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Present at the January meeting were:-Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck, Hank Lysaght, John Mordes, and Hannah Raffa.
John Mordes reports that the form of the original echo platform is all there at the site, so we do not need to further research old photos of it. He showed us some lovely photos of the Gorge in this winter's snow. Meanwhile, Brian had collected some old photos of the echo platform from the Jackson Homestead collection. These show the platform clearly enough so we need no more photos, says Kevin Hollenbeck. We now need metal poles and pressure-treated wood.
TREASURY now holds $2890. Brian brought the dues paid in response to the letter sent in Dec. This is most heartening.
STONE BUILDING still has graffiti. One window on the Route 9 side is out., as is the light fixture. Hank Lysaght says there is new graffiti under Echo Bridge on the Newton side.
SPRING CLEAN-UP DAY will be APRIL 19, the same day as EARTH DAY festivities.
John Mordes asks to have the missing plank on the footbridge mended. He also talks about guard rails on Quinnobequin Road. Kevin says these latter are "on the list" and will stay on the list!!
Hank Lysaght describes a memorial bench in Watertown as an example of what we may erect as a memorial to Ken Newcomb.
We plan to send thank-you notes to those who contributed to the Ken Newcomb Fund.
This meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
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Present on February 4 were:-Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck, Bobbie Demers, Hank Lysaght, Rick Pearson, Joanne Grossman, John Mordes, and Hannah Raffa.
Treasury:- we now have about $3004.
The Web now has over 11,000 hits. Bobbie suggests this should be re-computed each year.
MDC--will it merge with the Department of Natural Resources? Kevin reminds us that such a change must go through the legislature-the Governor can not do it alone.
Hank Lysaght says the new signs for the Gorge will be laminated to foil destruction.
Ken Newcomb Memorial:- shall we have a small stone or a big one? Kevin has a bench. Do we put an inscription on it and/or a sign? These topics and placement of the memorial were discussed. John Mordes suggests a company in Sudburyto inscribe the stone. Rick Pearson has discussed prices,etc., with a Newton company. This matter will be further discussed in March.
Echo Bridge repair of the railingsand reconstruction of the Echo Platform were discussed. Rick Pearson says the MWRA is not interested in retirs, yet he also says they might help with money for steps to the Echo Platform and for the platform itself.
CLEAN-UP DAY will be on APRIL 12, not the 19th.
We continue to have a listing in the booklet of the Newton Pride Committee lf we paid them $100 and sent them a photo, they would print it. We decide against this expenditure.
Alice Pike succeeds John Locke as State representative.
John Mordes is giving up- his 10 year effort to have guard rails on Quinnobequin Road. He will settle for rocks there instead.
This meeting adjourned at 8:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Your secretary apologizes for mis-stating Alice Pietsch's name
in the latest minutes. Ms. Peitsch succeeds John Locke as State
Present on March 4 were: Brian Yates, Rick and Bonnie Pearson, John Mordes, Bobbie Demers, a friend, and Hannah Raffa.
Treasury: Adding the latest dues payments, we have almost $3000.
The present owner of the Mills Falls property is cutting down vegetation between his property and the river.
ECHO PLATFORM. Tom Lindberg of the MWRA mentions liability issues. He may know engineers who could do the work. Meanwhile we await re-organization of the MDC, which is not due until May.
GRAFFITI will be examined by a graffiti officer in an effort to identify the perpetrators. Vaunita Schnell can make no identifications. At this time,most of the writing is on the Needham side of the bridge.
MEMORIAL for KEN NEWCOMB. We discuss placement of the inscription--on the bench, or on a stone marker beside it? If Kevin Hollenbeck and Hank Lysaght could both be present at the same meeting this could be discussed more profitably.
John Mordes took a group photograph of the people at this meeting. If he shows this on our Web Site,maybe people will see that our meetings ARE attended,and they might be inspired to join us. The more the merrier!
This meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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April l, 2003. Present were: Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck, Rick and Bonnie Pearson, Bobbie Demers, John Mordes and Hannah Raffa.
M.D.C. Nothing will be final concerning the reorganization/fate of the M.D.C. until July or even September.
CLEAN UP DAY was held on April 12. Since your secretary did not attend, there are no details given here. We hope that it was as great a success as ever. There were articles describing it in the Boston Globe (it was mentioned in some piece) as well as the local Needham and Newton papers.
GRAFITTI. Researchers tell us that the local schools have no influence beyond the school grounds. Needham, and Newton school officials disavow any connection with the writers. J. Panica says the Needham schools should be involved in meetings held to discuss solutions because most of the writing is on the Needham side of the Gorge.
Posters. Kevin distributed posters announcing Clean up Day. Did you see them in Newton, Needham, Wellesley etc.?
Quinnobequin Path has no poison ivy, BUT it is still a mess!
There is shill no electricity available at the 'Stone Building'. The group discussed various ways to restore electrical power.
Owners of the Mill Falls land are planning to cut down noxious plants on the property after spraying them.
TREASURY now has $2,979.96.
BENCH MEMORIAL for Ken Newcomb --- Hank Lysaght is working on this project. He was not at the meeting so a progress report is not available.
After prolonged discussion of all these topics, the meeting adjourned at 8:58 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Minutes of May 6 ,2003
Present were:-Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck, Bobbi Demers, Hank Lysaght, Rick Pearson, John Mordes, and Hannah Raffa.
Both Rick Pearson and John Mordes showed us photos of the recent Clean-Up Day-a wet but successful event.
The MWRA, when approached. about Echo Bridge stated that the chain-link fence must stay in place until the new echo plat- form is built. Kevin will call the MWRA about the guard-rail. Maybe WE would build the echo platform and sign an agreement to care for it.(?)
KEN NEWCOMB MEMORIAL FUND now has $905. An engraver in Cambridge will inscribe our stone bench. It will be ready for us after May 30. It is a 2ft. x2 ft. block. We plan to place it at "Artist's Point". Would we plan a dedication ceremony to be held on Aug. 5 with our annual picnic? This possibility will be discussed further at the June 3 meeting. Hank says we'll still have money in the fund after the memorial stone is completed. Brian wonders about dedicating the Gym in the Emerson Center to Ken,
ELECTRICITY at the Stone Building is part of a failure of electric power along the edge of Rte. 9 abutting the property. Several lights along the road are out as well as those at our building.
Hank Lysaght distributed print-outs about the FISH LADDERS (actually, these were Contract Documents about the Quino- bequin Road Sewer Rehabilitation) so we discussed the path (now non-existent) up the river which they may have made. John Mordes and Kevin talked of how to solve the problem, and how to drain water from the Stone Building.
AUGUST 5 is the date for this year's PICNIC. We'll meet at the Stone Building (instead of at Hamilton Place as in past years) so that we can all go see the Ken Newcomb Memorial-- and possibly have its dedication ceremony then. All this will be discussed further at our JUNE 3 MEETING, Be sure to come!!
This meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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PRESENT: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Rick and Bonny Pearson, Hank Lysaght, Bobbi Demers, Hannah Raffa.
John Mordes showed pictures of the inside of the `Stone' Building with reference to plans for a cement floor.
Electricity: Newton, Wellesley and Needham have all been informed of the lack of electricity at the Stone Building. There are also lights out along route 9. Is Massachusetts responsible for the lighting? Rick Pearson has researched the issue so that we may have lights in time for the picnic.
Brian said that Mark Albert is the new president of the National Park Service and should have a formal request to put Hemlock Gorge on the National Landmarks list as a natural wonder.
Our small wooden footbridge spanning the outlet to New Pond is rotting out. Treasury: balance is $2,897.96.
During the discussion/planning of the annual picnic, it was decided to include a ceremonial dedication of the KEN NEWCOMB Memorial. Charles Burnham may report on the progress of the anti adelgid program at that time, also. This meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
August PICNIC. The picnic had a large attendance, including four generations of Ken Newcomb's family. The meal provided by Hank Lysaght and Bobbi Demers was augmented by contributions of food items from other members. The meal was delicious. Kevin Hollenbeck provided the grill and skillfully grilled the `hot dogs' and hamburgers. Other members brought beverages and other foods.
After this joyful meal, we all gathered at the riverside site of the Ken Newcomb Memorial Stone . Hank led a short ceremony, which included remarks by a representative from the Jackson Homestead (where Ken's papers are now being preserved); and front representatives from Newton, Wellesley and Needham After a silent moment of prayer, the playing of `Taps' ended the ceremony.
We then returned to the Stone Building to enjoy a special cake commemorating the event. John Mordes and others took many photographs of the days' events; we hope we can see them at our next meeting, - - On September 9; (Labor Day is so early this year that we have postponed our regular meeting to the second Tuesday).
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Minutes, September 9, 2003
PRESENT: Brian Yates, John Mordes Bobbi Demers, Kevin Hollenbeck, Vaunita Schnell, Hannah Raffa..
On October 1 there will be a Volunteer Fair at the Newton Public Library. The `Friends' will have a manned booth from 3 P.M. to 8 P.M. to attract new members. Brian Yates will be in charge from 3 P.M. to 6 P.M. Roberta Demers and Hannah Raffa will be in attendance after that.
TREASURY: As of August 19 we have $2,852.42 but must pay some bills; which will probably leave us with about $2100+.
STONE BUILDING: We discussed laying a concrete floor. Questions include the question of metering the concrete versus buying a full load; and building a `weep' channel along the perimeter to alleviate dampness. There is a `hump' in the present floor (which Vaunita believes to be the remains of an old chimney) which should not be a difficult problem. Raising the door to the USGS section will be necessary, but fortunately, not difficult. Kevin will obtain prices for the window treatment.
FALL CLEAN UP. November 15 at 10 A.M.
NEXT MEETINGS: Tuesday, Nov. 11; Tuesday, December 2.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Present on October 7 were: Bonnie and Rick Pearson, Lou Picariello, Bobbi, Demers, John Mordes, Dick Beecher, Hank Lysaght, and Hannah Raffa, the glorious one. In the absence of Brian Yates, John Mordes chaired the meeting.
The CLEAN UP DAY on November 15 was a chief subject. Notices to the local papers will be sent by Bonnie Pearson. Bobbi Demers will send Kevin Hollenbeck a reminder notice. She says Mayor Cohen of Newton says he will come to the Clean UP. Hank Lysaght is to discuss food options (?) at our November 11 meeting.
THE STONE BUILDING: The US Geological Survey (USGS) door has already been raised so our plans for the building's floor can proceed. We calculate the amount of cement needed to be about 4 yards.
THE ECHO PLATFORM: When and what should (or can) be done? It's not clear.
WOOLLY ADELGID: We should contact Charles Burnham for a progress report. John Mordes and Hank Lysaght both volunteer to try to invite Mr. Burnham to come to the Clean Up to check on the hemlocks.
Bonnie Pearson has photos of the Ken Newcomb Memorial Service. She will try to bring them in a visible form for our information at the November 11 meeting.
VAUNTIA SCHNELL: Her retirement will be celebrated with a PARTY on October 26 at the Hibernian Hall in Wathertown.
After some discussion of the Waban Improvement Society's rejuvenation, this meeting was adjourned at 8:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Present on November 11 were Brian Yates, John Mordes, Roberta Demers, Hank Lysaght, Rick and Bonnie Pearson, and Hannah Raffa.
CLEAN UP DAY, November 15, was planned. Fliers to be posted in public places were distributed to the members. Hank Lysaght and Bonnie Demers agree to be in charge of food for that day. Brian Yates says we should cut lots of brush on November 15.
TREASURY: We now have $232410.
CONGRATULATIONS to Jim Purdy who has returned from a successful hike on the complete Appalachian Trail. Please come to a meeting a tell us all aobut it,, Jim.
Bonnie Pearson showed us her photos of part of the Memorial Ceremony dedicating the Kenneth Newcomb Memorial. Newton Cable TV had done most of the show.
John Mordes and Brian Yates are already planning the annul Christmas mailing letter regarding dues. The letter is to be sent to Friends of Hemlock Gorge.
Hank Lysaght says the MWRA is supposed to test the Charles River water. This has not been done in the aqueduct for several years. A bill axing for money to test and to effect repairs needs $120,.000.
We plan to send than you notes to those who contributed to the fund for the Ken Newcomb Memorial. this meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Present on December 2 were: Brian Yates, John Mordes, Hank Lysaght, Bobby Demers, Rick and Bonnie Pearson, and Hannah Raffa., the glorious one.
This meeting was dedicated to the mailing of the 'year end' letter, reminding members to pay their dues. We therefore affixed labels and stamps to the envelopes we stuffed. Bonnie brought hot and cold cider, which we grateful and happily sipped as we worked.
There was literally no discussion of our many ongoing projects.
Do come the January meeting and give us your ideas concerning:
All these projects are in abeyance for the holiday season, and YOU can help start them in the coming year.
We hope to see you then.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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