:

  1. Upcoming Annual Fall Spruce-Up of Hemlock Gorge will be on Saturday, November 12th, 2005.  Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place between 9:00 a.m. and 10 a.m. DCR will be on hand to distribute the clean-up materials and refreshments will be served after the clean-up at the Stone Barn.

    All members encouraged to bring other volunteers

  2. FOHG has $2440.29 in funds to date after the expense of the new web site has been paid.

    The new Citizen�s Bank account has been opened which is a no fee account.  We had 3 new members this month. As part of the FOHG membership drive, all current members are asked to recruit a new member to increase membership and help with funding and volunteer opportunities of upcoming projects for the Hemlock Gorge

  3. Brian confirmed that the application has been filed for the Public-Private Partnership program with the DCR and FOHG.  Public-Private Partnership program is where approved projects by DCR would match donations of private organizations.  One of the projects would be the concrete flooring in the Stone Barn.

  4. John Mordes is continuing to work with members of the Waban Improvement Society (WIS) on a 5 point proposal of working with the FOHG on: 1) Hiring a landscape architect to create a master design for the Charles River riverbank in Waban.  2) Organize trail repairs along the walk from the riverbank to Rte 128 Bridge. 3) When the trail is done, to then restore markers that once identified the flora and other items of interest.  Markers could be simply numbered and referenced at the WIS website for further explanation. 4) Working along with FOHG and DCR about building suspended footbridge across the river using the hidden aqueduct bridge near the Rte 128 Bridge as the main supporting structure.  Such a bridge would enable people from Waban to cross to the trails that lead eventually as far as Elm Bank and would connect to the Charles River paths that are being restored and extended outward from Boston.  5) Coordinate FOHG cleanups with WIS efforts on the Waban riverbank.  John was also contacted by representatives of the Waban Sound Barrier Support Group for FOHG support in construction of a sound barrier along the riverbank and Rte 128/95.  John will refer them to also contact the CWRA and Stream Team organizations.

  5. Charlie Burnham has been contacted about coming out and give us an update about the hemlock woolly adelgid in the Hemlock Gorge area.  Kevin and members of the FOHG feel that the situation has improved.  The year end newsletter will have the updated report.  Brian will also contact the USDA Community Forester to check out the woolly adelgid in the Hemlock Gorge area as well.

  6. Volunteers needed to help with the annual end of the year mailing at the December 6th meeting. Accepting any ideas on making this meeting a bit more festive occasion.

The monthly minutes of the meetings are on line and additional information on activities are available at the FOHG web site,  Please give us your e-mail address to receive the Minutes of Meetings and other notices.  Note: All e-mail addresses will remain for the confidential use of only FOHG.

 This meeting adjourned at 8:15pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December 2, 2005

Next Meeting: Tuesday January 3, 2006 at 7:15

In attendance were John Mordes, Brian Yates, Bobbi Demers, Vaunita Schnell, Jim Purdy,  and one other person. (Help with the name please!)

Meeting commenced at 7:15.

This meeting consisted mostly of stamping, stuffing, and sealing envelopes for our annual fund drive. Notably, however, as posted on the website, we received encouraging news from forester Charlie Burnham regarding the status of the Hemlocks in the gorge. More details are posted on the website.

Paul Roberts of Newtonville Camera, head of the local Boy Scouts organization, offered his boy scouts' services to assist the Friends in whatever ways we deem useful. He also offered to provide large scale (10"x12" or 11" x 14") photographs of the gorge for lifetime members.

Several members of FOHG attended the memorial service for our beloved former secretary, Hanna Raffa, held on Saturday, December 3 at Needham Congregational Church.

At the Fall cleanup, Kevin Hollenbeck suggested that the spillway dam does not need to have water running over it; instead, the water can be redirected into the circular dam. This can be repaired easily in the future.

Some members of FOHG will attend the next Waban Improvement Society meeting and invite Dan Driscoll, with the intention of exploring the possibility of a public or private liaison between the WIS and the DCR.

The meeting concluded at 9 p.m. after envelopes were stuffed and stamped and cake and juice were consumed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Pearson, Secretary

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