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Present on January 6, 2004 were Hank Lysaght, Brian Yates, John Mordes, Jim Purdy, Lee Fisher, and Vaunita Schnell. Rep. Ruth Balser of Newton also attended. Several members sent regrets due to illness and family obligations.
Echo Bridge Restoration: Brian and Rep. Ruth Balser reported on a meeting held with the MWRA Executive Director Fred Lasky and Senator Resor. It was concluded that the MWRA would not by itself be able to pay for restoration of the Echo Bridge railings, stairway, and echo platform. However, it was stated that the MWRA might be able to partner with other interested funding parties. Congressman Barney Frank�s office has been contacted in this regard, and the relevant information has already been forwarded. Rep. Balser hopes that a meeting with him can be scheduled after we have researched what kind of federal funding might be available through the Transportation Enhancement Act. (TEA-21). Funding under this act might be justified by the fact that Echo Bridge is a pedestrian route from Needham to regional mass transit, specifically the Eliot MBTA Green Line station. It may also be possible to apply for Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding from the city of Newton, but the fact that the bridge is located in both Newton and Needham might complication such funding. We are also looking to applying for designation of Echo Bridge as a National Historic Landmark, a step up from its current status as being recognized in the Registry of Historic Places only as part of the Newton Upper Falls Historic District. It does not have individual recognition in the Registry. Jim Purdy will also look into the possibility of an allocation of money from State Trans�por�tation Enhancement Funds. The cost as estimated by the MWRA was $125,000, but this figure seemed low to everyone. We plan to put a copy of Director Lasky�s letter on our web site..
Echo Platform: We also had a discussion of our hopes specifically to re-do the Echo Platform. Issues of liability and handicap access were raised but remain unsettled. Possibly the Echo Platform could be decoupled form the rest of the restoration and funded by DCR and MWRA
December Mailing: Report on results of Membership Mailing. We have had a good response-more than 30 members have renewed. We agreed to send our Mailings of minutes and other materials to other organizations--CRWA, Newton Conservators, etc.
Adelgids: We had the following report from Forester Charlie Burnham. The trees in the Gorge seem to him to be in better shape, but he cannot determine if the cold weather or the ladybugs are responsible. This is his report: �I was down at the Gorge in mid December to install a temperature recorder that we use to monitor winter mortality in the adelgid population as to see if any of the beetles are killed by the cold. I give the hemlocks a quick look and I think they look a little better than in the past. I can't give the credit for this to the beetles but believe it is more a result of high adelgid mortality last winter as well as an increased amount of moisture this past growing season.�
Spring Cleanup: We set the date for the Spring Cleanup as April 24 to coincide with Earth Day Celebrations.
Miscellany: We discussed briefly the status of the Stone Building window project, the Friends� Rustic Bridge, and our need to send thank you notes to those who helped with the Ken Newcomb memorial project, but there was no new information available on any of these issues.
We adjourned at about 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Mordes, Secretary pro tem
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Missing. Sorry.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Present were Brian Yates, Bobbi Demers, Kevin Hollenbeck, Rick and Bonnie Pearson
Treasury: We now have $3,233.30
Web Site visits to date: 13,869
Reminder about Annual Spring Cleanup of Hemlock Gorge Reservation on Saturday, April 24th, 2004. Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place at 10 a.m. Lunch will be provided. Coincides with the 5th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup. Members of the Waban Improvement Society will also be invited to participate.
Hemlock Rustic Foot Bridge: Kevin said that the recreational trails grant will be applied for with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and MA Highway Dept. The Friends of Hemlock Gorge will provide a letter of support.
Echo Bridge: Brian will check with MA Highway to see if any allowance available from transportation enhancement budget to maintain the railings along the top of the bridge.
Echo Bridge Platform: Restoration/maintenance work on the platform has been approved by the Fred Laskey, Executive Director, MWRA and is scheduled for this Spring. Tom Lindbergh with the MWRA will coordinate the work with Kevin�s office but the MWRA will be responsible for all the work and provide their own crews.
Stone Barn: Outside lights are not operating again. Rick will contact Gary Babin, Town of Wellesley to see if it has something to do with the other lights out nearby on Rt. 9.
Adelgids at Hemlock Gorge may be kept at bay with the cold weather.
Not-for-Profit Status and Potential Filing Issues for Friends of Hemlock Gorge to be further discussed at the next meeting.
Hemlock Gorge Parking Lot: Brian will talk to City of Newton about signage designating times parking available for visitors to Hemlock Gorge.
Thank you card template approved to send out to contributors of the Ken Newcomb Memorial. Brian to provide Bonnie with the names and addresses.
This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Acting Secretary
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Present were-Brian Yates, Bobbi Demers, Kevin Hollenbeck, John Mordes, Rick and Bonnie Pearson
Annual Spring Cleanup of Hemlock Gorge Reservation on Saturday, April 24th, 2004. Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place at 10 a.m. Lunch will be provided and Hank Lysaght will handle the ordering details with his usual precision. Notices have been sent out to the local newspapers and also noted on the Waban Improvement Society web site, www.wabanimprovement.org. We anticipate the WIS participation along the Quinobequin Road area.
Volunteers are needed for the Annual Run of the Charles on Sunday, April 25th, 2004 anyone interested should contact Hank Lysaght. Friends have traditionally staffed the portage around the lower dam under Route 9.
Hemlock Rustic Foot Bridge: Kevin is working on the grant with the DCR and MA Hwy Dept. Friends of Hemlock Gorge will provide a letter of support.
Echo Bridge: Brian is following up with the metropolitan planning organization to repair railings on top of the bridge.
Echo Bridge Platform: Restoration/maintenance work on the platform has been approved and work to start this Spring. MWRA will coordinate with Kevin and the DCR about the follow up maintenance after they complete the refurbishing of the platform.
Stone Barn: Outside lights are still not operating. Rick has contacted Gary Babin with the Town of Wellesley to see if it has something to do with the other lights out nearby on Rt. 9.
Hemlock Gorge Parking Lot: Brian will talk to City of Newton about signage designating no parking after sunset.
Thank you cards addressed to the contributors of the Ken Newcomb Memorial and will be mailed out this week.
Not-for-Profit Status and Potential Filing Issues for Friends of Hemlock Gorge to be further discussed at the next meeting.
We were visited by Dennis Maguire, a candidate for Alderman at Large in Newton Special Election on May 18. He had stopped by after the CDC meeting next door to say hello. This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
After the meeting, Brian Yates gave quite a reprise of the lecture he delivered two weeks ago at the Newton Library on the 100+ year history of Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Church in Upper Falls.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson (for Hannah Raffa, Secretary)
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Present were: Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck, Rick and Bonnie Pearson, Bobbie Demers, John Mordes and Hannah Raffa.
M.D.C. Nothing will be final concerning the fate of the MDC until July or even, September.
CLEAN UP DAY was held on April 12. Since your secretary did not attend, there are no details given here. We hope that it was as great a success as ever. There were articles describing it in the Boston Globe (it was mentioned in some piece) as well as the local Needham and Newton papers.
GRAFITTI. Researchers tell us that the local schools have no influence beyond the school grounds. Needham, and Newton school officials disavow any connection with the writers. J. Panica says the Needham schools should be involved in meetings held to discuss solutions because most of the writing is on the Needham side of the Gorge.
Posters. Kevin distributed posters announcing Clean up Day. Did you see them in Newton, Needham, Wellesley etc.?
Quinobequin path has no poison Ivy, BUT it is still a mess!
There is still no electricity available at the `Stone Building'. The group
discussed various ways to restore electrical power.
Owners of the Mill Falls land are planning to cut down noxious plants on the property after spraying them.
TREASURY now has $2,979.96.
BENCH MEMORIAL for Ken Newcomb --- Hank Lysaght is working on this project. He was not at the meeting so a progress report is not available.
After prolonged discussion of all these topics, the meeting adjourned at 8:58 P.M.
Note: in the picture Brian is wearing dark glasses due to an injury sustained in a fall.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Present were:-Brian Yates, Bobbie Demers, Rick and Bonnie Pearson, Hank
Lysaght, John Mordes,and Hannah Raffa.
Brian stayed only a few minutes, after which John Mordes chaired the meeting.
THE ECHO PLATFORM is now repaired and looks fine-The platform--can support 65
people at a time. We plan to visit it'
at our August picnic.
FALL SCHEDULE of meetings: Sept.14 (late because Labor Day is so late this
year); Oct.5; Nov.9 (late) because of the National Election) and Dec.7.
ADELGIDS are flourishing in some of the trees near the bridge. But some trees
are doing very well. Brian Yates says Charles Burnham still thinks about us but
has not been to the Gorge recently. John Mordes reminds us that it is three
years since lady bugs were introduced in an effort to com-
bat the adelgids. He suggested that an up-to-date exam is in order.
ELECTRICITY at the Stone Building is an inside problem, according to the
electric company. They say all outside lines are in order.NStar could meet with
F.H.G.members to find and fix the problem. Hank Lysaght and Rick Pearson will
deal with this.
Since your secretary did not attend, there is no report about the Annual Picnic
in August. We hope all who attended had a fine time. There are pictures on our
web site.
This meeting adjourned at 7:56.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Present were-Brian Yates, John Mordes, Rick Pearson and Bonnie Pearson
Brian started off the meeting with the sad news that Hannah Raffa has given her resignation as the Secretary of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge. Hannah will be greatly missed and her contribution, dedication and friendship is truly appreciated by all.
Great time was had by all who attended the August Picnic which featured the rededication of the Echo Bridge Platform.
Hemlock Rustic Foot Bridge: Kevin relayed through e-mail that permission has been received to replace the bridge and likely to be done by the next meeting.
Stone Barn: Kevin relayed in the same e-mail message that he will have a DCR electrician look into getting power on inside the building. Nstar has been working on a regular basis in the area. If the surrounding NStar work area is not restored, Kevin will contact them. Kevin mentioned a similar problem at Blue Hills, not a gas leak but a leak of the odor additive.
Annual Fall Cleanup of Hemlock Gorge Reservation on Saturday, October 30th, 2004. Volunteers should meet at Hamilton Place at 10 a.m. Notices will be sent out to the local newspapers and to be noted on the Waban Improvement Society web site, www.wabanimprovement.org.
Fall Meeting Schedule: Oct 5th, Nov 9th (late because of the National Election on Nov 2nd � Remember to Vote!), and Dec 7th.
This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Present were-Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck, John Mordes,
Bobbi Demers, Vaunita Schnell, Craig Wall, Rick and Bonnie Pearson
We were all happy to see Vaunita and glad that her schedule is freeing up a bit now. We all miss seeing Hannah Raffa very much and truly appreciate her many years of friendship and dedication and discussed plans for a special tribute. More details will follow about upcoming plans.
New member, Craig Wall started off the meeting with questions about how our efforts on saving the Hemlock trees from the Adelgids are coming along. This past January, we received a report from Forester Charlie Burnham that the trees in the Gorge seemed to him to be in better shape, but he could not determine if the cold weather or the ladybugs are responsible. We will extend an invitation for him to come to our Annual Fall Cleanup and take a tour of the trees.
Brian reported that the Treasurer has reported $2362 currently in the FOHG funds.
Hemlock Rustic Foot Bridge: Kevin plans to have work completed to replace the the bridge by the end of the month.
Stone Barn: Kevin will have a DCR electrician look into getting power on inside the building and for us to have access to the external breaker. Nstar has continued to work work on a regular basis in the area.
The Annual Fall Cleanup of Hemlock Gorge Reservation is on Saturday, October 30, 2004, from 10AM to Noon. Materials and tools supplied. Please dress appropriately for the work and the weather (rain or shine). Meet at the parking lot at Hamilton Place, Needham. Community Service Credit Opportunity for Students! After the cleanup, refreshments will be provided at the Stone Building location (near the Rt. 9 Eastbound Off Ramp and Ellis Street). For map/directions or further information, http://www.channel1.com/users/hemlock or e-mail: [email protected]
The year end mailing to be organized and any additional ideas to be discussed at the November meeting. This year we may add a self-mailer to be sent out to state legislators to support efforts to set aside funds for important upcoming projects, such as addressing the condition of the Echo Bridge railings.
Fall Meeting Schedule: Nov 9th (late because of the National Election on Nov 2nd � Remember to Vote!), and Dec 7th.
Please let us know if you would prefer to receive the monthly newsletter via e-mail by contacting us at www.channel1.com/users/hemlock with your e-mail address. Please note that this information will be for the exclusive use only of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge.
This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Present were-Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bobbi Demers, Rick and Bonnie Pearson
The Annual Fall Cleanup of Hemlock Gorge Reservation on Saturday, October 30, 2004 was well attended. The luncheon afterwards was highlighted with a special tribute to Hannah Sherman Raffia, who is retiring as the Secretary of the Friends. Hannah was presented with a special Lifetime Membership plaque and cake in gratitude for her many years of dedication and friendship. Our best wishes always to Hannah and her husband, Roe.
We were also able to see the progress of the Hemlock Rustic Foot Bridge which may be completed by the end of the year. Thanks to our resourceful webmaster, John Mordes, photos of this event can be seen on the Friends website, http://www.channel1.com/users/hemlock.
A good response was received from notices that were sent out to the local schools regarding the community service credit opportunity for students volunteering with the Annual Fall Cleanup. An invitation was extended to the Friends to participate in an internship program with a local high school. A decision was made at the meeting that an internship could be supported involving marketing the year round events and activities of the Friends and is now in the planning stages.
At the December 7th meeting, all volunteers are welcome to help with the year-end mailing. Anyone interested in bringing along a holiday snack or beverage to be shared is encouraged to make this into a more festive occasion. This year we may add a self-mailer to be sent out to state legislators to support efforts to set aside funds for important upcoming projects, such as addressing the condition of the Echo Bridge railings.
Please let us know if you would prefer to receive the monthly newsletter via e-mail by contacting us at www.channel1.com/users/hemlock with your e-mail address. This information will only be for the exclusive use of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge.
This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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Next Meeting: Tuesday January 4, 2005 at 7:15
Present were-Brian Yates, John Mordes, Bobbi Demers, Hank Lysaght, Rick and Bonnie Pearson and Peter Hruby.
The year-end mailing was assembled and completed in record time! A special note of thanks to newcomer Peter Hruby for his assistance and motivation.
Lifetime members will be receiving a separate mailing, which will include a special Friends of Hemlock Gorge certificate of appreciation.
Among some of the new projects to work on in 2005, there were discussions about the raceway and it�s deteriorating condition. Estimated that it was 10 years ago that a patch repair was done. Friends of Hemlock Gorge is to initiate a letter to the DCR with our concerns. Work continues in 2005 on the Stone Building, Semi-Annual Cleanups and new internship program.
Please let us know if you would prefer to receive the monthly newsletter via e-mail by contacting us at www.channel1.com/users/hemlock with your e-mail address. This information will only be for the exclusive use of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge.
Best of wishes for a very happy and healthy New Year to all!
This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Secretary
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