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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 1997








August: No meeting





The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 7, 1997

Next Meeting: Tues. Feb. 3, 1997 at 7:15. We will meet in Room 209 at Newton City Hall. NOTE THE SPECIAL LOCATION

Present on January 7 were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Hank Lysaght, Bobbie Demers, Walter Frye, Vaunita Schnell, Bob Pollock, and John Mordes.

Mr. Pollock, an Historian Of Norumbega Park told us about the plans to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Park. On April 17 he will present a talk on the history of the site for the Newton Community Schools. On June 1 there will be a parade of canoes on the river near the Park, and on June 15 there will be a dance at the Marriot Hotel to commemorate the Totem Pole Ballroom. To help with any of these events, call Mr. Pollock at 762-6557 or the Norumbega Park Centennial Celebration at 552-7130. Mr. Pollock also said an application has been submitted to have Norumbega Park and surrounding areas listed on the National Register of Historical Places. This might be amended to include Hemlock Gorge.

Hank Lqsaght and John Mordes have developed a plan for the Friends' Bridge: there would be a small bridge over the raceway leading to New Pond, and a cross section up the side of the hill in a model very reminiscent of the Rustic Bridge shown in old postcards. We still need to find supplies and labor.(Could we get help from the National Lumber Co.?)

The Friends' Web Page continues to flourish: John Mordes has added much information, including Ken Newcomb's "Walking Tour of the Gorge" To access this site, go to: "". (It was written up in the Boston Globe!)

THE FEBRUARY MEETING will be held in the CITY CLERK S OFFICE on the 1st floor of Newton City Hall at 7:45 P.M.NOTE THE TIME!! This will give us a chance to see the Web Page together. While in City Hall, Friends may want to see the large painting of the Gorge in Rm. 207, and the photograph inside the Mayor's reception room.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian Yates, Acting Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 4, 1997

Next Meeting: Tues. Mar. 4, 1997 at 7:15. Emerson Community Center, Pettee Street, Newton Upper Falls. We will have a presentation of the "Adopt-a-Stream" program.

Present on Feb. 4 were Brian Yates, Nina Koch, Ken Newcomb, John Mordes, Bobbie Demers, Kevin Hollenbeck, vaunita Schnell, Walter Frey, and Hannah Sherman.

Held at the City Clerk's Office in Newton City Hall, this meeting was devoted to explanation and demonstration of the Web Site of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge. JohMordes manned the the screen of a machine he dubbed "old-fashioned" to show us how our material is set up, what the possibilities are for accessing other organizations, other subjects of interest to our members, and all sorts of environmental matters. From the Home Page we went to the Friends' Bridge where we saw a photo of an old picture of the original (?) Rustic Bridge and sketch of. the proposed replacement. The new bridge is in 3 sections, like the old one. There was discussion of its dimensions. The middle third really (not virtually) is longer than the outside 2 thirds.

Part way through the evening we made a side trip to the mayor's-office to see a photograph of the Gorge adorning his wall. From there we went peek into a committee room long enough to glimpse a painting of a similar site. We thank Mayor Concannon for opening his office to us for this opportunity.

Back at the Web Site we accessed the Nature Conservancy; the Battle of Olustee in the Civil War (one of Brian Yates' ancestors fought there); Annual Reports from previous years of the Friends' existence; Ken Newcomb's Tour of Hemlock Gorge. John says a the Tour could eventually include Ken's spoken remarks about the tour.

The date of the SPRING CLEAN-UP is already on the Web: it is MAY 10, 1997. Minutes of all our meetings are on the web to, with certain notable exceptions which your secretary will try to rectify.

For those who want to know more, or who do not have computers, Kathy Glick-Weil at the Newton Public Library says that there are staff who can help you use the the Web access equipment at the Library.

Bobbie Demers is setting up a display at the Needham Public Library featuring Hemlock Gorge. This will probably be available to the public in April. Material for this is now being gathered.

This un-business-like but very informative meeting adjourned at 9 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah M. Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 4, 1997

Next Meeting: Tues. April 1, 1997 at 7:15. Emerson Community Center, Pettee Street, Newton Upper Falls.

Present on March 4 were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell, Nina Koch, Hank Lysaght, and Hannah Sherman.

John Mordes told us that a traveling exhibit about Frederick Law Olmsted which is now in Washington, D.C. will come to Wellesley in the spring.

John reported that he has rented some of our Web Site disc space to his prep school, thus bringing us some unexpected income to defray the costs of maintaining the site. He also says we have $610 in the bank. We vote that Jim Purdy be told to pay our Web Site Fee. At the moment 75% of our space is empty so we could add pictures, etc. A history of The Friends of Hemlock Gorge, written by Brian Yates and Vaunita Schnell, will be on our Web Page. The Page itself now has a new picture of Echo Bridge, thanks to John.

Brian Yates suggests we plan a trip to the Olmsted Site. Last month's "field trip" to Newton City Hall proved such a success that maybe more are justified.

Hank Lysaght took the floor to explain and urge that we Adopt-A-Stream, i.e. a part of the Charles River. He showed a map of the proposed district we might control. Actually, "patrol" better describes our function. As adopters we would search for evidence of pollution on the river and clean them out or contact other people and/or organizations who would clean for us. Kevin Hollenbeck (not present at the meeting) has recommended that we clean as far as Elm Bank Reservation. We decide against that and vote to be responsible for the section of the Charles which flows through our riverbank property. The CRWA and Massachusetts Riverways Program are organizing the "Stream Teams" and are having a training session at Wellesley Town Hall on May 29 at 7:30 P.M. This is after our Spring Clean-up Day which is May 10.


Ken Newcomb suggests we ask Robert Pollock to work for us after he finishes work on the Totem Pole 100th.

John Mordes volunteers to print labels for sending press releases to the local papers about Clean-Up Day and other festivities. He needs to be supplied with the necessary addresses.

This meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah M. Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for April 1, 1997

Next Meeting: Tues. May 6, 1997 at 7:15. Emerson Community Center, Pettee Street, Newton Upper Falls.

The formal meeting of the Friends had to be canceled due to the "April Fool's Day" blizzard that left much of the Upper Falls region covered by two feet of wet snow. The damage done to Hemlock Gorge trees was a major concern.

Brian Yates contacted active members by phone to cancel the meeting, to get updates of ongoing projects, and to assure members of his intention to attend to necessary business until the next regularly scheduled meeting in May.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Mordes, Membership Coordinator

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 6, 1997

Next Meeting: Tues. June 2, 1997 at 8:15. Emerson Community Center, Pettee Street, Newton Upper Falls. (Meeting will start late to allow people to vote in the special election that day.)

Present on May 6 were: Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck, Nina Koch, Bobbie Demers, and Hannah Sherman. We had two guests: William Mulkern and Bob Gaudet from Hancock Woods. They observed our activity and asked questions so they can organize a Friends Group of their own.

Brian Yates spoke of the Woolly Adelgid's progress and asked Kevin's opinion about planting- western hemlock which is reputedly resistant to the bug. Kevin approves this idea and recommends sewing seed in the spring rather than planting young trees. Brian also asked about a Japanese bug supposed to be an enemy of the adelgid. Money for these projects could come from the State or the MDC.

Kay Khan's bill requesting ICT funds has passed one legislative roadblock. MWRA showed the Natural Resources Committee the plans to fix Echo Bridge. CLEAN-UP DAY was a success. Kevin brought several MDC rangers to help with the heavy work of disposal of debris from the Mar. 30-Apr. l storm. The bulletin board was moved to the bank beside Hamilton Place. It now stands directly beside the road as you walk into the Gorge. We especially thank Greg Purdy for his help in weeding and cleaning the flower beds at the Ellis St. parking lot. Our elegant lunch came from Roche Brothers.

At our June meeting we will work on action on the ADOPT-A-STREAM program. The TRAINING SESSION for this is at WELLESLEY TOWN HALL on MAY 28 at 7:30 P.M. Brian suggests a field trip to the Olmsted site to peruse plans for the Gorge. Kevin says we must call ahead to be sure the plans are there! Bobbie Demers volunteers to call and arrange an appointment.

The last moments were spent in discussion of getting Ken Newcomb's book onto the Web Site. Several Web-savvy members are transcribing different chapters for use on the Internet.

Our guests congratulated us on the "elegance" of John Mordes' work on the Internet.

This meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June 3, 1997

Next Meeting: A PICNIC at the STONE BARN, Tuesday, July 1. 1997 at 5:15. Ranger Kevin Hollenbeck will bring a grill. You bring your own food. Stay for the meeting of the Friends after dinner!

Present on June 3 were: Brrian Yates, Kevin Hollenbecc, Tom Athanasas, Bobbie Demers, John Mordes, Vaunita Schnell and Nina Koch. Ken Newcomb stopped for a minute during his work at the polls.

Tom Athanasas reported on the training session for the Adopt-a-Stream proqram and a subsequent canoe trip when petroleum outlets onto the Charles River were discovered on the Needham Bank opposite his home.

Brian Yates suggests we post our year-end letter on the re-located bulletin board at the Gorge. Kevin wants to post the minutes of the meetings and a map of the property.

John Mordes brought money from his high school class to pay for renting space on our Web Site. Brian will call Mike Clar

about listing our Web Page on their Web Site. Vaunita will ask the Newton Conservators for a like privilege.

Bobbie Demers showed material from the Olmsted Site in Brookline. One must call ahead to make an appointment to examine the documents they possess which relate to Hemlock Gorge. Only 3 people at a time are permitted to examine the documents at the Site. More material about the Gorge is in the Library of Congress.

John Mordes and Kevin Hollenbeck discuss the continuing problem of Quinobequin Road and the MDC's power to do something about it.

We discussed when to hold the September meeting which would ordinarily fall on the day after Labor Day. After the meeting, Brian decided that the September meeting will have to be on the 9th, due to his aldermanic schedule.

This meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. having begun late in order to give Newton citizens time to vote in the special election.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for July 1, 1997

Next Meeting: September 9, 1997 at the Emerson Center at 7:15 p.m.

Present on July 1 were: Ken Newcomb who stayed through the picnic, but not the meeting), Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck, Vaunita B Schnell, Bobbi Demers, John Mordes (who came after the picnic), and Hannah Sherman.

We looked at the architect's presentation boards for the restoration of the Stone Building and considered the possibility of work on the project. Kevin says there is too little electric power for proper security lighting outside the building.

Two bills sponsored by Kay Khan for money to restore the Stone Building have passed Lois Pines' committee.

ICT (Intermodal transportation) money may be applied for by Kevin Hollenbeck. We could ask the Olin Co. (they are building a new college in Needham) if they would donate money for restoration.

Over the summer informal investigations will be made into the Web Site: the CRWA (Charles River Watershed Association) could be asked for a link with our Web Site. Vaunita will ask Mike Clark of the Newton Conservators about linkage with their site.

Brian Yates wants to send photos of the Ellis St. parking lot to a photo contest and also wants to put such photos on our web page .

Brian plans to take Ken Newcomb to the Olmsted Historical Site in Brookline to inspect the documents there about the Gorge.

After these discussions, we walked to the site of the new Friends' Bridge to understand how it will look when we build it!

This meeting adjourned at about 8:35 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September 9, 1997

Next Meeting: October 7, 1997 at the Emerson Center at 7:15 p.m.

Present at this meeting were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Bobbi Demers, Hank Lysaght, George Petty(a Guest of Hank), Marguerite Murphy, Kevin Hollenbeck, Vaunita Schnell Nina Koch, and Hannah Sherman.

Brian Yates commuted between our meeting and a large gathering in the gym. He announced that the Friends are the recipients of an award from the City of Newton for beautification of the Ellis Street Parking Lot. This was presented at the Newton War Memorial Auditorium on Sept. 22. The document and a poster will be shown at our October meeting. CONGRATULATIONS to us all!!!

Kevin Hollenbeck and Brian Yates report that the lights at the Stone Building are out again. Kevin says the power supply is intermittent. He also announced that we did not get any money from the 1997 Recreational Trails Program for the Friends' Rridge. However, the organization did send a list of possible sources of grant money.

Brian Yates says we should clean Turtle Island on our FALL CLEAN-UP DAY which will be November 8, 1997. Plans for this event will be laid at our October meeting. Brian also says that since the National Lumber Co. is giving money to clean up Rte. 9, they might give us some, too.

When Brian left for the meeting in the gym, Vaunita chaired our meeting and led discussion about our appearing at the fall Harvest Fair to sell T-shirts and pins. We have no shirts so would order more. She favors ordering all-cotton shirts this time. Could we sell copies of Ken Newcomb's Walking Tour at. the Fair? In October, Vaunita will bring a packet From the Newton Conservators for a grant for the Friends' Bridge.

Hank Lysaght told us about the Olmsted Exhibit at Wellesley College's Davis Museum. He also distributed bulletins about activities of the CRWA; clean-up of Muddy River, etc.

Ken Newcomb says we should clean up the Elliot St. entrance to the Gorge property. Should Needham or the MDC clean the overgrown weeds on this street?

This meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 7, 1997

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 5, 1997 at the Emerson Center at 7:15 p.m.

Present on October 7 were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Kevin Hollenbeck, Bobbi Demers, John Mordes, and Hannah Sherman.

Brian. and Kevin talk about the failure of the lights on the Stone Building. They are still going to contact the Edison Company.

Our plans for CLEAN-UP DAY on November 8 are discussed. We will meet as usual at the Hamilton Place entrance and proceed in teams, according to the number of participants. Brian hopes we'll have enough people to clean Turtle Island. Kevin will order lunch for all, and will provide rowboats so we can (for the first time) retrieve debris from the river. Bobbi Demers especially asks if we can remove a large log now blocking the raceway.

To AVOID ELECTION DAY and still have our next meeting precede the Clean Up, we vill hold the NOVEMBER MEETING on NOV. 5, a Wednesday instead of Tuesday. At this meeting we will discuss the mailing and contents of the membership-renewal letters to be mailed in December.

Kevin will bring flyers about the CLEAN-UP to the November meeting so we can post them in conspicuous public places. John Mordes brought a dues-renewal letter and gave it to Brian to be up-dated. John says we have had more than 400 people log onto our Internet site. Did they join? Where are they? John also says there are only five more chapters of Ken's book to go on the Internet site. He needs text to go with the photos of the Stone Building drawings that he has scanned. He reports that except for Ken's book, the Web Site is up-to-date, including the minutes as edited by him. Do you read the minutes on the Web Page?

Brian Yates decides we have too little time to prepare an appearance at Harvest Fair in Newton.

John Mordes says there is graffiti on the Bricked-up windows of the Stone Building.

This meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 5, 1997


The November meeting was attended by: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Hank Lysaght, Sarah Mayriel (a friend of Hank Lysaght), Kevin Hollenbeck, Vaunita Schnell, Nina Koch, John Mordes, and Hannah Sherman.

Hank Lysaght and Ken Newcomb will represent us at the November 19 meeting of the MWRA to hear Robert Pollock speak. Hank has arranged to have our December 2 meeting at the Mills Falls Restaurant where we will have more space to do the annual mailing of dues letters.

Kevin Hollenbeck brought notices of the fall CLEAN-UP so we could post them. (Hank did a great job at this so we had several new people at the Clean-up.) Despite the dreary weather, about 15 people showed up (including Greg Purdy and Joe Fisher). Kevin did bring a coe so it was possible to clean in the river as well as along the banks. Since the cold drizzle was so continuous, we ate lunch (provided as usual by Roche Brothers of Needham) inside the Stone Building. The food was delicious and the informal gathering most congenial. The lights outside the Sone Building still have not been fixed, but the two bulbs inside make a valiant attempt t light our lunch.

Kay Khan sent word that the bill for ICT (Intermodal Transportation) money for repairing the bridge has passed the House. Thank you, Kay!!!

Hank Lysaght reports that the Adopt-A-Stream project meets at the SWRA site next to the Marriott at 6:30 on November 12. Dan Driscoll's slides of the River Walk from Watertown will be sown.

Hank wants to bring in material about the RESTORE OLMSTEAD WATERWAY (from the Muddy River to the ocean). We look forward to seeing this.

Internet News: John Mordes demonstrated the Web Site on his laptop PC so ken Newcomb could see how his book looks in this format. They tell us we are now linked to the MDC Web Site. Vaunita says she will look for her photos of the Gorge to put on the Web Site. The Newton Conservators mentioned our Web Site in their newsletter.

This meeting adjourned at 8:13.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for December 2, 1997

Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 6, 1998 at the Emerson Center at 7:15 p.m.

Present at the meeting at the Mills Falls Restaurant on December 2 were Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Kevin Hollenbeck, Vaunita Schnell, Nina Koch, Hank Lysaght, Bobbie Demers, John Mordes, and Hannah Sherman. We were joined later by Carol McPherson, who signed up and paid dues; and by Susan Sherman, a new resident of Newton.

The main work of this meeting was the preparation and mailing of the annual dues letters. After the mailing, we turned to the subject of cleaning-- thanks to the work on Clean-Up Day, the Raceway is now 90% clean. Hank Lysaght spoke of the work of the Adopt-A-Stream team. They now cover the Charles from the Gorge to Boston Harbor. Flashing on the Building opposite the Mill Falls Restaurant may be repaired by the MDC.

Brian Yates suggests asking Tom Gowrys of the MWRA to speak to us about repair of Echo Bridge. We would ask him about a new graffiti-repelling treatment for its surface. Also we want to know when the chain-link fence near the Echo Platform will he fixed.

Hank Lysaght asked if we could have an earlier date for fall clean up. This year, fallen leaves covered lots of trash. Also, we would like to have fliers available earlier so we could alert the public and boost attendance. In January we will try to set 1998 Clean-Up dates.

The WOOLLY ADELGID has been seen in Newton!!! If you see any evidence of it at the Gorge, please call Kevin Hollenbeck at MDC headquarters. We considered posting a description of the culprit on the Hamilton Place bulletin board so walkers can recognize it. A professor at the University of Connecticut has a remedy worth connsidering. We must ask him.

INTERNET: Ken Newcomb's book is ready except for one last chapter. There is discussion of preparing text for the Web. We are told it has about 2 hits per day.

The vacant land beside the Baptist Church may soon belong solely to the MDC.

We will try to get some other organization to cooperate with us on a big meeting when Dan Driscoll could show his slides and talk about the MDC Charles River Walkway.

This meeting, having been beautifully catered by Larry Wolozin, adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Thank you very much, Larry.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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