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Next Meeting: Tuesday February 5, 2002 at 7:15.
To be continued.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Present were: Brian Yates, Bobbi Demers, Hank Lysaght, John Mordes, and Hannah Raffa.
Todd Thomas, who did not come to this meeting,will attend the March meeting-to-discuss plans for-the windows-in the Stone Building.
APRIL 20 Clean-UP Day for Friends of Hemlock Gorge and Americorps.
APRIL 28 Run-of-the-Charles Race. Do we want to station people on the property to help wwith the portages?VOLUNTEERS? There are two portages on our property:-at the Silk Mill Dam and at the SLUICE DAM.
Hank Lysaght talks about proposed signs at the ends of the property.He suggests signs made bullet-proof and INDESTRUCTIBLE. Shall these include a walking outr? Hank must consult Kevin Hollenbeck about signs.
Our Web Site now has taken 8500 hits
To hear. Todd Thomas discuss windows to discuss plans for the CLEAN-UP.
To plan messages and locations for new signs.
The February meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Raffa, Secretary
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Present on March 5 were:- Brian Yates; Bobbie Demers; John Mordes; Kevin Hollenbeck;and Hannah Raffa
Brian will remind Todd Thomas to come to the April 2 meeting,since he did not appear on March 5. Kevin did bring the photos and other documents about the windows of the stone building,but he can not attend the April meeting Bobbi suggests that Kevin and Todd Thomas meet at the Stream Team meeting and discuss the matter then. When April 2 comes, Thomas can tell us the outcome of his discussion with Kevin.
APRIL 28 Volunteers for the Run-of-the-Charles? It is suggested that some members might like to attend by guiding the canoeists as they make their portages through the Gorge be tween the two dams. Contact Hank Lysaght at 781-235-9009.
Brian spoke about trees along Rte. 9 near the Gorge-whose responsibility are they? They need attention.
THis meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
To be continued.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah S. Raffa, Secretary
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Present were:-Brian Yates, Bobbi Demers, John Mordes,and Hannah Raffa.
Since Kevin Hollenbeck could not attend this meeting,there seemed no point in asking ToddThomas to come. We hope he can be here on May 7.
The Treasury now contains $1700.84 plus several uncashed checks .Dunn-Gaherin gave us $100. for which we are very grateful.
APRIL 20 CLEAN-UP 10 A.M.at the meadow. We'l1 work toward the Stone Building where we'll lunch at noon. After this we can go to Herter Park to attend speeches and other celebratory gestures acclaiming the work of our members and others who toiled at other properties to further the environmental cause.
On April 2 we discussed who would provide lunch on the 20th, but most of the evening was spent in discussion of the Volunteer Jobs onAPRIL 28th for the Run-of-the-Charles Race-What do the volunteers do that has not already been planned by the organizers of the race?? Has anybody volunteered? The organizers of the raceask that volunteers go to Newton City Hall at 8;30-9:15 on April 28th to be assigned to jobs at definite places.
Brian Yates wants to nominate Charles Fisher for the City of Newton Youth Award.
APRIL 28 Run of the Charles RACE.VOLUNTEERS
MAY 7 Next meeting at Emerson Center.
This meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah S. Raffa, Secretary
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Present were: Brian Yates, Bobby Demers, John Mordes, Kevin Hollenbeck, Rick and Bonnie Pearson ( new members), Todd Thomas, our Guest Speaker, and Hannah Raffa.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah S Raffa, Secretary
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Minutes, June 4, 2002.
Present were: Brian Yates; Hank Lysaght, Rick & Bonnie
Pearson, Bobby Demers, John Mordes and a friend from Northboro
and Hannah Raffa
The treasury now has $1843.84.
Vaunita Schnell was in a horrible car accident where she sustained broken vertebrae and spent several weeks recuperating at her daughter's home. We were pleasantly surprised to see her at the August picnic. We wish her continued recovery.
Ken Newcomb received an `Unsung Hero Award' from the City of Newton. His book is on our Web Site; John Mordes can now print copies of it.
Charles Burnham released an additional 5,000 lady bugs in the Gorge for spring. We hope they are enjoying their meals of wooly adelgids.
John Mordes mentioned graffiti on the back of the `Stone' building and on the Echo Bridge. The Pearsons will contact the MWRA about the graffiti (Tom Gawrys has retired so they must contact his successor Dan O'Neill).
Who pays for the electricity in the `Stone' building? Why is the electricity in the `Stone' building off now? The USGS does have operating equipment in the building to process data received from a satellite feed.
The August 6 picnic was a great success. 20 to 30 people attended (in perfect weather) and Kevin led a short walk through the woods. The dam looked very lonely with so little water coming through. The only water going through that point came from the spillway.
SCHEDULE: Meeting on September 10; October 1; November 12 and December 3.
This meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah S. Raffa, Secretary
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Present were only Brian Yates and John Mordes. A number of
people were out due to illness or illness in the family.
Hannahs husband Ro was in the hospital, and we wish him a
speedy recovery.
We had news that Forester Charlie Burnham has been to the Reservation and saw evidence that the ladybugs are spreading. He, like us, is cautiously optimistic that this adelgid control method may be working. Many of us saw undamaged young growth on some of the damaged trees over the summer.
We discussed possible strategies for enhancing membership.
Brian announced that Ken Newcomb has moved to be with his family in Auburn. He invites everyone to visit. The family phone number is 508-832-6276
The web site now has had over 9300 hits.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
John Mordes
Temporary Secretary
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Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes, Kevin Hollenbeck, Bobbi Demers, Hank Lysaght, Rick Pearson and Bonnie Pearson. Hannahs husband, Ro was still on the road to recovery, we all wish him well and missed seeing Hannah at the meeting.
Brian said the services for Ken Newcomb were well attended and Kens family appreciated the presence of members of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge. Per the family request, memorial contributions have started coming in to Friends of Hemlock Gorge in honor of Ken Newcomb. The Friends will plan to acknowledge the donations.
Special note of thanks to John Mordes in his quick and sure communications to all of the members concerning Ken Newcomb and the planned services.
Later in the meeting, the group discussed a way that the Friends could honor Ken with a memorial granite bench that could be inscribed and be placed in a special spot of Kens at Hemlock Gorge. Thanks to Kevins connections, he has the granite bench in storage, and Rick will check on prices to have it inscribed and report at the next meeting
Concerns have been eased regarding Kens collection of reference and research materials about the Hemlock Gorge, the Newcomb family said they will make sure that the Jackson Homestead is to receive his collection.
Hank reported that the Tour of Hemlock Gorge went well on Sunday, September 29th, 2002. Ranger Dave gave an informative walking tour with 12 people in attendance. For information on upcoming walks, contact 617-698-1802 or www.state.ma.us/mdc
The window project at the Stone Building is in motion. Kevin announced that volunteers from Boston Cares had removed the brick from the windows and he is checking with pricing for lexan for the windows. A donation of $1000 has been received for this purpose and should enable the completion of the windows. Kevin will be in touch with Nstar/Edison Electric regarding service to the building.
Further discussion for possible strategies for enhancing membership by information booths at local fairs and events; volunteer opportunities listed in local newspapers; informational tapes on the local Newton TV cable station. Suggestions welcomed at the next meeting
The meeting adjourned 8:45pm
Next meeting November 12th, 2002 7:15pm Emerson Center, Pettee St, Newton Upper Falls (One week later due to Election Day).
Make a note next meeting, Tuesday December 3, 2002, 7:15 p.m. Emerson School, Pettee Street, Newton Upper Falls.
Bonnie Pearson
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Pearson, Acting Secretary
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Present were Brian Yates, John Mordes, Kevin Hollenbeck, Rick Pearson, Peter Kastner, Vaunita Schnell, Nina Koch, and Hannah Raffa.
Rick Pearson reported that Tom Lindberg of the MWRA wants to cooperate with the MDC to remove graffiti from the bridge. New graffiti has appeared on the Stone Building. The graffiti was signed by the perpetrator! Vaunita, when consulted, suggested research at Middle and High Schools in Wellesley and Needham, because graffiti is the pursuit of people not yet old enough for high school.
Cindy Spittel of Newton Memorial Art suggested a small tabled be placed on the bench for Ken Newcomb. Their charge would be $7 per letter, if we have access for their truck. to the bench area. We have received about $500 from the Ken Newcomb Memorial Fund, which could be used for the memorial bench. Rick Pearson is the person who did the research on all of the above projects.
Clean Up Day was a success. Brian reported that 27 persons attended. Several new people came after reading notices in the Newton Tab.
Kevin is going to measure the windows of the Stone Building. After they are done, we can work on the floor.
Peter Kastner showed us his wonderful maps of various districts, hoping we would sell copies of his maps of the Gorge. We discussed various plans to market these.
Remember that the December 3 meeting needs more people to help mail the annual report and dues letters. We plan to have refreshments. As usual, the meeting will be held at the Emerson Center starting at 7:15.
Hope to see you there!!!
The November meeting adjourned at 8:30
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah S Raffa, Secretary
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Present were Brian Yates, Hannah Sherman, Kevin Hollenbeck, Rick and Bonnie Pearson, Jean Leif, and John Mordes.
We conducted little business other than to prepare our annual mailing to members and share Holiday Cheer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hannah Sherman, Secretary
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