Friends' LogoThe Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes of Meetings in 1995

January February March
AprilMay June
July: No MeetingAugust: No Meeting September
October NovemberDecember

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for January 3, 1995

Next Meeting: Emerson Community Center, Tues. Feb. 7, 1995 at 7:15

Present at this first meeting of the new year were; Brian Yates, Vaunita Schnell, Don Cusack, Nina Koch, and Hannah Sherman.

Brian, our new president, told us that he has spoken to the Newton Police chief, reminding him that we do have signs warning "No Trespassing" so the police can now monitor activity at the Gorge after public hours. He mentioned that the Needham police are doing a good job on their side of the property. The lighting system is a great help, but is "that" bulb still out?

The Stone Barn Committee meets on JAN.19 at EMERSON CENTER. Vaunita says she will remind Grant Balkema of this. Brian Yates has encouraged Lida Harkins of the State Housing and Development Committee to file a bill allowing the MDC to use highway money toward restoration of the Stone Building. There should be a hearing on this bill in February or March. If some of the Friends could attend this session, it would lend weight to our request. We'll let you know when and where the meeting takes place.

We are in the process of leaving CANEPI, so we now considered the logistics of this move: where can we telephone CANEPI since Jo-Anne Carr no longer answers Vaunita's calls? We'll ask Rob McArthur about this. How much money does Jo-Anne have that is ours? We must find a bank to keep it. Don Cusack is now appointed assistant-treasurer and will research the most convenient and helpful bank for us. Grove Bank was suggested. Don already tends our new Post Office Box and sends the dues moneys to Jim Purdy, our new treasurer, and the names of new members to John Mordes, the Membership List Curator.

At this meeting Don had a large pile of letters all containing dues payments. Some of this money will be sent to your secretary to pay for mailing of the minutes. Vaunita suggests that Brian send thank-you notes to people who pay their dues.

This meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for February 7, 1995

Next Meeting: Emerson Community Center, Tues. March 7, 1995 at 7:15

Present at this meeting were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Don Cusack, John Mordes, Rob McArthur, and Hannah Sherman.

Don Cusack reports that we have $257 in Grove Bank, all which is from Dues money. Jo-Anne Carr knows how much money we have in our CANEPI account, but has not been in touch with us. Brian asks Rob to find out where Jo-Anne is and arrange for our departure from CANEPI so we can manage our own affairs.

Since 1995 is the anniversary year of the establishment of the Gorge property as a public recreation facility, we should celebrate! Rob has already contacted a printer about a centennial poster. He hopes to issue 5000 posters. Sale of these posters would make money enough to necessitate our having a "non-profit" tax status. CANEPI is able to help us with this. Brian thinks the Newton Conservators could assist in this matter if we do leave CANEPI. Another centennial suggestion, contributed by Brian, is that Rob repeat his celebrated Eliot impersonation and lecture tour of the Gorge. Rob says he'll consider! This is the time for us to have new brochures--Rob says he will try to have them ready soon.

New stationery was discussed: John Mordes can print new stationery but has no envelopes. The secretary is authorized to buy new envelopes to give John in March to print. Meanwhile, we will buy a new stamp to use on the existing envelopes and to have for future occasions.

How does the new director of the MDC relate to our property? Brian suggests we invite Mr. David Balfour to visit the Gorge. We could have a 100th Anniversary Party and invite him and other public figures to attend. Brian says the presence of Kay Khan and Lida Harkins on the State HUD Committee gives us a solid position there.

Rob reports that the MWRA has money to finish all repairs to Echo Bridge and that the guard-rail contract work may start this spring.

The Stone Building Committee did meet and reports that the display possibilities at the Wellesley Library are indeed too small for our presentation Boards. This is probably the case at Newton Library, too. Brian suggests that we try to have the Wellesley and Needham Historical Societies take an interest. Would they have space to display the boards?

The hoped-for parking space project is to come before the Newton committee soon.

Now that the Friends' Bridge cannot be build with old telephone poles, Rob is investigating a possible steel construction faced with wood. This would be approved by environmentalists but would be more expensive.

This meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for March 7, 1995

Next Meeting: Emerson Community Center, Tues. April 4, 1995 at 7:15

Present at this meeting were: Vaunita Schnell, Brian Yates, Rob McArthur, John Mordes, Nina Koch, Grant Balkema, and Hannah Sherman.

The evening was enlivened by the accounts of the confrontation with the Newton Police at the Skating Party on New Pond on Feb.26. The party, set up by Lee Fisher, was being enjoyed by Friends and some passers-by when a Newton policeman decided they were an illegal (without permit) activity. To forestall such controversy in the future, Rob will ask the MDC for a blanket permit for us to skate on our property. The permit would absolve the MDC from liability in case of accident. When we send out new brochures, we can advertise skating as one of our activities.

EARTH DAY--April 30--was discussed. Brian Yates has already put the Friends on the list of sponsors. If we pay $25.for a table at Newton North High for that day, we could sell our buttons and distribute brochures (if the new ones are ready) Selling T-shirts will not be possible because there is not enough time to renew our supply. CANEPI has the silk screen pattern and our CANEPI contact, Jo-Anne Carr, still has not replied to any of our calls or other messages.

STONE BUILDING: House Bill 2580.sponsored by Lida Harkins, was heard on Mar.8.It asks for allocation of money from the highway funds for rehabilitation of the Stone Building. The architect's presentation boards were at our meeting (and were later taken to the Upper Falls CDC meeting which was in the gym at the same time we were meeting) and their size prompted exploration of the feasibility of shrinking them so we could after all display them to the public to stimulate interest (and money?)

PARKING LOT: Mr. Coletti will ask the Finance Committee to allocate $21,000 to pave the area we want for a parking lot. If the committee does not approve this act, we should all contact our aldermen, attend Finance Committee meetings, and otherwise make a noise to show our determination to have this work done. The MDC can assist us by helping put up guard rails at the lot, possibly at the time they do the guard rails for the bridge. If we do not assert ourselves in this matter, it may very well not be done, because money is tight.

MYSTERY!! WHERE IS JO-ANNE CARR? Nobody gets answers to calls, etc., and as our CANEPI contact she has c. $300.of our money!!!

We have 68 MEMBERS on our mailing list.16 have paid dues in 1995.

Rob says the lights are working well. Others report that the ice storm did much damage to tress in the Gorge. There is a tree blocking the switch-back trail.

SPRING CLEAN-UP---2nd Saturday in May? JUNE PICNIC?? At the April meeting we'll plan these occasions and set their dates. Do Come!

This meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for May 2, 1995

Next Meeting: Emerson Community Center, Tues. June 6, 1995 at 8 p.m. Brian Yates invites all Friends to the CDC meeting at 7 p.m. at which Mayor Concannon will speak.

Present at this meeting were: Brian Yates, Bob Hassett (the MDC Ranger who will help on Clean-Up Day in place of Rob McArthur who awaits the birth of his first child); Ken Newcomb, Jim Purdy (who stopped by for a quick statement of our financial position), Grant Balkema, Tom Athanasas (new resident of Newton, introduced by Ken Newcomb); John Mordes, Rob McArthur, and Hannah Sherman.

Ken Newcomb asked Brian about printing his new book. Brian replied that this is possible.

Jim Purdy reported that Jo-Anne Carr will indeed send us our money. Since she did not attend tonight, we expect a check. The secretary wiI1 send a note of appreciation to Jo-Anne for the work she has done for us.

Don Cusack has just undergone surgery. We all hope he is recovering well.

Brian Yates suggests we invite the neighbors of our proposed parking lot to attend our June 6 meeting. We could allay their fears and point out the advantages to them of paving the lot.

The secretary is empowered to send notices of the Clean-Up Day to members who do not attend monthly meetings.

We should also send notices of the Annual Picnic on June 25, and the meeting at Newton City Hal1 on June 22. This meeting will consider the drainage problem (if any) caused by paving the prospective parking lot. We MUST be there to show support for the project.

Bob Hassett is asked to supply brochures about the Gorge so we can distribute them on Clean-Up Day to possible new members.

Planning for Clean-Up Day includes having the MDC supply bags chairs, tables, gloves, and "idiot sticks."

John Mordes, our 5-time marathon runner, says he and Tony Penna will post notices of Clean-Up Day in Waban. He also favors the reciprocal membership plan offered by the Newton Conservators. Brian says we should pursue this type of relationship with several organizations (Needham Historical Society, for example).

Stone Building and Land Acquisition: Rob McArthur says the MDC wants to add a strip of land on the Needham side of the river and the rock ledge beside the Baptist Church on the Newton side. He hopes to research our claim to some land at the Mills Falls shopping mall. Some of the land has beer. paved and added to their parking space when it is really part of the Gorge property.

Since 1995 is the centenary year of the Gorge as a public facility, this is a good time to stress these subjects. Rob also wants to establish our boundary on Hamilton Place in order to enforce rules against throwing trash onto Gorge land. He thinks the boundary line of the Gorge is in the middle of Hamilton Place, not the edge of the grass.

Following Rob's report of his recent, successful walk on Quinobequin Road, there was much discussion of the trash problem there and of the wisdom of our coordinating with the Waban Improvement Society to establish a continuing property from Quinobequin Road to the Gorge.

Rob says the contract for repairing the railing on Echo Bridge and the Echo Platform (the railing to this has disappeared) has not been issued.

Since Rob McArthur will not be present at the Clean-Up Day, he suggests one of the Friends lead the 1 P.M. Walk. Brian feels that since the cleaning activities conflict with the Upper Falls Fair(to raise money for their playground), maybe people would prefer to go to the Fair when they finish cleaning instead of walking! We'll play this one by ear.

This meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah M. Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for June 6, 1995

Next Meeting: Emerson Community Center, Tues. Sept. 12, 1995 at 7:15

NEWS! NEWS! There's so much, I'm going to tell it before giving the minutes:

  1. Money for the Ellis St. parking lot has been approved. We thought this had been done but the Newton aldermen found many reasons to delay action. Now it is APPROVED. Come on Sept. 12 to hear details.
  2. Rob McArthur has been re-assigned by the MDC and will no longer be our ranger. Come on Sept 12 to MEET OUR NEW RANGER.
  3. Money for rehabilitation of the Stone Building is halfway through the approval process in the State Legislature. Kay Khan and Lida Harkins are working on this. Come Sept. 12 to hear details.

MINUTES: This meeting began at 9 P.M. because most of us attended the CDC meeting in the gym at 7:30. It included appearances by Mayor Concannon and Chief Engineer Giunta of Newton.

These speakers fielded questions regarding the immediate future of Upper Falls public works projects. Parking, road repair, development of vacant properties all impact on Hemlock Gorge.

Present at the 9 P.M. meeting were: Vaunita Schnell, Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Nina Koch, Tom Athanasas, and Hannah Sherman. Rob McArthur, John Mordes, and Don Cusack all came but left early.

The Friends extend congratulations to Shannon McArthur and her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. Rob McArthur.

Brian Yates told us the Newton meetings about the Ellis St. parking lot had been re-scheduled and urged our attendance at the meetings in Newton City Hall.

Jo-Anne Carr has sent us a check for $569.56-the sum CANEPI held for us. In a letter with the check, CANEPI reminds us of our tax liability now that we are independent. The Friends express appreciation and thanks to Jo-Anne for all her work on our behalf.

We especially appreciate her help in writing the grant proposal for money to rehabilitate the Stone Building.

Brian Yates read us the mail; 2 invitations from the MDC:

1) To attend a sneak preview of the July 4 Pops concert by going to the Esplanade on July 3.

2) To picnic and frolic at Pleasure Bay on June 24. The 2nd invitation precedes by one day our own picnic at the Gorge. If you recall that day, you will easily understand why there was No Picnic!

Rob sent us notices of meetings about the use of the Elm Bank property. In hindsight we now know that Elm Bank has been given to the Mass. Horticultural Society.

This meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah M. Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for September 12, 1995

Next Meeting: Emerson Community Center, Tues. Oct. 3, 1995 at 7:15

Present at this meeting were: Ken Newcomb, Don Cusack, Brian Yates, John Mordes, and Hannah Sherman.

Our new MDC ranger, Kevin Hollenbeck, was unable to attend because he was fighting forest fires in the Blue Hills. He will work at 3 other MDC properties besides Hemlock Gorge.

Rob McArthur has asked to be informed of our activities even if he is no longer officially involved.

The ELLIS ST. PARKING LOT work will be done in 1996 when Chestnut St. is repaired. Designs for Chestnut St. were not ready soon enough for work in 1995.

FALL CLEAN-UP will not happen this year because Brian Yates and Vaunita Schnell are too involved in other projects. Doesn't anyone else want to help care for the Gorge? John Mordes says the wooden bridge built by the Friends is rotting and will soon be dangerous. Replacement of some boards would fix it.

Brian Yates tells us that work on the railings of Echo Bridge will be done in 1996.He mentioned a new solution for removal of graffiti which would not change the color of the surface to which it is applied.

John Mordes asked about the woolly adelgid. Will Kevin Hollenbeck have the latest news on this pest? Would a representative of the Lupien Landscapers Co. like to speak to us about the adelgid at a meeting this season?

The Open Space Bond Bill which includes our request for funds to restore the STONE BUILDING, has passed the House. Kay Khan is working on it for us, hoping to get Federal funds. The senate may pass the bill this year.

Does Kevin Hollenbeck have new brochures about the Gorge? We should send some to new members. We vote to ask Jim Purdy to reimburse the Membership Secretary for his expenses. Dues will be collected soon

Brian Yates sets dates for our meetings through December and says we can set 1996 dates later.

We discuss Ken Newcomb's Walking-tour-of-the-Gorge book and consider sending copies to Dues-paying members. John Mordes suggests we join other environmental groups on the Internet which Newton has just joined. Putting Ken's book on the Internet might attract more and younger members.

This meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hannah Sherman, Secretary

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for October 3, 1995

Next Meeting: Emerson Community Center, Tues. Nov. 14, 1995 at 7:15

Due to ELECTION DAY, our November meeting will be held on NOVEMBER 14 at the usual time. We will discuss plans for the Stone Building now that the State Senate has passed the bill authorizing funds for this. Also, we are told that CONSTRUCTION of the PARKING LOT has already begun!!!

Present on Oct.3 were: Brian Yates, Kevin Hollenbeck (our New Ranger), Ken Newcomb, Don Cusack, John Mordes, and Hannah Sherman.

Brian Yates and Kevin Hollenbeck are working on a new brochure to be sent to all members.

Kevin Holleneck's address : BLUE HILLS RESERVATION 695 H1LLSIDE ST. MILTON, MA 02186 or FRIENDS OF HEMLOCK GORGE P.O. Box 346 NEEDHAM, MA 02194.

Kevin Hollenbeck offered to put Ken Newcomb's Walking-tour-of-the-Gorge book on a word processor and add pictures. John Mordes talked about the Internet program. He feels we should be on the world wide web. Newton Conservators are already in this program.

The new brochure should mention our location on the Internet. There was long discussion of the dumping problem on Quinobequin Road and talk of integrating that property with the Gorge Reservation. Quinobequin is in the Central Services Program of the MDC and not a property like the Gorge. Physical connection of the two involves changing the now hazardous walk on uncurbed street with no breakdown lane. Bike groups have asked to have all but local traffic cut off of Quinobequin on Sundays. John Mordes says Rep. Kay Khan wants to inspect the site.

The floodlight at the Stone Building has been replaced so all is well there. We still hope to have a speaker from the Lupien Company at on of our meetings to talk about the woolly adelgid.

This meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Minutes for November 14, 1995

Next Meeting: Emerson Community Center, Tues. Dec. 5, 1995 at 7:15

Present were newly reelected alderman and president of the Friends, Brian Yates, as well as John Mordes, Hannah Sherman, ..

To Be Continued!!

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