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The Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Celebration of Our Spring and Fall Cleanups in 2004

At this year's Fall event, we celebrated Hannah Sherman's many years of service to the Friends as our Secretary and awarded her a lifetime membership


Spring, 2004  

April 24


Brian Yates, Site Supervisor Bob Hassett, and Hank Lysaght

Cleaning up

Cleaning up

High water over the Mills Falls dam

Water rushing through the gorge

Echo Bridge on Clean Up Day

Cleaning up near the dam

Cleaning up near the dam

Working hard by the riverbank

Working hard by the riverbank

Sadly, graffiti under the bridge

A hemlock with its lower branches damaged by the adelgids

A hemlock with its lower branches damaged by the adelgids

A hemlock with its lower branches damaged by the adelgids

The Ken Newcomb Memorial on Clean Up Day


Looking upriver from Artists' Point


Our youngest volunteer gets lunch


After the cleanup


Hank Lysaght and Ken Newcomb's son Bob


Ken Newcomb's son Bob


Site Supervisor Bob Hassett



Lunch after a hard morning's work


Past president of the Friends, Vaunita Schnell, taking pictures of the reservation


Bob Hassett, Brian Yates, and webmaster John Mordes


Bob, Brian, and Vaunita

Fall, 2004 October 30

At this event, we celebrated Hannah Sherman's many years of service to the Friends as our Secretary and awarded her a lifetime membership

The skies were gloomy but the foliage was spectacular

Rick Pearson clearing brush along the Rte. 9 exit ramp near the Circular Dam

Rick Pearson

A serene view of the gorge

DCR staff at work on the new footbridge

DCR staff at work on the new footbridge

DCR staff at work on the new footbridge

The silk mill from Echo Bridge

Fall in the gorge

The silk mill from Echo Bridge

Health appearing hemlock boughs to the right

These hemlock boughs appeared healthier than they had in the spring

These hemlock boughs appeared healthier than they had in the spring

Looking across to the new Echo Platform

Lunch under the tent

By the stone barn

Webmaster John Mordes

Brian Yates introduces Hannah Sherman Raffa

Brian had everyone's attention as he recounted Hannah's years of work for the Friends of Hemlock Gorge

Hannah with Friends' President Brian Yates

Brian presents the lifetime membership and appreciation certificate

Brian presents the lifetime membership and appreciation certificate

Brian presents the lifetime membership and appreciation certificate

A few words from Hannah

Next, the cake

Hannah and her husband Ro admire her award

The stone barn is full of construction material for the new footbridge

A visit to the new footbridge

One last gift: a pumpkin?

DCR staff back at work on the new footbridge





Photographs by John P. Mordes, M.D.

Page last updated November 27, 2004

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