The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Membership Form

To join the Friends, we ask that you print and complete this brief form.

I would like to become a member of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge Reservation. I wish to join in the following category:

___ Individual $15

___ Student/Senior $10

___ Family $25

___ Organization $50

___ Sponsoring $100

___ Life Member $500


Name :
Street :
Apartment :
City :
State :
Daytime phone :
Evening phone :
E-mail address :
Date: :

Would you like to serve on the FHG Board of Directors? _____

Please make checks payable to The Friends of Hemlock Gorge.
Send it with this completed form to:

The Friends of Hemlock Gorge Reservation
P.O Box 62
Waban, MA 02468

Or you may bring this form to any of our meetings.

Back to the Friends' Home Page

This page last modified April 2, 2019