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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 2001

January February March
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July: No Meeting August: Picnic-Meeting September
October November December

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 9, 2001

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 6, 2001 at 7:15.

Present at the meeting: Bobbi Demers, Nina Kochs, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell, Brian Yates, and MDC Supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck. We were pleased to welcome Dick Beecher of Needham and George Malkasian of Newton.

UPDATE: Woolly adelgid: Brian reported that DEM Forester Charlie Burnham has informed him that we cannot grow the ladybugs on Cape Cod, and is looking to piggyback with the US Forest Service for a site. We are still hoping for a summer release. In response to a question on the toxicity of last year's injections affecting the ladybugs, Charlie stated it was possible, but due to the time elapsed, there should not be any impact.

UPDATE: We are waiting to hear if Charlie Fisher's Eagle Scout project has be accepted. This project would be tied in with our Spring Clean Up, scheduled for May 5. NOTE CORRECTION from last month's minutes proposed work to be done on Ellis Street, not Eliot Street.

UPDATE: Stone Building: As required, permission to replace the windows has been requested from the Mass. Historic Commission by Kevin.

John Mordes reported that we have received over $400 in response to our Annual Letter, in new and renewal memberships thus far.

Brian has been in touch with the National Park Service to request that Hemlock Gorge be placed on the list of Natural Landmarks. We had joined with the Native American Plant Initiative as a cooperator. The Urban Forestry Council is holding a hearing for input for a policy on trees in urban areas. He also reported that the Metro Parks Council has filed legislation to have the MDC apply to get the Metro Park System on the National Register of Historic Places.

Brian and Kevin supplied guests Dick and George with details of the zigzag bridge, as they offered the possibility of the construction being done by local volunteers.

Respectfully submitted,

Bobbi Demers, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 6, 2001

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 6, 2001 at 7:15.

.Present at the meeting: Bobbi Demers, Hank Lysaght, George Malkasian, John Mordes, Ken Newcomb, and Brian Yates.



Respectfully Submitted,

Bobbi Demers, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 6, 2001

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 3, 2001 at 7:15.

Present at the meeting: Bobbi Demers, John Mordes, Ken Newcomb, Brian Yates and Kevin Hollenbeck.



Respectfully Submitted,

Roberta Demers, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April 3, 2001

Next Meeting: Tuesday May 1, 2001 at 7:15.

Present on April 3 were:-Brian Yates, Lee Fisher and his son, Chuck Houy, John Mordes, Bobbi Demers, and Hannah Raffa.

Brian showed us Rob McArthur's postcard of the Echo Bridge as mentioned in last month's minutes. Brian has Rob's phone number if any of you wish to buy copies of this lovely photo.

Lee Fisher spoke about the restoration of the Echo Platform. He hopes the MDC will let us build a replica of the original platform instead of a modernized version, which might entail conformation with new laws and be expensive. The MWRA may be asked to build it.

ADELGID:- The Boston Globe story about the bug did not include the photo of Bobbi Demers and Brian Yates, both of whom ventured onto the bridge for a photo-op in the rain and wind. The breeding stock of ladybug insects will arrive in May or June. Previously injected trees will not be treated.

We assume the Clean-up and Fence-mending arrangements as mentioned in the March minutes will be O.K. (In the absence of Kevin Hollenbeck we can not check this out.) Could the CRWSA put us into their calendar? We are told that they have already announced their own clean-up day and hope that other organizations will join them. Their newsletter, THE STREAMER, is issued quarterly.

QUINOBEQUIN RD. is a project of Kevin and his crew. Norm Siemen's Cub Scouts will work there on Earth Day.

TREASURY:-We now have about $1,400.

GUARD RAILS: Because Kevin Hollenbeck was not here, we don't know if anything has been done.

Bobbi Demers mentions her walking-tour glide.

This meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M.

NOTICE: Some members' E-mail addresses are no longer valid, so if your E-mail address has changed, please forward your current address to our webmaster at [email protected].

.Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Raffa, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 1, 2001

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 5, 2001 at 7:15.

Meeting of May 1,2001.

Present were: Brian Yates, Ken Newoomb, Kevin Hollenbeck, Bobbie Demers, Dick Beecher, John Mordes, Chuck Houy,and Hannah Raffa.

On May 2 the new fish ladders were dedicated at Watertown Fish Dam.

Our Clean-up Day was a success with Lee Fisher's group assisting us. Bobbie brought a properly inscribed birthday cake honoring John Mordes(whose birthday it was )and Ken Newcomb(whose March birthday was his 92nd.)

On May 3 5000 "lady-bugs" were released :in the Gorge to eat woolly adelgids Representatives of TV and the local press were expected to attend the 2:30 ceremony.

Guard Rails:- we are told there is no money so no action.

Quinobequin Rd.:- no action here either.

Friends' Bridge:- the engineers should send specs to Kevin Hollenbeck.

JUNE MEETING :- Tom Gawrys may be our guest.

This meeting adjourned at 7:55.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Raffa, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June 5, 2001 and for August 2, 2001 (Picnic Meeting)

Next Meeting: Tuesday September ?, 2001 at 7:15.

Minutes, June 5 and August 2 (Picnic)

Minutes, June 5, 2001.

A meeting was held on June 5, and our guest, Tom Gawrys was unable to attend and only three members of the Friends were there.

Since your secretary was among the missing, these notes will be very sketchy. Brian Yates said that the speaker noted that his department needs support from us.

There was a picnic in August at the Stone Barn, and it was a very pleasant affair. Tom Gowrys did attend this meeting and updated us on the MRWA's activities. Kevin provided a grill and chairs. Brian Yates, John Mordes, Lee Fisher, Bobbi Demers, Kevin Hollenbeck, and Bill Tedoldi were among those attending. Brian announced his plans to seek re-election to the Board of Aldermen. Kevin updated us on the lack of progress on the Stone Barn windows and floor, which have fallen victim to the chroic shortage of personnel. Finally, we fixed the schedule for the fall.

The current schedule for our fall events is:

THURSDAY, September 6 - first meeting of the season.

October 2, Tuesday (as usual) 2nd meeting.

Saturday, October 13, FALL CLEANUP Details to follow in the next minutes. The cleanup will probably begin at Hamilton Place, as usual, and will continue through the gorge to the stone building in time to have lunch.

Because of the election, the November meeting will be postponed until the 2nd Tuesday, November 13.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman Raffa, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September ?, 2001

Next Meeting: Tuesday October ?, 2001 at 7:15.


Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Raffa, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 2, 2001

Next Meeting: Tuesday November 13, 2001 at 7:15.

Present on Oct. 2 were : Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck, Mr.and Mrs.Marvin Grossman, John Mordes, Hank Lysaght,and Hannah Raffa.

The STONE BUILDING:-architect Todd Thomas is to phone Kevin about the design of the windows. Mr. Grossman suggests we ask for information from a woman who wrote about Bullough's Pond. In her research she may have found pictures of the building which show the original windows in sufficient detail to be useful to us. 0ur old photos do not show details clearly. We are told that electric power in the building is OUT. Who puts it in? Does it come from Wellesley or Newton? The USGS needs electric powerto read their meters.

We send our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Ken Newcomb. He was recently hospitalized. We miss him.

ADELGID-no news. We hope the lady-bug types are eating happily.

CLEAN-UP. At least one person volunteered to bring a canoe. Hank Lysaght says he will buy food that morning so we may lunch as usual.

Pruning should be done in the Gorge. Railings on Echo Bridge could bdcome a danger if not repaired soon.

Ken Newcomb and Hank Lysaght visited the Wellesley Historical Society and found that the Bixby and Ellis families were the historical owners of the land around the Stone Building.

This meeting was adjourned at 8 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Raffa, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 13, 2001

Next Meeting: Tuesday December 4, 2001 at 7:15

Present were:-Brian Yates, Bobbi Demers, John Mordes,and Hannah Raffa.

The treasury now has $1213.87.

CLEAN-UP was a success with several new p people helping. Waders were worn and cleaning the river was done. The fence was painted and debris was collected.

The City of Newton holds a "Service-a-thon" on April 28. Should we participate? We must check with Kevin (who is not here this evening).

In the recent political changes in Massachusetts Kay Khan and Ruth Balser were almost re-districted out of our reach. However,we did escape bring deprived of them and look forward to their continued support.

Brian and John lay plans for the annual dues letter. Reviewing the 2000 prediction of achievement, they start to plan projects for next year.

The Newton Conservators are still going to send us their mailing list. We'll send them the Christmas letter.

December 4 is the date of our Dec, meeting when we will mail the dues letters.

The STONE BUILDING.We have money for the windows but cannot get started on the design due to Kevin's absence. Coordination of his schedule and those of F.H.G.members seems to block projects. The floor cannot be fixed this year as it's too late and the ground is frozen.

This meeting adjourned at 8:11 P.M. .

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Raffa, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December 4, 2001

Next Meeting: Tuesday January ?, 2002 at 7:15

The annual mailing was sent out. More details to follow..

Respectfully Submitted,

Bobbi Demers, Acting Secretary

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