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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 2000

January February March
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July: No Meeting August: Picnic-Meeting September
October November December

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 4, 2000

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 1, 2000 at 7:15.

Present on January 4 were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Bobbi Demers, Hank Lysaght, Carol McPherson, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell, and Hannah Sherman.

Bobbi Demers brought Ken's Book as transcribed from the Web. After bring congratulated for her work on this project, she spoke about her walking tour of the Gorge, which is still in progress.

Brian Yates showed us a letter from State Senator Cynthia Creem saying she will continue her efforts to raise State money to combat the woolly adelgid. John Mordes reports that he wrote to the Secretary of Environmental Affairs about overriding the Governor's veto. The reply he received was a noncommital letter and gave no specifics.

Brian proposes that our Needham members speak to Rep. Lisa Harkins about fighting the adelgid. Any alerting of public servants may help spread the word that this is a serious situation in which the public is interested. First the Governor's budget must be formed and then the Ways and Means Committee works on its budget. After the House work is done, the Senate does its own budget. A veto dies after one year so the rejection suffered in 1999 is past history. Kay Khan and Cynthia Creem continue to work on our behalf and Senate President Birmingham seemed impressed when he visited the Gorge last fall. We hope that by Feb.1 (the next meeting) we will know how many supporters we have.

Schedule and Dates for 2000 (not complete) February 1 Meeting March 7 Meeting Apr. 4 Meeting Apr. 9 -Nevton Service Day Apr. 15 Americorps cleans the Charles River Basin (Carol McPherson hopes some of their workers will come upstream to help clean our property) CLEAN-UP DAY still to be decided,

Since Kevin Hollenbeck did not attend this meeting, we have no report on the lecture at the Arnold Arboretum.

Hank Lysaght was unable to get a key from Kevin so could not meet with the carpenter to discuss repairs to the Stone Building This meeting adjourned at 8:29 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 2, 2000

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 2, 2000 at 7:15.

Present : Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Bobbi Demers, John Mordes, Kevin Hollenbeck, Hank Lysaght, and Hannah Sherman.

Bobbi Demers bought her Walking Tour papers so editing these was discussed.

TREASURY REPORT: We have $805.36, plus the latest dues.

CORRESPONDENCE: a letter from the MDC Commissioner assures us of their interest in defeating the adelgid. Sen. Creem writes that she introduced more bills to spend money. on breeding the beetles which combat the adelgid,

ACTION: Our members (especially Needham Members) should ask their representatives to vote for funds to fight the adelgid and to repair the bridge.

EVENTS OF NOTE: APR. 9 Newton 2000 Environmental brush work??

APR. 15 Americorps cleans the Charles River. (Erica Woods is in charge of assignments)

APR.29 CLEAN-UP DAY at Hemlock Gorge

APRIL 30 Run-of-the-Charles. F.H.G. members

Should distribute flyers to participants?

STONE BUILDING. Kevin says the HAB has "general drawings" in their filesa nd possibly more information to help with repairs. Hank now has a key so can meet with the carpenter to measure and start work.

FRIENDS" BRIDGE. Kevin recommends steel beams as supports. We agreed on a straight bridge (no zigzag) a bit North of the Devil's Den We discussed use and availability of trails in that part of the property. This work could be done after the Cutler Park Bridge is done.

The ARNOLD ARBORETUM LECTURE in January: Kevin was disappeared that so much time was spent on Eliot's childhood before concentrating on Stony Brook Reservation. Hemlock Gorge was not mentioned.

KEN NEWCOMB showed a photo of Upper Falls which he suggests we copy to sell. He is looking for a repository for his collection of Upper Falls memorabilia. Brian says the Upper Falls CDC and F.H.G. should be interested.

Kevin Hollenbeck is leading a tour of the Gorge on JUNE 19 for a Garden Club.

Brian Yates wants to link onto the Web Site of Native Plant Conservation Initiative. (It has 10 organizations)

NOTE: The MAR. MEETING IS ON THE 14th!!! This meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 2, 2000

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 6, 2000 at 7:15.

Attending this meeting were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Kevin Hollenbeck, Bruce Conrad, John Mordes, and Hannah Sherman.

TREASURY: We have $1014.86 and there are new dues payments that came tonight after the total was recorded. Since December, we have added $762. Forty?one donations came this year.

STONE BUILDING. Work was delayed by a snow storm which prevented the arrival of a research person from Washington,D.C. Who had to be consulted because the building is on the National Register of Historical Buildings.! We have to consult the Registry before changing the outside (i.e., windows) but we can do inside work. The temporary floor may be ready by April 19 BUT Kevin must file a request for a permit for the window work. He can't do it until the next fiscal year!

APRIL 9 NEWTON SERVES. Kevin hopes to get 200 people to cut trails along the river near Wells Avenue in Newton. The MDC and Newton jointly own land here.

APRIL 15. AMERICORPS cleans Cutler Park. Bobbi is gathering volunteers to do this.


JUNE 14.9 Kevin Hollenbeck's tour of the Gorge for a garden club turns out to be PRIVATE. Only members of The Club may come.

ADELGIDS Since there is no money in the current State budget to fight the bugs, we must FIGHT to get our cause included in the next budget. Contaut your representative! Some of our trees are already dead. A survey of new growth this spring will tell the health of the remaining trees. If we replace dead trees with evergreens, maybe white pine would do? We discuss several types of trees, including the new breed of chestnuts.

The Upper Falls Historic District is expanding.

Ken Newcomb discourses on local history, saying the Emerson School Building was built in 1904.

Kevin brought brochures for distribution on Clean?up Day.

This meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April 6, 2000

Next Meeting: Tuesday May 4, 2000 at 7:15.

The April meeting was attended by: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Bobbi Demers, Carol McPherson, Hank Lysaght and his Friend, Bob White, John Mordes, Kevin Hollenbeck, Vaunita Schnell and Nina Koch, and Hannah Sherman.

Bob White told us about his work with Dan Driscoll on a trail from Newton Lower Falls to Wellesley.

Friends of ALL MDC Parks will meet on May 13 at Trinity Church Boston to organize and relate all the Friends' Groups. Brian will represent us.

TREASURY now has more than $1100.00.

STONE BUILDING: the carpenter needs a drawing specifying what we want for the windows. Even the floor will not be ready for our April 29 Clean-Up. John Mordes and Kevin discuss the possibility of doing the windows in August or in the fall!!! There is lots of discussion of materials for the floor.

There is graffiti on the outside of the building The outside light is out again.

John Mordes suggests letting the Carpenter advertise on our Web Site.

Vaunita Schnell says the National Lumber Co. should be asked to help with lights outside the Stone Building since they sponsor the highway beside it. John Mordes sees no need for a sponsor.

THE FRIENDS" BRIDGE-No progress. No digging for bridge supports without a permit from the MDC archeologist. The MDC archeologist has left!!!!.

Hank Lysaght says Dan Driscoll is concerned about the path from Hemlock Gorge to Needham: St?.Various plans are discussed.

APRIL 29?CLEAN?UP DAY. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., including lunch.

ADELGIDS When will the MDC distribute "gunk" to inoculate trees?? We must continue to show our representatives and State senators that we want the government to appropriate money to fight the bug. WRITE or CALL or E-MAIL Lida Harkins, John Locke, etc.

At our June meeting, Carol McPherson will show pictures of the Gorge as part of a video project. Come see them! This meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 4, 2000

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 6, 2000 at 7:15.

Present were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Dick Stoner, John Mordes, Carol McPherson, and Hannah Sherman.

ADELGIDS: Dick Stoner is an arborist who used to work for the Lupien Company, and he shared his knowledge with us. When asked about trees to replace the dead hemlocks, he said that a mix of species is best. Maples are very cheap, Western Hemlock proves unsuccessful in this climate, which is more severe than what it is used to. The specially-bred beetles which prey on the adelgids are being used in Connecticut. Injecting trees (as we have tried in a few cases) would injure the trees if done too many times. $100.00 would pay to inject 3 or 4 trees (that last statement is a "guess"). One suggestion is for us to ask the larger tree companies (i.e., Bartlett et al.) to help with the problem. The Massachusetts House did not add money to fight the adelgid to the most recent budget. However, the Senate still must still vote on this.

TREASURY we now have $1049. We owe Kevin Hollenbeck about $81.00 for food at the Clean-up in April, which was very successful from the point of view of getting new members. At least 12 groups came. They did good work and are added to our mailing list. Thanks to all!

The METRO-PARKS meeting to be held at Trinity Church, Boston has been postponed until June 11. Brian Yates is our representative. Who will be an alternative representative?? Please Call!! If all the FRIEND'S groups unite, we may be able to raise some money to fight the adelgid. There are, after all, Hemlock Trees, yes, in other MDC Reservations.

FRIENDS' BRIDGE: Dick Stoner knows an archeologist who might be able to help with the digging problem for the supports of the bridge.

Has anyone noticed the outside lights on the Stone Building? Are they lighted or not?? Is a switch the problem, or are the lights still being shot out??

FUTURE DATES:-Next Meeting-JUNE 6. Carol McPherson will not give her slide show after all. AUG. 1 PICNIC FALL MEETING DATES:-SEPT.12; OCT.3; NOV.14; Dec.5.

This meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June 1, 2000 and for August 1, 2000 (Picnic Meeting)

Next Meeting: Tuesday September 7, 2000 at 7:15.

Minutes, June 6 and August l (Picnic)

Present on June 6 were: .Brian Yates, Hank Lysaght, Kevin Hollenbeck, John Mordes, Carof MCPherson, and Hannah Sherman.

Kevin says only 10 workers came to help clear trails near Wellesley.

The Metro Parks Council met on June 17 at Trinity Church, Boston.

The Charles River Neighborhood Association sent us $1000 to be spent on windows for the Stone Building. This would pay for three windows. Kevin says the money should be put into the Metro-Parks Trust Fund with its purpose specified.

Brian says he will ask the Parks and Recreation Dept.(specifically, Rich Ward) to fix the Ellis Street fence.


Minutes, August 1 (PICNIC)

Present at the picnic were Brian Yates, Christine Samuelson, Mayor David Cohen, Bobbi Demers, Vaunita Schnell and her husband, Nina Koch, John Mordes, and Kevin Hollenbeck and 'Hannah Sherman all attended in the rain. We ate in the Stone Building, enjoying the NEW FLUORESCENT LIGHTS!! Kevin operated the grille outdoors.

Brian announced joyfully that the Legislature HAS APPROPRIATED $60,000 to fight the WOOLLY ADELGID! We plan to buy Charles Burnham's specially-bred beetles, which eat adelgids. The Federated Parks Group may have helped swing the vote our way.

Now that the Stone Barn lights are in,we concentrate on upgrading the floor. Kevin hopes to clear the space by October. The carpenter can work in the fall.

On June 18, Vaunita Schnell led a walk through the Gorge for the Newton Conservators.


The June meeting adjourned at 8:20, and the picnic ended at sundown.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

ADDENDUM: Brian reminds us that Thomas Concannon, who as mayor of Newton helped us get the Ellis St. Parking lot, is now running for Register of Deeds.

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September 7, 2000

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 5, 2000 at 7:15.

Present at this meeting were: Bryan Yates (who stayed only a few minutes) John Mordes Hank Lysaght Nina Koch Carol McPherson.

It was reported that Charles Burnham agrees to sell us beetles to fight the woolly adelgid. The MDC should interact with his agency, and he will have 10,000 beetles ready by next spring. Kay Khan and Cindy Creem says the MDC is slow. Brian hopes that the "State House News" is interested, for publicity?

Nina Koch says there are dead frogs at the Gorge - could they have. died as a result of the West Nile virus spraying?

The Stone Building - no progress. No one has seen Kevin about it.

The Web site - Should Bobby's tour be added to Ken Newcomb's Virtual Tour of Hemlock Gorge? How do they differ? Where is the map that Bobby will add to her tour. Ken's map is on legal-size paper, so adapting it for the printing machine would make it very narrow and hard to read.

Carol McPherson and John Mordes discussed beetles vs. spray for the woolly adelgid. Hank will speak to Kevin about the Stone Building floor and our cleanup date.

Since the demise of the Mill Falls restaurant, there are no longer lights on the bridge.

Since none of us could attend the September 14 meeting at Wachussett Community College in Gardner, John may ask for a transcript to be sent to the Friends.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 5, 2000

Next Meeting: Tuesday November 9, 2000 at 7:15.

Present at this meeting were: Brian Yates, Bobbi Demers, John Mordes, Carol McPherson and Hannah Sherman.

Kevin has stated that `Cleanup Day' must be the first Saturday in November, (November 4). Please come to hear the latest good news about the adelgids.

The C.R.W.S. has a canoe trip planned for October 14. The M.D.C. will supply canoes.

Bobbi Demers wants to talk to Kevin about a map to go with her tour of the gorge.

Metro-Parks next meeting is November 15 in the cafeteria at Newton City Hall.

John Mordes asked Brewer's office for a transcript of the recent Metro-Parks meeting. Since no transcript is available, Metro-Parks may send us a copy of the video they made.
David Balfour is of the opinion that funding is inadequate to complete all proposed projects. Mr. Balfour stated that he was unaware of the availability date for the Japanese beetle project for Hemlock Gorge. John Mordes may contact people to write to Mr. Balfour urging the completion of the "lady bug" project.

Lisa Vernagard, who was our first assistant Ranger, is now a manager for the Trustees of Reservations. (See our History of the Friends.)

There is no progress on the Stone Building project. Kevin has been unable to persuade the M.D.C. to do the high windows. 1f Hank Lysaght comes to "The Cleanup," he can help remove the debris from the Stone Building. He needs to bring a ladder to measure and clean the upper windows in order to determine what can be done to have the windows more closely resemble the originals.

There was a discussion concerning distribution of posters about the cleanup. Kevin was not present at this meeting to provide the posters.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:36 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 14, 2000

Next Meeting: Tuesday December 12, 2000 at 7:15

Present at this meeting were: Brian Yates; Bobbi Demers; John Mordes; Hank Lysaght and Hannah Sherman.

Treasury as of Oct 19 ? $878.62 less luncheon expense at cleanup. We also had a contribution of $100 from Mr. Picciani, a new member who joined at the sponsorship level.

Cleanup of the Stone Barn building was very successful. We especially thank Jim Coles of the U. S. G. S. and Bob and Karen White of Wellesley.

The Metropolitan Park Council is considering filing a bill jointly with other Friends Reservations which have adelgid problems.

Our web site has had lots of activity, much of it from concern about adelgids. Since starting the web site, we have had 5,000 hits, and in the past year alone we've had again of 2,000.

John Mordes and Brian discussed the annual membership letter which lists our accomplishments this year.

Next meeting has been changed to DEC 12.

Action on the Friend's Bridge awaits M.D.C. action.

Charles Fisher of Chestnut St. mentions doing the railings as a possible volunteer effort.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December 12, 2000

Next Meeting: Tuesday January 2, 2001 at 7:15

Present at the meeting: Bobbi Demers, Charlie Fisher, Lee Fisher, Chuck Houy, Hank Lysaght, Carol McPherson, John Mordes, Brian Yates, and MDC Supervisor Kevin Hollenbeck.

Despite her absence, The Friends of Hemlock Gorge extended best wishes to Secretary Hannah Raffa, nee Sherman, on the occasion of her marriage to Romulo Raffa, and wish Hannah and Ro much happiness together.

The Annual Letter mailing began at 7:15 p.m. and was completed at 7:45 p.m. followed by the monthly meeting.

UPDATE: Woolly adelgid: the money which was allotted will be used to purchase breeding stock of the ladybug predator which will be raised on Cape Cod until there are 10,000 available for distribution. There was discussion on scheduling a formal ceremony when the insects are released, and inviting supporters of this program, such as Sens. Brewer and Birmingham, as well as other local and state officials to attend.

Kevin is to find out if a "pre?release" survey should be undertaken. John asked if the toxin already injected into some of the trees would be harmful to the adelgid predator.

Upper Falls resident Charlie Fisher presented his idea for his Eagle Scout project: improve the fencing along Eliot Street. Kevin offered that the MDC could provide supplies to replace all rails and he will work with Charlie to develop the scope of work. Brian will provide Charlie with a letter from the Friends supporting his project.

UPDATE: Kevin stated that the reconstruction of the Echo Bridge Platform is several years away, and that the MDC will have to coordinate the work with the MWRA.

UPDATE: Stone Building: Kevin extended thanks to the participants of the Fall Cleanup who helped clean out the Stone Building, and stated that a poured concrete floor for the building is on his spring agenda, if it is reasonable to do so. He must file a Project Notification Form (PNF) to the Massachusetts Historical Commission to move forward with replacing the windows. John has located an individual with an interest in this building who may be able to help with getting the windows installed.

Carol brought up several subjects for discussion: A: her desire to revitalize the Upper Falls area, which is shared with Nina. B: Ken Newcomb's suggestion that his extensive collection of Newton Upper Falls historic memorabilia could be displayed in the presently unused Pastor's Study of his church. Carol would also like to set up a Native American site in the Hemlock Gorge meadow.

Kevin reviewed the draft of the Historic Walk, and will bring it to the MDC office for review and commentary. Bobbi will continue to develop the final format.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bobbi Demers, Acting Secretary

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