We recognize that it is Election Day and some dedicated members of the Friends will be unable to attend as they are poll workers or up for election. Kudos to them!
Agenda/Discussion Items
- Treasury report
- Report on our very successful fall cleanup
- Thanks to everyone who came, with a special shout-out to the many Cub Scouts who helped!
- Take a look at the photos from the event at https://hemlockgorge.org/2023/10/2023-fall-cleanup/
- Plans for the December Holiday Party/Business Meeting. The Party will be on our regular meeting date, Tuesday December 5.
- If you would like to attend this always-festive event and vote for the Board and Officers for 2024, either let us know at the November meeting or email us. We need to know how many to plan for.Discussion: Should we move our meetings to first or second Wednesdays or Thursdays to avoid collisions with holidays, some city hall business meetings, and election days (like this one)?
- History of our current meeting day. Pros/cons of changing the day in 2024. If this is important to you, please attend this meeting or tell us by email what your would like us to do or not do!
- Discussion: Should we advertise our meetings on Fig City News (or other places)? If so, should we have a Zoom “Waiting Room” to keep us from getting “Zoom-Bombed”? Even if it is a little inconvenient for regular attendees?
- Discussion: Should we buy (for maybe $200) a Friends of Hemlock Gorge banner on a pole that we can put up at cleanups and other events where we don’t have the person-power to set up our pop-up shelter? This was the case at the fall cleanup.
- Anyone with talent who would like to do the design? Maybe base it on our old logo?
- Update on Stone Building restoration/renovation
- Update on the huge renovation and improvement to our website, spearheaded by the Friends’ Digital Wunderkind Ben Kahn. Take a look before the meeting if you can. Discussion of Ben’s ideas to increase our visibility with mailings and bulletins.
- Report on Scouting projects
- Repairs to the Ellis Street fence looked great on cleanup day.
- Echo Platform still needs work on graffiti
- Box steps repairs
- Jerry Reilly has offered to give us his remaining bound copies of Makers of the Mold. Can anyone pick them up from him?
- Matters arising
Zoom link
Topic: FHG November Meeting
Time: Tuesday Nov 7, 2023 07:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada). You can long in before 7:15 if you like.
Password: 302522