There is no record of a store in Newton prior to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Its population was a mere 1,491 persons who were scattered over a wide 18 square-mile area. Roads were poor and profits were slim. Some might have journeyed on the few passenger stages available to nearby Boston where they would have found in that city of about 25,000 persons many well stocked stores. However, residents of inland villages containing people of less than moderate means normally did not take advantage of this opportunity, perhaps relying upon the itinerant peddlers who had begun to work their way out from the city into the hinterland. Their heavily laden wagons of tinware, kitchen utensils, ladies' bonnets, cloth goods and other items soon became a familiar sight on the rural back roads of New England. So welcome were they for their goods and the sharing of local gossip that peddlers had no problem finding lodging for the night in customers' homes.
Until the village store made its appearance, the tavern was the popular meeting place in the village, second only to the church. The common room of the tavern in those early days was the town's principal business exchange. It was also the dance hall, theater, convention auditorium, lecture and concert hall. It was in the corner of some tavern's common room that a village's first "store" was set up. The wagon supplying the tavern keeper with his regular supply of spirits no doubt found room to handle general merchandise as well.
It is believed that Newton's first store made its appearance about 1820. Upper Falls was among the first to welcome their appearance when two were opened here about that time.
In the
1820s, an "English Goods Store" was operated "on
the south side of a road leading from the Worcester Turnpike to
Elliot's Bridge so-called - in the southerly side of the Village
called the Upper Falls Village." It was one of the first
stores, if not the first, in Newton. It was owned or leased
originally by partners Alvah Kimball and George Sanderson through
1825; to Otis Pettee (the first Postmaster), 1825-1833; Plympton
& Clark, 1833-1836; Pliny Ray and Jesse Winslow, 1836-1840;
Simeon Grover, 1840-1841; Pliny Ray and Jesse Winslow, 1841-1848.
At this point, while the general store remained, the Post Office
was removed to the new block built in 1847 at the junction of
Elliot and Chestnut Streets, near the Baptist Church. James
Taylor (its builder ?) became the Postmaster here in April, 1848.
With the move of the Post Office, the 'center' of the village
shifted with it. No doubt the stage that left the old center in
the morning for Boston, via Newton Centre, and returning in the
afternoon, shifted its 'depot' to the square in front of the new
Post Office block. Sometime after 1847 a new building, or
addition, was joined to the old Post Office building and had
become known as the 'back' store.
The new combined
structure was occupied by two separate stores. The writer can
recall when the rear section was occupied by O'Hara's Meat Market
and the front store by a Chinese laundry. It is believed offices
occupied the second floor. During the time the 'back' store
housed only one store and the post office, it is believed a 'hay
scale' occupied the area in front of the building as it is known
that there was one in the area at that time. Hay and coal scales
were very important as the horse at that time was the main
provider of transportation for homeowners and businessmen alike,
and coal began to be the fuel of the times.
In 1854 Dr. Joseph Huckins Warren, son-in-law of Joseph C. Everett, purchased the combined building and had his office there. However, he sold the property in 1859 and later moved to Dorchester, eventually becoming the personal physician to President Lincoln during the Civil War. Do we see some influence exerted here by J.C. Everett's cousin, Edward Everett, who had become a personal confidant to President Lincoln? (See under THE PEOPLE).
An interesting story is told about an incident in the old general store by John Winslow whose home was but a few feet away:
"One winter evening, three school boys, one of whom I was, were sitting around a red hot stove in the village store, then owned, I think, by Plimpton & Clark. While sitting there we took a notion or a notion took us - to try how it would seem to smoke a long nine; I don't know how it is now, but in those days you could buy a cigar known as the long nine for a cent apiece. So you see, the financial difficulties in our way were not great. We had got the long nines well under way, when to our surprise, perhaps consternation, our schoolmaster, Mr. Barrows, stepped up behind us and in an authoritative manner ordered us to stop that. We did not stop that, but gave him to understand that he was outside his jurisdiction and had no authority to give the order. The good master retreated in disorder, as we did in another sense a few minutes after. We probably smoked a little harder than we otherwise should if we had not raised the question of jurisdiction. I will not speak of what happened to the other boys, but truth compels me to add that in a very short time I could have been seen outside the store in the fresh air looking like a boy uncomfortably at sea. That I may point this tale with a moral, let me add that on reaching home that night I felt a good deal as I suppose the old topers often felt upon returning from a social visit to the old tavern. Not liking to exhibit my demoralized self to the folks at home, I quietly went to bed, and, as I found the next morning, with my boots on. It so happened my good father discovered me in bed the next morning after school time, boots and all on. I have an opinion, not based on fancy, that the old gentleman gave me his poor opinion of my performance, as become a descendant of the Pilgrim Fathers. I never became a smoker for reasons, perhaps, that may be found in part in the displeasure of the schoolmaster as exhibited then and there; also the displeasure of my stomach near that hot stove; also in the displeasure of my faithful father." |
Another early store, also built in the 1820s, was located in an outbuilding of the old tavern house located on the northwest corner of Boylston and Chestnut Streets. It was used by the Baptists for a short time as a meeting place before their church was built.
Later in this section we will add a list of business establishments doing business in Upper Falls at specific periods. The following are those for which some information is available.
Prospect Block, High, Oak, and Elliot Streets, c. 1905 |
Prospect Block, High Street, Newton Upper Falls, looking east, c. 1912 |
Francis Jones, Upper
Falls & Boston Express, at Henry W. Fanning's
store Chestnut Street, Upper Falls Lvs. UF --- 8 AM Lvs. Boston --- 11 AM |
From the outer perimeter of the village these advertisers:
Note the Upper Falls addresses of the above.
We will conclude the listing of nineteenth century businesses by including those (other than ones already mentioned) who advertised in the town directory of 1868. Locations within brackets are added by the author:
The ladies were part of the business scene also:
Ellen Thomason, Fancy Goods | Chestnut St. near Winter |
Anna F. Gould, Dressmaker | Elliot St. near Chestnut |
Sarah Everett, Nurse | High Street |
Jane Dailey, Boarding House | Chestnut St. near Elliot * |
* See further details in chapter OLD HOUSES AND BUILDINGS.
Note how many business establishments were located on Chestnut Street, the early main street of the village. There were, of course, innumerable masons and carpenters who have not been listed here.
For contrast we list businesses serving the community in more modern times, when the village was in its heyday. We have selected the 1923 city directory for our source and we will try to give the locations of the merchants in street order:
Merchant | Location | Trade |
Andrew Mazzone M. O'Keefe Co-operative Grocery Store Harriet Watson Jacob Ehrenfries Querino Quacguarini Joseph Daniele David Berger William Hogg C. H. Bakeman N.U.F. Cash Market Boleslaw Ebel Antonio Vara Perlmutter & Dane Economy Grocery Store Charles Kasrofian Jacob Shear Charles Hagopian Harry Snyder E. E. Gray Co. Thomas E. Ackroyd Levon Ahronian Nestor Kozlenko Cashman & Ginsburg Gaetano Valente H. D. McBride & Co. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Andrew J. Hayden Philip Richman Ellis J. O'Hara Frank H. Meacham Giovanni Volpe Tong Lee H. Ryan R Co. James W. C. Easterbrook James K. Hemphill Fanning Printing Co. Witold Lomar Hagop Boghosian George W. Chase Francis Proctor John Proctor Vincenzo Addonizio Thomas L. Aiken Pettee Inn Chadwick Coal Yard Nicholas Tocci Leonardo Giorgeo Tito Passarini Anteras Bedigian Mechanic House |
977 Chestnut Street 898 Chestnut Street 989 Chestnut Street 997 Chestnut Street 985 Chestnut Street 1005 Chestnut Street 1009 Chestnut Street 1012 &1219 Chestnut St. 1016 Chestnut Street 1022 Chestnut Street 1028 Chestnut Street 1030 Chestnut Street 1083 Chestnut Street 1195-97 Chestnut Street 1199 Chestnut Street 1205 Chestnut Street 1209 Chestnut Street 1213 Chestnut Street 1221 Chestnut Street 1217 Chestnut Street 1220 Chestnut Street 1223 Chestnut Street 1201 Chestnut Street 206 Elliot Street 285 Eliot Street 289 Eliot Street 291 Eliot Street 295 Eliot Street 293 Eliot Street 340 Eliot Street 342 Eliot Street 344 Eliot Street 344 1/2 Eliot Street 36 Elliot Street 50 High Street 44 High Street 88 High Street 46 High Street 80 High Street 65 High Street 19 Winter Street 2 Hale Street 64 Pettee Street 301 Elliot 77 Oak Street 107 Oak Street 108 Oak Street 10 Mechanic Street 10 Mechanic Street 38 Mechanic Street 25 Mechanic Street |
Grocer Grocer Grocer Baker Shoe Repair Groc, Rest. Variety Store Dry Goods Shoe Repair Fancy Goods Prov. Dlr. Barber Grocer Dry Goods Grocer Restaurant Barber Tailor Shoe Repair Grocer Grocer Conf.- Fruit Prov. Dlr. Grocer Confections / Fruit Dry Goods Grocer Grocer Tailor Provisions Dealer. Knit Goods Shoe Repair Laundry Grocer Hardware Photography Printer Barber Conf. - Fruit Garage Prov. Dlr. Prov. Dlr. Prov. Dlr. Druggist Hotel Coal Barber Tailor Grocer Grocer Boarding House |
The above list does not contain manufacturers, masons, nurses, painters, doctors, clergymen, plumbers, truckmen, piano tuners, dentists, dress makers, contractors, real estate brokers, civil engineers, paper hangers and similar occupations.
Finally, a list of merchants found not to have been included in those previously shown or have recently (through about 1995) been established:
Merchant | Location | Merchandise |
The English Garden Flower
Shop Bob's Sub Stop Silver Visions Publishing Co. Echo Bridge Restaurant Delerzon's Drug Store Chinese Laundry Anne's Beauty Shop Upper Falls Variety Store Never On Sunday Barber Shop Turner's Radio Service Eurotouch Cleaners Nick's Pizza Newton Beverage Shops, Inc. Especially for Pets Moon Woman Cafe Legion Barber & Beauty Shop Dunn-Gaherin's Food & Spirits |
285 Elliot Street 295 Elliot Street 301 Elliot Street 1068 Chestnut Street Elliot St., corner Chestnut 1068 Chestnut Street 1068 Chestnut Street 1195 Chestnut Street 1195 Chestnut Street 1213 Chestnut Street 1213 Chestnut Street 1216 Chestnut Street 1220 Chestnut Street 1223 Chestnut Street 108 Oak Street 110 Oak Street 344 Elliot Street |
Various Restaurant Photography Restaurant Pharmacy* Laundry* Beauty* . . . (replaced Turner) . . . . . . |
(*Drug Store, Laundry, & Beauty Shop formerly located in restaurant building)
We would encourage the local reader to form his or her own list and to do some comparing. One drawback is that you will have to be well established in the senior citizen class in order to participate in this exercise.
One question the younger generation will raise is, "How is it that today when the village has a larger population than at any earlier period it is a difficult task to find more than one place where a person could purchase a loaf of bread or a quart of milk within the village limits?"
We offer two reasons. In the old days there were very few residents who owned cars, and today the large supermarkets are outside the village. Remember, too, that there once was a daily doubling of the population by the addition of the out-of-town workers in the mills and other places of employment, providing a considerable number of customers for the merchants.
Copyright 1997, 1998 Kenneth W. Newcomb and The Friends of Hemlock Gorge. All rights reserved. This page last modified October 8, 1998.
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