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Present were: Vaunita Schnell, Jo Anne Carr, Don Cusack, Brian Yates, Rob McArthur, Hannah Sherman.
Vaunita Schnell reported that the Emerson Center has been reserved for us on the 1st Tuesday of each month through May, which includes use of the gym for our May 5 meeting in conjunction with the Newton Conservators and the Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA). Vaunita said the new meeting time of Tuesdays at 7 P.M. was easier for most of the members with whom she spoke. It is hoped that this change will increase attendance at the meetings.
The May meeting will focus on the subject of fish ladders, so it was decided to contact Paul DiPietro of the MDC; Joe DiCarlo of Mass. Division of Fisheries; Joseph Ignazio and Bill Hubbard of the Army Corps of Engineers; and Dan Rizzo of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, inviting them to speak at the meeting. A subcommittee was formed to work on publicity, programs and refreshments for the joint meeting. Members of that committee are: Lee Fisher, Grant Balkema, Don Cusack, Jim Purdy and Greg Barrison. They will be contacted to see if -they will serve. It is hoped that they will meet next Tues. (Mar.10). Rob McArthur will talk with the Conservators and the CRWA to coordinate their contributions to this event.
Jo Anne Carr said that CANEPI's. list of members includes only those who have paid dues, Rob McArthur's list is much more inclusive. An effort will be made .to coordinate these lists for mailing purposes.
Now that Elm Bank is officially an MDC property, Rob McArthur is the sole staff of both properties. Should the Friends ask the MDC for an additional staff person? Brian Yates reports that Gov. Weld is again trying to merge DEM and MDC. Will it work this time? Since it is not key legislation, a few letters might swing the vote our way.
Brian Yates says he asked Barney Frank if the Federal Government is active against the woolly adelgid. They are trying to find a natural, biologic enemy of. the predator in hopes of protecting the hemlocks.
A movement to-put the Gorge on the National Register of Natural Landmarks was reported by Brian Yates. He asked Susan Schur to file a bill for a Charles River Valley Natural Heritage Corridor. (The General Court must ask Congress to pass such a bill).
Rob McArthur says each fish ladder will have a sign--the ladders have been designed and could be installed at the circular dam and the larger dam as soon as there is money to construct them.
CLEAN-UP DAY at the Gorge will be on Saturday, May 9, probably at 12 noon, following a walk through the Gorge for students at Newton South High. The ANNUAL PICNIC will be held on Friday, June 26 at 6 P.M. An annual report will be given then.
We should take a table at Upper Falls Village Day to sell T-shirts, show pictures and otherwise exhibit evidence of the beauty of the Gorge.
At Brian Yates' motion, the secretary voted in the slate of officers, to wit:
Respectfully Submitted.
Hannah Sherman secretary
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Present were: Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, Hannah Sherman, Greg Barrison, Eric MacNulty, Vaunita Schnell, Jim Purdy. Don Cusack sent apologies, but volunteered to work.
Vaunita opened the meeting with some Old Business: The Stone Building Committee says the architect's report may be visible in June. Then we can start to raise money to do the work.
The Research Committee should do more work on the history of the building. However, Ken Newcomb says that efforts to establish exact dates for its erection, repairs, etc. have proved unrewarding. Research done twenty years ago failed. to prove the date of the building's erection.
The possibility of a parking lot on the corner of Ellis St. was discussed. The land there does belong to the City of Newton.
Restoration of Echo Bridge is in abeyance at this moment, pending the Historical Society's permission to use an anti-graffiti solution on the brickwork. The solution does darken the color of the brick.
New Business: form more committees--
Vaunita reports that the Newton Conservators want her to join their board, They plan a walk through the Gorge on June 14, and want a guide. Would Jim Purdy do this? Ken Newcomb is willing to give a talk before the walk, but not to lead a tour.
Brian Yates brought a poster for the Run of the Charles Race and an invitation for us to take a booth at the Earth Day Celebration in Auburndale, the same day as the Run of the Charles. We voted "No, without malice," deciding to stay with our own plans for that day. Brian also reminded us of the annual Massachusetts Conservation conference on May 8. As sponsors of this event, we are permitted to suggest a candidate for their annual award. Any candidates in mind? We had none at the moment.
The Fish Ladder Committee reports:
It was mentioned that the Boy Scouts might be interested in doing work for tone of their badges at the Gorge, thus introducing local youth to the property. No further discussion.
The meeting was adjourned shortly before 9 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted.
Hannah Sherman secretary
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The May 5 meeting was open to the public and had an audience of 30 to 40 people. Following a slide show of pictures of the Gorge by Rob McArthur, Vaunita Schnell opened the main part of the meeting at 7:30.After explaining the purposes of the Friends, she introduced Rob McArthur.
Rob outlined the MDC involvement in the Gorge and announced future events at the property, including the Clean-up Day on May 9; a walk on June 14 at 2 P.M. for the Newton Conservators, which will be led by Jim Purdy and preceded by a talk by Ken Newcomb; and the Friends' Annual Picnic on Friday, June 26 at 6 P.M.
As chairman of the Fish Ladder Committee, Greg Barrison introduced Paul DiPietro of the MDC Dept. of Engineers, who designed the projected 4 fish ladders. Mr. DiPietro spoke about the present ladders which permit shad to ascend the river at least as far as the Watertown Dam. His slide pictures illustrated the shape of the ladders as he explained their function. The U.S. Corps of Engineers is involved in the project with the MDC and the Mass. Fisheries Dept. because of the need to regulate flood control through dams and wetlands. Mr. DiPietro's explanation of the dams still to be built included descriptions of the location and appearance of the ladders at the Circular Dam and at the Silk Mill Dam. These would be faced with natural, local stone so they would blend with their natural surroundings. Rob McArthur added that signs will be posted :explaining the ladders to the visiting public. Mr. DiPietro concluded his remarks with the news that although fish ladders are on the list of projects at the MDC, they are near the bottom of the list. He hopes that groups like the Friends can continue to agitate for allocation of money for the ladders.
After Jim Purdy introduced Ben Rizzo of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Dave Schwab (sp?) from the U.S. Corps of Engineers, the discussion opened to include questions and comments from the audience. Mr. Schwab (sp.?) explained the Federal role in establishing wetlands and dams for flood control. The cost of erecting the last 4 ladders is estimated at 3.2 million dollars. To build them all as one project would save money, but it is doubtful that the MDC could staff all 4 jobs at once.
The meeting adjourned shortly after 9 P.M., with everybody feeling better informed about the problems ahead.
Respectfully Submitted.
Hannah Sherman secretary
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The final meeting of our spring season was a picnic at the Gorge, as planned. Rob MacArthur brought the grill he had promised so several people were able to grill meat to eat. Most of the 16 or 20 people present had brought sandwiches. The highlight of the supper hour was the showing of the architect's plans for the renovations and landscaping of the Ellis Stone Barn. Jo-Anne Carr had brought copies of the plan but there were not enough copies for everybody. We will bring our copies to the October meeting so you can see them then. The plans include a parking lot and a new structure to hold storage space and toilet facilities. Following supper and a short speech by Vaunita Schnell, our president, Rob MacArthur led a walk through the Gorge, including a look inside the Ellis Stone Barn. By the time we reached the barn, it was growing dark, but with the aid of flashlights we were able to see the amount and condition of the space inside the structure.
The summer having proved a somnolent one for our organization, it was decided to postpone the FIRST FALL MEETING until the 1st Tuesday in October. Therefore the meeting will be TUESDAY,OCTOBER 6,1992.at 7 P.M. at the EMERSON COMMUNITY CENTER.
We hope to see many of you there to help plan activities for the coming season. Autumn Walks? A Fall Clean-up Day? Fund-raising for the repairs to the Barn? Another Picnic? COME WITH ALL YOUR BEST IDEAS!!!
Respectfully Submitted.
Hannah Sherman secretary
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The first meeting of the fall season was held Oct.6 and was held October 6 and was attended by Vaunita Schnell, Rob McArthur, Hannah Sherman, Brian Yates, and Donald Cusack.
At the suggestion of Pres. Schnell, Rob McArthur led off by describing his activities at the Gorge this past summer. He visited several times to empty trash barrels which were overflowing. Raccoons had often strewn the surroundings with the contents of barrels which had not been emptied recently. After several trips to pick up all the trash, Rob removed one of the barrels. People will now have to take their trash elsewhere.
Rob reported-that Hamilton Place is full of junk and trailers belonging to the construction company working there. The contractor does have permission to leave some things there but the amount of stuff far exceeds the amount foreseen by the permit. He suggests we all telephone 523-1212,ask for the supervisor of the Upper Basin and complain about the mess. Perhaps this would spur official action to clean it up. We strongly urge YOU to help. in this way. After all this, Hamilton Place will be paved.
Two new signs for the Gorge are ready, says Rob, but they await supporting wooden structures. These signs would be at Ellis St. and at Hamilton Place. We also hope for plastic covered historical place signs.
The door of the Old Stone Building is rotted and both security lights have been damaged. Suggestions?
The rustic bridge now sports its first graffiti! It has fared very well in the first 4 years of its life, but now somebody has dug into the wood deeply so the message is hard to remove. Echo Bridge masonry is now restored and looks good. One reason it has not yet been afflicted by new damage is that a security guard was on duty there every day all summer. Railings, the staircase, and echo platform will be repaired next summer. We need to plant ground-cover on the bank beside the bridge so it won't have to be mowed, and will still look good. Weeds around the Old Stone Building were cut back on Oct.5.
Bryan Yates reported that he has met with the Intermedial Coordinator of Transportation and tried to get funds for the Old Stone Building. Also, he said that Susan Schur has filed a bill (which has already passed the House and now goes to the Senate) to place the Charles River on the National Heritage list, thus opening the possibility of more funding.
Vaunita Schnell urges us to enlist new members and appoint new committees to accomplish some of our projects. If Rob talks to Commissioner Bhatti, what can he show to encourage release of funds for the building?
The STONE BUILDING COMMITTEE will meet on Thurs., Oct. 22 to make plans. We should show Commissioner Bhatti the plans which were drawn last spring and make further suggestions for renovating the building.
Vaunita Schnell and Hannah Sherman are to go to Newton City Hall to research ownership of land we want to use as parking space. If the City of Newton owns it, how can we persuade them to transfer it to the MDC so it may become part of our property? Or will Newton keep the land and let us use it?
SAVE SUNDAY, NOV.1 for FESTIVITIES at the GORGE to celebrate the renovation of The Echo Bridge. From 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. there will be trail-cleaning, pruning of excess growth, and general pick-up activity. At 3 P.M. we plan to serve refreshments on the bridge! Don Cusack will see that reminders of this event are printed in the local newspapers.
Other business: We need a committee to work on the repair of the raceway dam which leaks. Interested?
We may have a photo contest in the spring. Judging would take place in the summer and winning pictures would be exhibited in the Fall in Newton, Wellesley, and Needham.
MDC Associate Commissioners are touring and will be at the Gorge on Oct.7. Rob hopes to enthuse them about the fish ladder plans so they will find money for that.
As you see we have all sorts of projects in mind. Come to the PARTY on Nov. l and to the meeting on Nov.3 and put in your ideas about all this.
Hannah Sherman secretary
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Only 3 people attended our November meeting. Present were: Vaunita Schnell, Rob McArthur, and Hannah Sherman. The combination of various illnesses and Election Night probably accounted for the small attendance.
Our celebration on Echo Bridge on Nov. 1 was a success. The Friends who helped with the Clean-up and pruning activities in the Gorge did a good job, and the refreshment time on the newly clean bridge was augmented by the presence of a number of people who just happened to be enjoying the Gorge in the autumn weather.
At the Nov. meeting several topics were discussed:
HEAR the Report of THE STONE BUILDING Committee
COME to our meeting on December 1 and let us know your thoughts on all these matters.
Respectfully Submitted.
Hannah Sherman Secretary
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The December meeting was attended by Vaunita Schnell, Brian Yates, Ken Newcomb, and Hannah Sherman, Rob McArthur was sick so could not attend. Jo-Anne Carr sent word that she had another meeting to go to, but hoped to join the Stone Building Committee at a meeting on Thursday, Dec. 3, 1992 to go over the architect's plans for the building. Vaunita Schnell and others feel that the plan does not allow enough space between the proposed fi8sh ladder and the building. They think we should have enough room to admit a fire engine should the need arise. Also, they want more space for parking. We await the report of the committee's progress which we hope to hear at our January 5 Meeting, the first in the new year.
The security lights at the building are still not functioning. Suggestions?
Vaunita Schnell says we MUST harass the MDC about the fish ladders so we can proceed with restoration of the old Stone Building. She and Hannah Sherman still plan to go to Newton city Hall to research ownership of the land we would like to use for parking.
Brian Yates reported that he attended the MDC Centennial Ceremony at Elliot Bridge in Cambridge at which the plans for events celebrating the Centennial were announced. Gov. Weld signed an executive order citing the Blue Hills Reservation, Revere Beach, \, and the Charles river Basin properties and establishing a 'Green Ribbon Committee.' Events to be planned by this committee include an Elm Bank Day, as well as Days to feature other properties. How can we get this committee to select a Hemlock Gorge Day? We need more public notice. Ken Newcomb thinks the City of Newton should support us in this. Vaunita Schnell remarked that the new edition of "In and Out of Boston with Children" does mention our property.
Brian Yates wants to ask Barney Frank to file a bill establishing a Charles River national Heritage Corridor comparable to projects in Baltimore, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. Brian is still trying to encourage Susan Schur to see if extra funds from the Transportation Department could be used for our projects.
We seem to be about where we were last month in our plans and we hope to make better progress in the coming months.
Come to the January Meeting to hear reports and take part in activating new projects.
The meeting adjourned at about 8:15 p.m.
Happy Holidays to Everyone!
Respectfully Submitted.
Hannah Sherman secretary
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