March 14, 2006
Poet Laureate of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge, Sarah Hannah, gave a lovely recitation of her Newton poetry in the Drucker Room of the Newton Public Library on Tuesday March 14. To the webmaster, she recalled the brilliant exuberance of Anne Sexton's readings. This small photo album rcalls the evening. |
The Friends of Hemlock Gorge Poet Laureate Sarah Hannah
Sarah is, in addition to being a member of the Friends, a published poet whose works have appeared in in Parnassus, The Southern Review, Pivot, Barrow Street, Michigan Quarterly Review, Crab Orchard Review, Gulf Coast, and other journals. She is a teacher of Poetry at Emerson College. To learn more about Sarah, see |
Sarah reading to the audience in the Drucker Room |
Sarah Reading |
Friends' President Brain Yates and member Bill Tedoldi listen intently! |
In Memoriam:
Sarah Hannah Age 40, of Waban, died tragically on Wednesday, May 23, 2007. She is survived by husband, Bob O'Hagan; father, Nathan Goldstein; stepmother; Harriet Fishman; stepsister, Jessica Fishman, and her beloved dog Bridgette. She was predeceased by mother, Renee Rothbein. She will be remembered as a lover of nature who loved to sit by the Charles for hours, communing with frog, turtle, bird and dragonfly. She knew all the plants, trees and even wild mushrooms by name. Her first book of poetry was published in 2004; her second due out soon. And she was proud to be named the poet laureate of the Friends of Hemlock Gorge. Her intellect was vast, her sense of humor legendary, her talent extraordinary. She earned her MFA and PhD at Columbia University, and taught at Emerson College. A Memorial Service was held on Thursday, May 31, 2007.
From The Boston Globe Wednesday, May 30, 2007. See:
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Photographs by John P. Mordes, M.D.
Page last updated Saturday, January 12, 2008